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Everything posted by DonBlack

  1. buff the range on corsair
  2. Can you revert the changes pls?
  3. Servers just went down... or is it just me?
  4. Lol what? You are buffing the RFP??? You should change the accuracy only...
  5. But then you could stay in the gas forever
  6. I think the first point is a bug and they will fix it
  7. I think many people don't like the hazmat suits current state. What would you change?
  8. I can't tell I haven't played at that time Merged. I guess they should lower it to 30sec
  9. Ye I guess you are right... The problem is: When you spawn you are most likely not to get out of the contaminated zones with the time you get with your suit. I spawn -> I have the automatically equipped suit -> I find another suit -> I get a 1min cooldown -> equipped suit runs out -> I die
  10. The map design is great. The idea is great. It's a good alternative. BUT it has some flaws: Hazmat suits have a unnecessary cool down. Buying your own guns make it too easy. There is no good tutorial so new players to this mode don't have any idea what to do...
  11. It just doesn't make any sense... EDIT: Okay it makes sense but it is way too long.. it should be 30secs
  12. problem isn't that other guns are bad (well maybe in the case of snubnose) but RFP is better in most scenarios.
  13. This may be true in some way... but there are a lot of games which show some kind of skillrank and don't have a problem with dethreating. Most of those games offer some kind of reward for being a higher rank. In APB skillranks just don't matter and you don't have a motivation to get to a higher rank.
  14. I even feel like dethreatering is a severe problem than cheaters in this game.
  15. It's even 80% now... a slight nerf to some guns can't be too bad. The changes can still be revoked when people don't like them.
  16. So 74% said yes on the survey. Thats quite a clear result. Would be nice if thats gonna happen as soon as possible when the new engine is around.
  17. Okay so we needs to wait a bit more? Thats okay with me.. I just thought I don't get any ^^ Are you giving away premium per hand? I guess using a script wouldnt be so time consuming...
  18. Which question? Do you mean the question "advanced launcher"?
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