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Everything posted by Crunk

  1. Back in my day, there was no threat segregation, osmaws didn't have timers, 4x4 vehicles didn't exist, and there was "lucky shots" where one really awesome purple bullet randomly came out of someone's gun and determined the winner of a fight, and we wus bettuh fo' it. Seriously just take it as a challenge, maybe even befriend the golds who end up on your team, it's only a game, and the pop is too low to complain about this when only one district is ever full and maybe when you're trying to get *cough* a high end financial contact that rhymes with rebel fog to rank 20, and the silver players insist on playing in waterfront all day erryday, and you just happen to do bad, because it's the weekend and the kids are out, you go get a few ranks till you get gold and the shitty servers kick you..... *cough* Edit: Also can I still add my bump in for my suggestion of a monthly threat reset, and a linear system where once you go up you can't go down, until said reset?
  2. Even with small servers and going against the same people day to day, if you're fostering a relationship based on a game like this, be it competitive or friendly, you're doing things wrong in the area of mental health. This explains why you made the thread, why petty things in the game are getting to bother you, and why most people in this game run to the forums to try and get changes made to build a different experience that isn't what the game was meant to be. If you really think we can hear people on the in-game voice chat software based on distance in an action district to be "friendly" you're sorely mistaken; it was meant to be fairly filled trash talk. I'm not going on an Easter egg hunt for you, but David Jones (founder of RealTimeWorlds) made that clear in several interviews during the development of All Points Bulletin. The experience is meant to be what it is, if you don't like it; /ignore it, like everyone in this thread is telling you. For cases of clearly horrendous acts, such as white supremacy symbolism, the default button for a screenshot if you play on steam is F12, and you can put that screenshot in a report by going to your steam screenshot tab, clicking on "view on disk" and uploading it as an attachment with a report. and lastly this post contradicts your other post, obviously you want people "punished" for talking smack. you don't think that will lower the population as well? I've been playing this game for years, watching this experience cultivate, and if i call you a gosh darn gosh darn and get banned for 30 days or something dumb like that, they've lost all my business.
  3. This is a casual game. plain and simple. There is no such thing as a match lasting hours. There is no competitive elements at all. People can trash talk because that's a major point. There's no standing relationship before or after a 15 minute match, nothing to foster anything real. That's the reason this game is "fun". I don't have to listen to the same 4-9 other people in a room for an hour or two, speaking of strategy and maybe even personal information. This isn't CSGO, or LoL. This is APB, a casual city combat environment, with lots of wacky antics and trash talk, where you can come home from a hard day, go into a district, and really make some stranger, that you've never met, and don't actually care to know, really upset, and posting on a forum about "toxicity" because he's taking a casual game way too seriously. There is no "meta" only people who take things seriously enough to suffer using the same loadout every match. There is no "losing" only getting a slightly less amount of "progression" on a linear character development. There is no "competition" because believe it or not, this game is about having fun with what you want to have fun with. It's a sandbox shooter with lots of awesome mechanics and crazy weapons. Play it like GTA Offline for everyone's sake.
  4. I think it would be a nice thing to have a system implemented that would make opening private communication to someone a request. ie if someone says "/w (your name here) i'm mad you're better than me blah blah blah, a window would prompt you with an option to A: say yes and begin receiving these messages until you close the chat, or B: say no and don't.
  5. All you gotta do is buy an OCSP "Kommandant" requires more hits than an fbw, but has a higher fire rate and a lower ttk, plus it tags people, and you can get it using APB $. goodnight everybody.
  6. Every clothing piece from GTA5 plz.
  7. I know it's always been a high ping thing, having tried an extra character slot for citadel back when they were given out due to jericho having issues, but I live in dallas and get max 30ms to the servers, and I'm getting that stutter effect. this was an issue in OBT and if memory serves right they had to increase ping rate on the server side to make it less choppy, essentially it seems LO has cut ping rate to facilitate less stress to the servers, based on a test world that only had 50 people in it tops. You'll see what I mean I'm sure if you play for a bit.
  8. The changes put forth for weapon balances are rushed and terribly tested, having only been in OTW for less than a week with access to mods, with extremely low population. The "balances" imposed onto the live servers took the game back to the likes of APB's Open Beta Tests. Guns have been buffed and nerfed by comparison to others, the netcode makes your character feel jerky again when you fire, gameplay has been slowed down thanks to the shotguns being overpowered (again). I hate to say this but right now I'm really feeling like I've spent a downpayment on a new car and years of my life to see APB change for the worst. I'm honestly sorry I don't have anything positive to say about anything right now. I'm upset. Thanks for your time anyone who reads this.
  9. fire rate, in other words it was firing 1 bullet every 0.045s and now it's correctly only firing 1 per 0.078s, with 10/11 STK(Shots to Kill) that brings it's minimum TTK from 0.45s, to 0.78s, as originally intended.
  10. "Now what I'd be asking for is to put Hue on a larger than 32 bit scale. *cough*"
  11. but.... #000000 all the way to #200000 is all the same color in apb :c
  12. HSL or Hue, Saturation, Luminance is a lot more of a need than simply RGB, or Red, Green, Blue Imagine having to make shading by calculating exact colors on a spectrum of 16,581,375 combinations, or 5,527,125 colors, instead of just darkening your color with a luminance option... Now what I'd be asking for is to put Hue on a larger than 32 bit scale. *cough*
  13. I feel like people forget Mobility Sling is a purple mod, with the downside of increased equip time. so there are purple mods with downsides, just not Tagger/3PS
  14. negative- it's purple, and takes up a mod slot that could be filled with better mods, like tagger.
  15. https://gyazo.com/6fa2ae296fe68b1497927fab49533654 Your randomized signature has a sense of humor. Also someone please help me, Thonk has a lot of meanings on urban dictionary....
  16. because at any range below 20m it out TTK's the ATAC, and it has a max reserve amo pool of 420, + the first clip of 50, making it a MONSTER in this game in the idea of suppressing your enemies(especially for an SMG), and keeping you from having to refill your ammo for a LONG time. It kills more efficiently than an ATAC in large groups of enemies as well, and strafes faster with MS. Why use the ATAC when you can work your way to a chrome tommygun? It's prettier too. I said I don't care to attempt to make every gun "meta" because "meta" is a stupid word, just like the word "enemy", it's ever-changing and means nothing except for a timestamp. "The exceptions are SMGs that fall into hybrid categories with other archetypes, specifically the VAS-C2 and M-1922." < where does it say Assault Rifle? If anything the M-1922 is a light weight LMG with the survivability and tactical needs of an auto shotgun, and the range of a rifle. It is definitely a hybrid. But it should NOT be balanced against Assault Rifles. If you don't understand the basic idea of a tactical need, such as moving from cover to cover, or why you would NEED to prenade before shooting certain players or where you would need to apply playstyle tweeks based on enemy loadouts, and why I said "most of the time you play it like an auto-shotty" while at the same time I can safely say the weapon can kill fairly consistently at 40-50m, you really aught to get an education. I'm against recoil being reverted to something that does not fit the weapon, which IS the pre-2015 state. Does that answer your stupid questions? On a side note: Does anyone here really not enjoy the fact that this gun can be a jack of all trades, master of none? Good strategy and loadout this gun can do anything, just not as well as guns made to do those things, really what is wrong with that?
  17. I agree to a balance pass or a buff, but screw saying the gun is uncontrollable and needs to be returned to pre-2k15 stats. I personally like the fact it covers it's own little niche quite well and I don't much care for it being used by losers that go for the meta weapons all the time instead of playing the game and developing a style.
  18. the game isn't on paper. I destroyed you going 11-5 in-game with it, you ended up switching to an ATAC, and the only "tactic" you pulled off was rushing us in your vehicles for a cheap win. My point was validated outside the forum, so have fun raging in here because you can't properly use a weapon.
  19. HS makes the zoom too high, and the bloom is already capped, so it's not a smart choice to completely remove hipfire accuracy alltogether for next to no positive side, and again, bloom is capped, you can fire full auto and not go higher than a specific bloom even with CJ3, I also said there's an optional config for longer range fights, but noone reads. This is my favorite weapon and more than 2/3 of my gametime is using it, there are so many intricacies involved in how to play it and what is workable and not, I have a passion for the weapon, both in this game and IRL, and I'm telling you guys it's not as bad as this person who probably just can't use it is making it out to be. Edit: I should also say there is a graphical problem that was mentioned a long time ago, and never fixed, your bullets NEVER land outside your crosshair, even though graphically they do.
  20. 1280x960, same sense for both, and just because I say it should tactically be used as an auto shotty doesn't mean it should be fired as one. it also absolutely DOES outrange any SMG in the game currently, I get consistent kills at 40-50m with it. It's a tommygun, in the chicago mobster style, it's meant to sweep buildings, suppress, and wound/kill wounded. Guns don't have to be META to be part of the game. Don't fuck with my toy anymore.
  21. I play a sensitivity exactly 4x lower than yours and I can control the recoil of the M1922 just fine, even in marksman. It's not hard at all. The point isn't the recoil is too hard to control, it's that it doesn't belong on the gun. It makes it a fuzzy bunny to fight other SMGs CQC with, shotguns can already 2 click you, and against a rifle, at a semi-effective range for a rifle, you'll lose every time. It is outclassed in every area. And my point is, classing the weapon into it's ORIGINAL recoil to where it DOES outdo rifles and shotguns is stupid. It's a niche weapon with rewarding gameplay if you use it correctly.
  22. This speshul kid just made an entire post based on me saying "at certain ranges it's best to hipfire" comparing it to an NFAS eg: FUCKING 2M is better to hipfire. Bro you wanna go? Edit: also btw if you really think it's uncontrollable you need to get better motor skills, I fire damn near perfect with it with 400 DPI and 20 in-game sensitivity, so it's not the gun's fault you can't move your hand at the proper pace to cover the recoil.
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