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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Putting 'meme' clips with apb clips is not funny. It is lazy and boring.
  2. Wow you really made this ugly didn't you.
  3. That's already the story of APB. Enforcers are just citizens enabled by the CSA.
  4. NotZombieBiscuit

    Apb premium

    I think you are very delusional or optimistic that people are just willing to almost freely give up their money out of goodwill en mass among the APB playerbase as a support.
  5. Rare rewards should be done through 'daily tracker'. Something like do 50 daily missions and your 50th will be a rare reward one.
  6. Maybe behind all my joking and shitposting there is a tinge of truth.
  7. NotZombieBiscuit

    Apb premium

    Who is actually going to pay 40$ a month for apb premium.
  8. What happens after the pay for the best version of EAC and they are still there?
  9. But what if they switch to EAC and they don't get banned?
  10. Still waiting for the anubis revert they promised 4 years ago.
  11. Because I enjoy clinging to the last game forum I still actively post on or exists to me.
  12. Born to shitpost. Live to shitpost. Die from shitpost.
  13. I unironically do enjoy 3 second long fights. Most of the games I like have fights that go for 10+ seconds. And one of its strengths is a longer TTK than most games.
  14. Please stop. APB is not GTA. GTA is not APB. They are different genres and games with very different focus.
  15. Sigh. You were doing so well this week.
  16. You have to choose somewhere along that cone; You're either stating the deviation of it at the point of origin or some 2d slice along the cone. 10m is a nice point.
  17. Unfortunately that kind of gameplay was already niche and is only getting even more niche. Everyone wants quick 2-3 shot kills like CoD. Obviously APB doesn't need multi-second long ttk (even though some of the best dueling games I've ever played were multi second long fights or even longer) but it really does benefit from being on the longer side. Especially in a third person game. Don't even get me started on the people that will somehow make the argument that GUNS KILL PEOPLE QUICK. ITS NOT REALISTIC TO TANK MULTIPLE SHOTS. I hate to keep ragging on CoD because honestly the games aren't as bad as the rep they get from people that don't play them, but they really were the start of the sort of casino slot machine ttk. Games that don't ascribe to the lane map design, mercy of spawns, and short ttk that promotes just pulling the slot machine over and over and everyone gets some micro wins constantly to keep them engaged are almost always the ones that fall to the side. I'm just rambling now even though I could go for days.
  18. It's not even just tactics. It is just far more fun to actually have 'duels' with people.
  19. Because basic mathematics does not care.
  20. I think you might just want to go play GTA and Forza or something.
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