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Everything posted by DeadPixels

  1. So let me get this straight, if someone uses something that is against the rules you can do it to? These streamers and youtubers you are talking about are maybe not banned just yet, but this doesn't mean they are not gonna be in the near future.
  2. If you are really going to say this was fine matchmaking, then what's the point in having bronze servers. 1 color, everybody plays against each other, the old and the new... i guess this would be fine as well by your standards. APB can't really get any new players. Silver is to easy to achieve, new players of course join silver districts and have to play against veterans. After couple of missions they leave and never come back. Everything is fine, matchmaking is fine
  3. You didn't read what i typed or just ignore it. What part of ''we had no big resilience in the beginning of the game'' didn't you understand? On the last stage when their team regrouped we couldn't do anything. I already said the score is irrelevant. I can equip NFAS, corner camp and get a lot of kills. Does this mean i am a good player?
  4. They sure do change the looks of armas marketplace every couple of months, but some more important thing don't change for years
  5. Score is pretty even because the other team had a hard time catching up with us at the beginning, we made most of the objectives with no resilience. But at the end in the last stage (capture 3 points) we had no chance. Sure gold 1 and silver 10 aren't very different, but you are clearly missing the point. New players don't know the map so well, same goes about weapons and other stuff. You can not justified that the matchmaking was ok!
  6. I removed the names and the scores since they are not relevant, except one.. Trainees are not the only players who get bad matchmaking, low level silver players do to. These are the players who are also new to the game but already obtained silver rank! The game actually started as 4 players on our team against 3 on theirs (which was i guess... decent matchmaking). But what happened next, they could call backup and so they did. WHY, where is the logic? Now on why did i leave the score of one of the player on my team visible, because that was his actual score. When i asked him why is he not playing, he answered he's not good enough to play against the opposite team, so we had to play 3 vs 4! I told him to go to bronze after the game, he didn't know how to do it (of course i explained it to him). I meet a lot of low level silvers when i play solo, and a lot of time when i tell these players to go to bronze they ask me why would they do such a thing if they are silver. I have to explain that silver play in bronze and gold play in silver district. When they ask me why is it like this.... i don't have an answer to this question. Matchmaking sucks
  7. The other day Matt stated they only approved temporarily use of Advanced APB Launcher, anything else is supposed to be a no-go. Since there is no option to remove fog there, how is this allowed? All this constant changing files and not knowing what is and isn't allowed is just crazy. They should pin a topic about this matter and not just answers some person question in some random thread or discord. Not everybody checks and reads everything so i'm sure half of the population doesn't even know about it
  8. It was never allowed. Yeah you can see some stream with crosshair dot and even borderlands shaders - clearly wanting to get caught and banned.
  9. I do agree that messing with game config should be against the rules, but you have to understand that players are using it only because of how badly the game currently runs. I would love to play the game on the highest graphics like i did years ago, but the thing is even on minimal graphic i keep getting stuttering all the time (especially in close gun fights). It's really frustrating to lose fights because of this problem, this is also the biggest reason why i don't really play this game anymore. I tried so many things that players suggested, some things did help a little, but there seems to be no fix to this.
  10. I am confused, do we have to log on every character? I'm sure most of the players have multiple characters on their accounts but don't play all characters. I mostly play on just one character (leveling him to max rank), some of them i haven't played in more than 1 year
  11. What Easy Anti-cheat got banned.....damn! (X_X)
  12. You are right it's not, but banning and then unbanning players is not a ok. Ether give a player temporary or a permanent ban. If players will think that there is a chance of getting unbanned then they will start making threads (like this one) and won't take them so seriously
  13. Just because you so more cyrillic in the game doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Adjust to the situation or leave , it's totally up to you.
  14. Again not a good idea, especially since there are still so many players who dethreat in this game. By playing this game for a long time i noticed three things. Even if you are a good player, it really depends a lot on how good your and the enemy teams are + on the spot where the objective is. It's up to you and your whole team to cooperate and adjust to the situation. Sure one good player can do a lot by himself, but he can't do everything...teamwork is always the key to success!
  15. Do you really think this guy deserves another chance? Just by reading his comments i can see he has no remorse for his actions and if he would get unbanned he would definitely do it again. I do know people can change, but i don't believe this one can. Instead of apologising to the community he complains about his ban and states grifing is not a bad thing and that it was not fair for him to get banned in the first place
  16. The more you talk, less sense you make. You said multiple times you don't care that you got banned and at the same time you cry and complain about it. As for the players who were unbanned, a lot of them were falsely banned. They probably couldn't determine who were really cheating and who weren't, so everybody got a second chance but hey so did you. You were first temp banned, but you still continued and then what happened? The drama is real with this one
  17. How is this thread still not locked, mods not doing their job..
  18. Yeah i mostly play solo nowadays and most of my gold teammates play like silvers, so what's the point in having gold. Make new players green and other players silver, problem solved xD
  19. While they are at it they should delete gold districts as well since they are always empty
  20. A player who has multiple 255 characters can always make a new character
  21. You don't have to be a genius to notice this right...he clearly wants attention and i'm sure eventually he's going to make a new account and start doing the same thing he has been doing for years
  22. I'm generally surprised how many people here in this thread are defend griefing
  23. If you check APB Player Statistics you can see average player count per day was only about 100, but i am sure we can expect more. Some players made a new account to play on Citadel, but we should also assume some didn't. If you have bought a lot of weapons and made a lot great symbols, etc....over the years you probably don't want to start from 0 all over again
  24. They have to transfer thousands accounts and yet if we check APB Player Statistics we can see average player count per day is only 100 LUL xD
  25. Yeah because that makes a lot of sanse, i killed many players over the years and never got banned for it >_>
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