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Everything posted by Motorola

  1. Asylum felt better on Beta than Live Financial felt better on Beta than Live Waterfront felt worse on Beta than Live
  2. i dont like the way they go about balancing guns either. they balance certain guns around "meta" mod setups so its like a biased way to change the gun. not everyone uses IR3 and HS3 on ntec so why would balance it around that? the newest change ruined CJ3 ntec.... great, one less mod that isnt viable... first HB2 and now CJ 3 lol. same with the manic... not everyone using manic was using it with hs3 and ir3... the way you nerfed it you now have to use it with HS3 to get anytype of accuracy with it.... this gun was like a perfect gun that didnt need any red or orange mod. 1 slot manic with mobility sling was perfect and now if you want to use manic you would have to grind 10k jt or pay real money for it... nice.
  3. ur litterally crying ingame about input lag... why? lol like being on the ground level of the same area is going to magically drop my fps by 80?
  4. i just run kevlar users over all the time or crash cars into them. kevlar is a useless mod 99% of the time
  5. you guys should try making other ar's a little easier to use for their intended purposes... if ARs are supposed to be midranged guns then make them better for that. ntec is the only good mid range gun, you have all these other ARs that just plain suck at both every other range and mid range.... you have a weird long range AR star LCR that is the most shittiest weapon ive ever used... aces rifle which is like a shittier smg... frenzy which is like an ltl ntec or might as well be since its ttk is so slow.... atac which is litterally an oca you marksman with... the only ar i use now other than the ntec is the the raptor 45 which i feel is pretty nice and balanced.... other then that what else is there?
  6. i cap my fps to 120 i could get 145 there. hes mad and thinks he knows alot lol.
  7. the game runs smooth af now on live im using a config to disable most of the high graphics and lowering settings that would cause bad performance but on the beta version of the engine i just lowered some settings like shadows, and im getting 145 fps capped. really looking forward to this being released
  8. when i face bronzes and silvers i just try to get the mission over with as fast as possible... its not fun for me and im sure its not fun for them. this is a problem the devs need to fix... not us. its not fun facing grouped veteran players with brand new players on my team either... i usually exit the client and restart. this is a problem the devs need to fix... first of all it shouldnt match grouped players vs solo players but atm we dont have the pop to change that so whatever... but if they are serious about attracting and building a new playerbase they really need to focus on the matchmaking groups and solo players and new vs veterans.
  9. so you mean a bronze district and a silver district like now? yeah that would work so nice
  10. they copy your live character over to beta server so no. upgrade to intel and nvidia, they are actually made for gaming unlike AMD/ATI.
  11. well you also changed the far also.... you guys couldve left the far how it was before the balance patch and then leave the ntec at 2.0 and both would be good guns... i was using the FAR and Ntec before the changes but making the far way more inaccurate isnt gonna make me want to use it no matter how much you try to nerf the ntec's accuracy to compensate.
  12. if its possible to 'farm bronzes' then people will do it... thats just how life works.. whatever can be abused will be always. The devs need to create a system that doesnt allow for this type of abuse... and thats what we call 'balancing'....
  13. its really annoying when you are robbed of the opportunity to play a balanced match because of someone outside of your mission stopping you. just the other day i lost a mission because a player blocked the entrance to my item drop with his car and i couldnt blow it up because he wasnt in my mission.
  14. you guys really need to balance around the ntec instead of nerfing it.
  15. it was always 400... lol. and you guys should just stop changing the ntec... stop.
  16. Explosives are annoying but they really aren't an issue. I'd rather they disable asylum and bring back beacon.
  17. wait so they removed items you paid g1c for and didnt refund the g1c? or what?
  18. duck, firework, ursus only good ones in my opinion. the rest are useless
  19. I know, but id rather see a perm version in the joker store.
  20. unless they removed it, thats already there. I'd like to see the VBR 'Temptress' put on the joker store please.
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