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Everything posted by vsb

  1. well now we know that you’re full of shit lol youre either lying or you managed to find the single most inept GM the game has ever had
  2. you’ve had about zero people agree with you in this thread, maybe you should rethink which one of us is going against the grain here
  3. this is some premium logic, i can’t even imagine having such a large cognitive disconnect that whatever i say is right just because i said it lmao
  4. i mean we can pretend that having 1 out of 4 character mods (fragile) actually being useful is good balance if you want how is it ignorant to propose that the majority of the player base will decide to sit on corners for easy kills instead of running around out of cover risking instant death? headshots will be pretty easy in apb, most of the guns have low recoil, characters move at a constant speed nearly all the time, and you can see anyone coming and line up a headshot without even exposing yourself pushing for headshots isn’t a one sided agenda but pushing not to have them is? lol nice try
  5. there wasnt even an attempt for the ball from blue and yellow cold blooded murder
  6. you aren’t some kind of martyr just because you’re the only one who thinks headshots are a good idea lol
  7. if it increases maximum reticule bloom tap firing the ntec shouldn’t be affected since it takes several shots for it to reach max bloom
  8. there’s no rushing an entrenched player when all they need is a single shot to put u down you agreed with me despite the fact that i listed the single way that every defensive player will play 1 =/= coubtless you repeatedly miss the point that you and your “mates” can’t prefire every corner, not only does it give away your position but it would slow down the game even more kevlar will be useless with headshots, extra health doesn’t help when you’re getting one shot clotting agent will be useless with headshots, you can’t refer when you’ve been one shot flak jacket will be useless, reduced grenade damage doesn’t matter if grenades are one shot
  9. you clearly don’t understand that systems would have to be reworked around headshots, it’s not as simple as just adding a hit box for the head (and even that wouldn’t be easy)
  10. it will make combat less predictable because you wont ever be able to react to a defender popping from a random corner and instantly killing you, this isnt csgo where the maps are small and vantage points are limited what would they be shooting at? theres no way for you to know where the enemy is until they kill one of you, at which point you're at even more of a disadvantage since you still have to move out of cover and now you're down a man firefights will consist of: sit on overwath position wait until enemy has committed to moving out of cover peek for a fraction of a second fire a single shot to kill enemy return to cover instant TTK means you pose a threat to every single one of that 4 man group - you can kill one of them just as fast as they can kill you, thus making teamwork far less important and forcing players to rely more on twitch aim than tactics making gameplay unpredictable is not "spicing it up", csgo has very little unpredictability and yet you keep touting it as what apb should be theres no way you can claim to be able to reliably fire back at someone who pops a corner and fires one shot, especially since it could be literally any corner you dont instantly die if you get caught in the open currently, theres a pretty decent chance to fight back most of the time that doesnt happen if headshots are added forcing players to stand still and scope in would slow the gameplay down even more than headshots already would EDIT: still waiting on some fixes for how you would fix the broken modification system oh and the damage dropoff system too
  11. i assumed the "you" was you and the "he/him" was the OP, prolly could have cut the og quote down but thats annoying to do on phone
  12. players with bad aim will have far less of a chance because the game will become more reliant on aim - how do you not understand this? how can you grenade someone when you have no idea where they are? with the current apb even if someone gets the first shot off on you there a chance for you to fight back - that disappears if we make the first shot an instant kill headshot if you cant understand the difference between defenders camping corners and attackers being forced to move out of cover then honestly you shouldnt even have posting privileges firefights will consist of 1 gunshot at best, thats not interesting whatsoever compared to current gunfights its not going to be difficult, lowering the ttk means that it will be easier to take down multiple opponents - taking on multiple opponents currently requires far more skill than it would with headshots again you dont seem to understand that attackers are forced to move out of cover and defenders are not no, explosive are not a valid answer to someone sitting on a corner, this isnt csgo, in apb a player on a corner will be able to see you without ever exposing himself - the only time he would have to take any risk is when he pops out for an instant kill headshot theres no way for you to identify an enemy behind a corner, in a game like csgo they have to physically move around the corner in order to see beyond it thus exposing them to sight and bullets - in apb you never have to leave the corner in order to see past it speaking of mods you still havent offered any fixes for headshots ruining modification balance so you agree that headshots would make long range weapons incredibly overpowered, thanks for agreeing the only way to get close without risking a headshot is to drive a car up, but then we're right back to people doing nothing but camping corners and driving cars around
  13. forcing twitch aim and reaction time based combat makes the game more challenging for the wrong reasons, currently players with bad aim can attempt to compete because apb rewards good game knowledge and tactics - adding headshots will negate that theres no point in being able to move fast because everyone will just be sitting on corners firefights will be over instantly, apb isnt designed to be a realistic shooter this is not something that should be made easier all it will do is force people to camp on corners and in cars even more than they already do this isnt csgo where if people can see you, you can see them - anyone rushing is going to be cut down before they even have time to react any gun that has any rng will instantly become useless because theres a chance it will miss that first shot on the head - long range guns will be used almost exclusively because the longer ttk they have is negated by headshots and they have perfect acccuracy from 0m-100m
  14. headshots would force you to play way more tactically which would slow down the game, do you honestly think csgo would have such slow gameplay if headshots were removed? as for pulling arguments out of my patootie, you have yet to provide any suggestions for how to fix the systems that adding headshots will break
  15. that’s what exactly what new players are, they have no concept of most of the tactics available in apb - a headshot system would allow any moderately skilled player to mow down new players with impunity it will slow down the game, you claim to play csgo and yet you can’t tell the difference between the play speed of apb and csgo
  16. it would slow the game down to ridiculous levels which is the opposite of what apb was designed for, if you want to play csgo go play csgo
  17. the difference is that with the current system lower skilled players still have a chance to kill higher skilled players because there’s a soft limit on how many people a single player can handle in a firefight what new player is going to stick around to become a pro when they get instantly downed whenever they get within 100m of the objective? or when a higher skilled player can kill 4 new players in a single magazine? or when a high ranked player with low yields can dump 3 one hit kill grenades onto a team before a low ranked player can cook 2?
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