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Everything posted by vsb

  1. is this yood idk anyone else who types nonsense with so much conviction
  2. 100% honesty i would use the fuck out of the new gun if it sounded like that, just 24/7 memes
  3. i don't really mind them but in the end joker boxes are a manipulative product designed to fleece customers of money - regardless of their legal classification they are gambling (99.9% of buyers arent buying for 3 day lease rewards lmao) and the house always wins
  4. i type exclusively with wingdings 3 font in apb chat, my teammates are so dumb they never get my callouts
  5. vsb

    San Paro Pass

    $9 for like $50 worth of stuff what could go wrong
  6. i think some of the guns need to be redone some are too SMASH but they should be more like CRACK and some are too BOOM when they should be more BAM and there are others that are PSH but they should be psh but my personal favorite is the dmr av thats BOOM-OOM-oom orbit pls fix
  7. this may have been how threat was distributed immediately after the last major threat rebalance which was like 4 or 5 years ago iirc in the meantime threat inflation has had free rein to fuck up the bell curve as i said earlier the "evidence" is likely gone since the old forums and apbdb sites are no longer available, but it makes far more sense that the old 1-10 threat levels were hidden than a switch to only 4 different threat levels the reason you get unbalanced matchups like that is because the system is forced to work with the available players - if you have to divide a penny, nickle, dime, and quarter as evenly as possible you end up with 16 cents on one side and 25 cents on the other, not much you can do about it other than wait (potentially forever) until you get another quarter iirc this was in the context of "because the system allows dethreating and it shouldnt", not because the system forces dethreating for fair play
  8. thx 4 tha plug maj wasnt gona buy bt u changed my mind
  9. the only “toxic” person in this thread is you atm lol
  10. tbh there probably is no source now that the old forums and old abpdb have both been nuked the threat system is fundamentally fine, it’s based on the same glicko rating calculation that csgo uses - if i had to change one thing it would be to alter global threat calculation from static (anyone can be any threat, regardless of other players) to dynamic (only a certain percentage of active players can be a certain threat) matchmaking is also fine there’s just not enough players in a district to always get even matches, but changes to the district system are already planned for the future your ignorance (willing or not) of the underlying mechanics behind these systems has led you to make poorly thought out suggestions
  11. it’s pretty clear hexerin was talking about another joker box release, not the gun itself
  12. maybe next time try reading the things you quote instead of just smashing your face into your keyboard
  13. just like in r6 siege and csgo, apb has multiple different “levels” within each threat color (bronze1-bronze10, silver1-silver10, gold1-gold10) they just aren’t visually shown
  14. yeah i too am interested in getting killed by an fbw in .2s
  15. i think i can safely say that no one was going to do this
  16. vsb


    the main issue/deterrent with civil charges against cheat creators is pursuing legal action when the creator is the resident of another country
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