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Okay, cheating is a problem in every game, even APB has its little underground forum where cheaters come together and discuss their stuff (its funny And yes i do believe NA has more problems than EU due to the fact that NA servers in other games also have higher cheating populations. But guys, in reality the cheating community in apb is tiny, and are always the same people. And if u wanna complain about battle eye, well than give APB a million dollar/euro and let them buy a better anticheat lol. I find APB support very good, they provide reasonable fast response and are clear in their actions. U cant blame them for not banning every single person u report, because i am 100 percent sure that for every 100 people u report, there might be 1-5 cheaters
I'd rather see legendaries be unlegendaried, Just like the hazardous. Id rather see deep impact become a regular weapon and OPGL become legendary and dont even mention the other grenade launcher lol. there are too many .. useless legendaries, i rather have less legendaries who are worth alot, and thus .. legendary guns, rarely seen or worth alot. Than alot of legendaries, on the market for cheap money. I also think REAL legendary guns should ONLY be rewardable ones, Like the FFA R&D, The only REAL legendary at this point all the rest are sublegendaries
I dont really need new cars. more like new kits for unused cars, like the cisco. Or a new system where tuning your cars increases performance or decreases, the problem there is ofcourse you dont want cars to become p2w so there has to be a balance. or make kits rentable? and also purchasable by joker points. idk, just ideas lol
It isnt basicly not sold haha
Hi As i am a person who switches weapons alot i am very frustrated by the fact that u cant put a weapon or weapons as favorite and thus put them at the top of ur inventory, making it easyer to switch during combat. I will go even further and ask that it might be discussed that u might add premade setups linked the the outfits, that it remembers the weapons etc, so when in combat u can easely change from rifleman to shotgunner or demolition man. that your mods, weapons and even outfit change just by the click of a button. Than i would like to ask that if there is time for it (no priority what so ever) u add a search option in the mail section, i currently have 499 unopened mails, this mainly being unopened weapons and vehicles, if i were able to search between them to find the weapon i need, just by typing it, that would be great, thank you
i brought up a dethreat in a ticket, the person had 2 kills and 27 deaths or something, and had a picture of him saying i am deranking. i havent seen the person involved online since the support awnsered to say the account was under investigation.. also please dont use the forum as rage relief,, because you just been told, that no changes will be made untill engine is out, And that the only way to fix current ranking system is to have more people... Trust me EVERYONE want the ranking system different, but EVERYONE wants alot of things - new engine (modern game) - clan system reworked - new districts - new stuff - new alot off stuff - ranking system changed - ..... This game was a mess when LO got it, just starting with it was not playable, uptill now they have added stuff, balanced out the armas, removed the lagg, balanced out weapons, and gave us a working support and admins. right now they have everything focussed on the engine. and i believe everyone in this community understands your frustrations, and LO appreciates ideas and they try to listen to the community, but dont expect magic things to happen. Reworking a ranked system is not that easy, its basicly changing the core of the game.. sry if i seemed a bit harsh in this response, (not intended)
I understand your frustration, However dont think it is any different on a silver district. The problem is there is a steep learning curve and there are not enough players right now to split up the community to newbie - regular - good - pro.. So the split up right now is done in 2 Bronze district : Newbie ; regular ; good Silver district : Regular ; good ; pro The difference between a good player and a pro player is immense it is as if the good player has no idea how to game works. so imagine the difference for a newbie who meets a good player or even a regular one. Add to it, that this game is not for the weak hearted, i basicly NEVER rage on other games, but i tend to rage 3 - 4 times a day on APB, the game is frustrating from time to time, because at 1 point u are owning people or having a good game, and somethimes u just struggle to even get 1 kill. Players look like cheaters etc. and i can assure you Little orbit does alot against derankers. it might not feel like it but it is Also, it is not because people are gold in bronze district that they are derankers . a person can be a terrible player in silver district , but a too good player for bronze... I call them the in betweeners, they suck but are too good, so they become gold, go to silver district , get destroyed and than turn to bronze district where they will stay because ... they win.. This is a problem that will only be solved by having more people and being able to split the community up.
I reccomend u take a look at the new updates coming this wednesday. The entire mission system has been touched a little bit including VIP Consumables have been editted and some guns have been nerfed., i do have to say , i dissagree with your ntec, it is still a good gun, used by most, no reason to buff it again
to come back on the kill eachother in district, i kno its sounds a bit messy, but it is but an idea, doubt it will ever happen due to the fact its to much chaos haha. And to come back on the social district, in my eyes the current social district has to dissapear. its needs to be simpler, a meeting ground for all players, than a corner for clothes, a corner for cars and a corner for whatever else haha. also a shooting range wouldnt be too bad, where u can trial guns without having to buy them. on the clan district i mentioned, i wouldnt make it so u could edit alot their, only clan stuff, if u want to edit a car or something else u go to the social. it is not suposed to become the new hangout area haha.
The FFA R&D III is not purchasable in joker store though .., i also never said the ursus was the best gun, i personally hate the ursus cant play with it. But, it is, at this moment the most expensive gun on the credits market, soooo only gun worth spending ur JT on in the hopes of getting a permanent weapon is the ursus purely due to the fact that it is worth 4.5 - 5 million , sell it and u can get 2 - 3 less expensive legendaries that u want to play, like the vbr or the cap40 . lets look purely at primary and secondary guns why should a secondary gun cost evenly amount of JT than primary gun?
What's the best items I could possibly buy from the Armas marketplace?
dieltdaan replied to Jacksiegel's topic in New Players
The gun u use most in the game, get that permanently. Premium account and a 4 slot car .. -
Right now the only weapon worth buying in the joker store is the ursus due to the fact that it is the most expensive gun... you alrdy see a doubling of the amount of ursusses in the mission districts . almost every mission someone has one (and no not the same ppl). if this goes on ursus will loose value, it has already dropped with 400k, if this continues not only ursus but all legendaries will loose what make legendaries so special (the fact that they are hard to get). and yes i am aware that not all of them are tradable, and probably most are rented, but u dont see alot of other legendaries popping up... @AlishaHutt to say ooh but in armas they were also 99 g1c all of them, first of all, this is gambling and becoming illigal in most countries in EU, trust me when corona settles down , this will become a subject again. opening loot boxes has already become illigal in belgium, netherlands is soon to follow, after that it is a matter of time before, france and germany follow ... so comparing it to that is just . silly also it was completely different, because u had the chanse to get alot of different stuff aswell, not just the legendary, so u werent paying just for the legendary but for all the rest aswell. @NotZombieBiscuit u do want the game owner to meddle with player economy 0.o, because players cant be trusted ... ofcourse players have a small say in what should cost what but in reality it is the game who decides what it rare and what is not. players just give numbers to it...
hi, quite the long topic XD i agree the clan system has to change right now it is boring and empty, only reason to join a clan is to have people to play with. I also agree there should be a clan zone , u say in social.. i say make a whole new district, the Clan district. this is where u will find your clan vendor, the clan inventory etc. also i agree with the tier system, wouldnt call it tier thats kinda lame though xD. there will be various ways in "tiering" up, by having your members do missions (this is the slowest way). or by participating in clan v clan combat. it would look alot like fight club in my eyes. and i would add an alliance/war system, u can declare war on clans and for example, make them killable in the mission districts, or get more XP when killing a person of the opposing clan u are at war with. with doing this we have to be carefull not to create too much chaos in the mission districts. the rank system u propose looks to military to my thoughts, for enforcers this might work, but not for criminal clans, but i agree there should be a hiearchy. as for the clan vault, having active members should work in benefit of the clan, so say for every completed mission by a member the clan vault recieves say 100 credits maybe a bit more. there should be a clan ranking system, by doing the clan v clan thingies. being the top clan or top 3 clan should allow the clan to recieve vehicles or permanent weapons, or mods that they can distribute to their members. also in doing this we should watch out in not making the stronger clans stronger and the weaker clans weaker. but .... saying all this. i also think that it is too soon to do this.. yes small changes HAVE to be made to the clan system, just to make it more appealing. because having friends, or a fun clan to come back to is the reason why many players come back to a game, and a good clan base will increase the game's population. but all the rest like the clan district etc is not priority. though it could be things to look forward to i played a dead game with a daily population of 500 (thats nothing) for 3 more years because the clan i was in was so fun. the clan competitions and such were fun.
Hello, I am very happy with the adding of the legendary weapons in the joker store, however a big issue remains,... Every legendary in the joker store is 2500JT but when they are traded the prices are different, for example: De ursus market value is about 5 000 000 credits The Hazardous market vallue is about 450 000 this is a difference of 4 550 000 crezdits BUT in the joker store they are both 2500 JT in all reality there is no reason for people to buy anything else than the ursus in the joker store, because if u manage to get the tradable ursus and sell it , u own 5 mil, with that 5 mil u can buy 3 - 4 or even more of the less valuable legendaries, Not only is it more logical to give every legendary a different price in Joker tokens because of the difference in credit vallue, The owner of the game (being u) has a say in the market value, by changing the joker store price of a legendary u will also change the value of the weapons in credits. when u nerf or buff, or even add a weapon in the future u will be able to guess the price in credits it will be by determining the joker store price. for example i believe the ursus in joker store should be more expensive somewhere arround 3000 JT , or even more, and for example the hazardous should be 800 JT (or something) this way u will make sure that some legendaries will remain rare, and will continue to have vallue, right now, i own 5 ursus weapons, if i sell them i will have 25 million extra credits . and i can basicly do what i want. Regards Dieltdaan
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Hello My ingame name is daan245 i am 24 years old and i have played the game for 256 hours says steam, but i also played the game when there was still a thing called the gamersfirst launcher. My current criminal character is rank 141. I am what is called a whale, i open armas shop quite alot, and if i like it i must have it. I am a premium player and i consider myself to be a decent costumizer of cars. I have a full time job and usually work about 12 hours per day, so i am i only online in the evening. I also play mutliple games so it might be i do not come online for 1 day or perhaps 2. I am ALWAYS on steam, i have discord, teamspeak 3 and mumble I have a headset which obviously includes a mic (otherwise it wouldnt be a headset). I love to do races and grind missions. I am a mid range to long range player And i basicly got back into the game when i heard LO took over the ownsership, before that, the last time i started up APB was in 2013. I would like to try out this clan, and see if i like it. Do give me an invite or sent me a message, Regards daan245