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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. Not really an issue since I'm pretty sure LO is going to revisit IR. Alternatively they could change IR3 to HS3 on the Fang. Not sure where you got that from, since the RFA has never been even remotely like the N-FA and used to be nearly worthless outside of MM. I personally like the R2 a lot, not that I think it's actually good.
  2. Just saying that as someone who's never really been into clans. That said, I don't play in premades much either.
  3. Wait, but you're the one who disagrees with the current way the game is. . . . . . so. . . if anything, this game isn't *for you*.
  4. There are premades that aren't clans BTW.
  5. I've honestly always had a harder time making out anything when my whole screen is basically random solid pastel colors, but I know that's just me.
  6. Alas, the CSG and JG will not be reverted because. . . reasons. . . Agreed, that shit's annoying.
  7. Am I the only one who doesn't use the advanced launcher's settings to get an FPS boost? My config is a fair bit more intensive than the minimum ingame settings, and in some ways more than the maximum ingame settings to my knowledge. Not sure how it gives an easier time tracking enemies, but okay. I'm assuming you're referring to having bad textures or something? I feel like a new pair of glasses would have a much larger benefit. Why though? How does it hurt you for them to be there? Lol.
  8. Maybe? Like I said, I think rare activities have like a 1 in 1,000 chance of spawning on a contact that has them.
  9. It works exactly how it's supposed to AFAIK, it just so happens to be a somewhat poorly (or at least awkwardly) designed system. There's a 0.1% chance (to my understanding) on any given day for each of the boss or new breed contacts to have a rare activity, for a total of a 0.5% chance, or 1 in 200, that you'll get at least one rare activity between all five. When RNG is involved, it's very likely it will take a very, very long time to see one activity in particular. If you just check every single day though, then you'll manage to get on average at least one rare activity per year per character. If you really want to get rare activities though, trust me, you really do want to check every fucking day.
  10. Got this thing a while back, and it's one of my favorite useless pieces of junk.
  11. 90% certain RIOT is not coming out with the EU. . . so does that mean you're not willing to give it a shot?
  12. Pretty sure he's implying the delay is more of a symptom of a greater sickness. Not that I agree with everything he's saying.
  13. Not really the irrational fear of change when nearly everything LO has done up until now has been shitty or fucked up, but okay.
  14. First off, why are people reporting on APB, second, where do they get this shit from? Are these the same people who called Overwatch a MOBA just because it has characters? WHAT IS WITH ALL OF THE FAKE NEWS?!?! What?
  15. That might be a fair assessment I guess. Still don't like it though. Redhill is an area of San Paro that's been there since before LO took over, so the Redhill Institute of Technology is local. Maybe we're unimaginative, but at least we have some vague sense of the lore that already exists, lol.
  16. Judging by their events that flopped? A week if we're lucky, but I doubt even that.
  17. Yeah, I'm not sure a logo, one screen of the map, and a wallpaper is a reveal, considering we already knew this mode was coming.
  18. Yeah. . . so. . . I was really hoping this wouldn't feel like just shitting all over APB's lore and feel. . . . . . but this definitely sounds like shitting all over APB's lore and feel. Are we supposed to believe that Redhill is so rich and powerful that all of the crazy richos, Justin Teng, Arlon Benjamin, Luke Waskawi, Birth, etc., are supposed to be threatened by Redhill? We have a hardass mayor who legalized enforcers killing whoever the fuck they want isn't going to manage to stop Redhill if they overstep their bounds? Nobody asked for the addition of another shitty take on an evil corporation, and it really doesn't fit into APB. I know you think it's too late, but I beg you, please stop this and fix it before it's too late, lol. Also, this "reveal" is basically revealing less information than we already had, lol.
  19. Those were extremely normal gas prices in the U.S. at the time APB was made though.
  20. Kewlin

    Melee Weapons?

    It's as the prophecy foretold!
  21. No, that's clearly working as intended CQBR. </s>
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