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Everything posted by bruised

  1. Or maybe not low IQ enough to spend everything on junk food :thinking:
  2. What the fukc is the second amendment? What are you fukcin gey??
  3. bruised


    I'm from the ocean too, no problem here..?
  4. i dont downvote anyone, thats for fags with no balls
  5. Not only does the ocean not care about smooth internet, but jericho is like my safe place when I get mental breakdowns after getting owned by russian kids too many times. Even tho I got 150ms, but that's ok americans svck.
  6. bruised


    Let's just hope not everyone is like you.
  7. bruised


    Baseball Pants. Buckel.
  8. Who asked for this? I need to know.
  9. Yes. Nerf that shLt to the ground, remote det should not be an alternative to learning to aim.
  10. What's that "System working set"? It's the only thing that keeps going over 50% after a while.
  11. yes That could be it I guess? But then again the RAM usage never goes above 40-50% so I can't tell. I don't know what you guys are talking about tbh
  12. bruised

    Ran out of memory

    Discord/Steam/Spotify sometimes chrome but I never managed to overload the ram afaik. I've been monitoring the usage but it seems fine. I reinstalled from an ssd to a hdd and still have the same issue. Overall it's quite random, it'll "run out of memory" after twenty minutes like it does after nine hours.
  13. Not sure wether I was supposed to set those to false/0 or the opposite but setting them to false/0 made my game literally not load cars/characters.
  14. I don't remember touching those, but that's what they're set to, so I proceeded to change them as you told me, I'll see if it works.
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