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About Hansner

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    I don't know what I'm doing here but, HEYYY

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  1. Don't touch my god damn pmg
  2. Make it permanent and after a week no one will play it :kekw:
  3. Looks quite nice, I like what I see
  4. I've totally played in bronze, but I main silver district now cuz fuck it Edit: My goal was never to ruin peoples fun because I know what I am capable of YES I have played in bronze district for the "lolz" but silver district is where I belong because there are real challenges there. But hey, i'm just saying that it's not that bad to play vs good players.
  5. Haven't been in that district for ages but ok lel
  6. Key word, FEW no like i spend my life there or anything B) ye cuz they think i'm hacking :')
  7. I don't even play in bronze lmfao silver mentality dawg Merged. sorry but, like i said multiple times before, get better.
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