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Everything posted by Kakalaki

  1. @CookiePussstill amused how good you are reading the Posts and writing turd about attacks Merged. @MattScott you shold think of changing the Provider if the Problems can't be solved. The Problem is, that the Game is not populated that much no more and more Players will leave because of those issues. I saw that when the population is going up we are having the most Problems. Hopefully you are doing the right decision. thanks in advance At least i'm not the only one who understood what's going on haha. Some People still think it's DDOS Attacks. Always impressive how they are reading the Posts.
  2. yes technically you are right, but this has been discussed to death last years. Two Major Problems are the facts that you go to a lower threat disctrict and that you can dethreat Golds are going to silver Servers to get easier matches, and so do silvers. That's a chain-reaction. You can only stop by changing threatlevels and / or restricting Gold Districts for Gold players and so on. Another Problem is that many Players are pending between Gold and silver because of the broken threats, so they only have two possibilities to Play. Play in Silver Server als "FakeGold" and getting rekt by Veterans or "Cheaters" or dethrat and go to bronze Server and at least have fun playing. And honesty most of the "FakeGolds" are too good to Play in bronze which is again ruining the fun of those who are bronze and real silvers.
  3. ... silver in bronze server complaining - what do you think how new players feel when they hit a full premade group of 4 almost max R. silvers???
  4. is that a serious source? made my day haha
  5. even the login servers seemed to be down for some time ... what kind of babies do you mean? those ones who can read or those ones who can write???
  6. well, obviously you are the butthurt person in here but keep trying to project your character on others!
  7. OMG you Brain! All the Servers are down! If you can't even handle irony, you should'nt play a game like that.
  8. yes yes ... attacks just keep pretending
  9. what attacks do yo mean? the servers are fucked up since the beta lol
  10. Thanks LO for fixing the recent network issues. Now it's even more fucked up than before :=)
  11. i think it would be nice for new Players to get a Mentor, that can help them and answer questions. Do missions with them and get rewards for it. Also it's alot more fun for new Players if they are not losing all day and there is someone they can ask things about cars, designer, and so on. I am always helping new Players where i can. giving them advice about weapons and stuff like that. i like the idea of a Training disctrict
  12. well i never played such weapon like that ... i was mostly using AR and LMG ... i just began to play rifle class recently thats why im asking thank you for your help guys. really appreciate it :=)
  13. wow thanks ... a comment that actually help and doesnt say stupid things like "bla bla bla i dont know how anyone could have issues with that " i will try to shoot it slower makes sense how you say, so technically ppl with macro that are insanely fast will also have Problems like that hmm very strange ... most People is see are using IR3 and they still are faster than me with CJ ...
  14. only Problem i have with obeya, is that even if i am spamming the mousebutton fast as fck (i can do average of 10 klicks per second) it's shooting slow compared to the other obeya users how is that possible? With obeya for me it is hard to get 5 shots per second, why is that?
  15. I dont know what you think about lowering the range of NL9 and making it 2 shot stun, lets say up to a 25m droppoff and above that 3 shot to the max range Would be nice to have stun weapons with open Slots so we can have some more variatons on them We could just use the existing weapon mods like CJ3, IR3, HS3 and so on. Also i remember in the past there was Character Mods, that made you last longer until you got stunned.
  16. i think film just made more than that check here https://ffbans.org/search/Film
  17. Hi. As the title says, i would like to know what you guys think are good Assault Rifles after the N-Tec has been nerfed? I often Play the FAR and STAR and lately i see many Players using ATAC. Also i find that the NSSW and it's variants are pretty much like the n-tec. I would like to use the COBRA guns more or AR Misery, but they are pretty shit - at least for my feelings Also i would like to know what you guys think if it is still worth playing ntec?
  18. Only Thing that remains for us, is to hope that LO will find a good solution for that - once we have the engine upgraded.
  19. nope you are totally wrong, the far and star still got lower min damage range than the regular ntec and with them you also have to tap- or burstfire to hit sth. in over 50+ meters just Shows to me that you didnt even try the ntec changes in the Testing District ... dont whine or Argument about sth you haven tried yet. I tried with a friend and we compared both guns and ntec still is good but now it's more balanced. I can recommend you to go to testing with a friend and compare the stock varaints of star and ntec wow! looks like i'm not the only one who tested hehe but always peeing my Pants when ppl talk about things the just heard of
  20. dude, some ppl already wanted to change star and far becasue there was n-tec nerf haha if it's going to be like that, we sooner or later will be doing mid range fight with troublemaker again haha but if they are nerfing AR's to death most Players will use Obeya / Obir and ofc NSSW and it's Variants can agree with that STAR and FAR are good balanced weapons and i really love to Play them and they Aare going to be more in Focus as the n-tec is nerfed
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