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Posts posted by MaxHeadR

  1. 36 minutes ago, Yood said:

    Stop focusing on clan combat ! Give new players more fun at the beginning of their hard journey !. 
    Give new players access to all weapons in stock version -  you will earn more from solo players. contain 10 bronze areas on the server is more profitable

    Remove the chat District in the game . or close it for the common players . Lixil you said the GM would follow the chat . What for? keep track of what is disabled ? -  in the forum many times raised the issue of toxicity General chat , in life . this happens when playing beginners , or in the area appear a sort of mixture of friends in a private group . let General chat be prerogatives GM .TGM..

    3. Remove personal kill sound Theme ( as the most toxic part of the game ) Yes, I agree it's part of the game , people create different Jingles and sell them to earn money . but THE real kills THEME is very annoying
    5. Ignore list NECESSARILY needs to increase . ( the default is 50, with an extension like mine of 100 people )I am ready to pay any money for the opportunity to increase it .

    two themes can intersect - as practice shows, you are constantly killed by the same enemy and you hear his personal musical theme of murders . to exclude this you need to add a player to the list of ignore . my sheet is filled .

    If you need help, I can help you disable themes 🙂

  2. 4 hours ago, Nite said:
    They made plenty of changes to weapons outside of the shotgun system rework but nobody is complaining about those..... Rather late to be taking issue with this don'tcha think...
    No, someones opinion is never too late to express.
    1 hour ago, Yood said:

    by requiring a constant rebalancing you take away working hours . beginners don't give a shit what details this weapon kills ! he needs at LEAST SOMEONE to GET !

    ( demanding constant rebalancing, you take the working hours from the company. newcomers shit with some details of kills that weapon! he must at least in someone to get caught! )

    Please stop, using google translate....

  3. 17 hours ago, Keshi said:

    Well we all know the gambling of jmb's where you have 0.0001% chance of getting a legendary?
    Some can spend 10dollars and get a legendary while others can spend 100 and not get 1.
    I myself personally have around 510 dollars on jmb's and i only ever got 1 legendary.

    I think the jmb's need some changes to make it a bit more worth, so that people do not get items they will never use. Like 95% of what we get we already own and will never clear up those pages of none needed items.
    So here is what i think can be better

    30 day premium
    365 days cars
    180 days cars
    $100.000 APB$
    1500 JT

    Some 15 days guns(but reduce the drop percentage for these 15 days guns by a bit...or a lot)
    10 day premiums
    5 day premiums
    Random clothing piece(For example a hoodie from juggernaut pack)
    $50.000 APB$
    750 JT

    Random 3 days guns (but reduce the drop percentages)
    1 day premium
    Random clothing(Like those baseball jersey's)
    $10.000 APB$
    200 JT
    A symbol of Matt's beard (That is 1 good beard man...)

    Reducing the weapon drops since most of us who spend money in the game already own permanent accountbound weapons and stuffs. We will never retrieve them from our mailbox leaving us with pages of 3 day & 10 day guns.
    These chances will give the JMB some better value and less "this is a money gambling because i things i already own with $50dollars thrown in jmb's"
    Because these changes can actually reduce the "this is a gambling" by a lot since you have a higher chance of getting something that is way better than 3 day atac's and stuff.


    Get rid of the stupid 365 day lease for cars and the 180 days car lease, it's not even worth it. Also the earning money aspect, is also not worth it. You can make 100,000 apb in a couple of missions.
    7 hours ago, mynd said:

    I think it should be standard practice in the video game industry to disclose odds.  I want to see the odds (shut up Han)!

    Additionally, I wish they would improve the other rewards.  I like a lot in your list.  I wish you could opt for some small pittance of JTs/in-game cash over weapon trials though.  To the vast majority of us, the weapon leases are super useless.  Allow us to trade duplicates of anything for JTs or in-game cash.  Just make the whole system a little more rewarding/less frustrating.

    Lastly, there should be a guaranteed Legendary after opening a certain number of JMBs, 50-100, for those with awful luck.

    From my experience, it honestly feels like the odds are anything but shady.  There's what, 23ish items in a JMB? So 1 in 23?  That sound's about right based on my experience.  The times in the past I've tried for legendaries, getting 1-3 10+2x JMB packs has netted me my target Legendary.  My sample size is low though.

    Try 300 boxes and not getting a legendary. The Box in question, The Duck. Because of that, I don't buy boxes anymore, plus the car lease and the weapon trials.... smh

  4. 15 hours ago, Tobii said:
    it was civil and on topic..
    Stop deleting things just because you feel like it's a little offensive.

    There was NOTHING wrong with my posts.
    Christ.. new mods already acting like this is the old G1 forum...
      That's an understatement.

    I am legit curious how they ended up with that render despite using a tutorial.
    but apparently that's not civil.. *SMH*
    Think that  pony is annoying, try Flight on for size. 

  5. 15 hours ago, G4B3 said:
    I don't want an ego-war, but yours needs some trimming, m8.
    Nobody forgot that you were around because nobody paid it any mind begin with. Not to say you don't matter, but do you actually expect anyone to know that whole backstory offhand much less your perception of it?
    And did you even read past the topic title? I was extremely non-confrontational about this whole thing which is why, even with several WASP members being present, you are the only one getting your jimmies rustled. /r

    It's a joke.
    If you'd like to 'apply', PM me. Like here, on the forum site. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/profile/3267-g4b3/
    Get Rustled FTW! 🐵

  6. 20 hours ago, VanilleKeks said:

    Here's what I would change if I had the choice.

    Car Surfer:

    It's a meme mod. Fun to use but will get you killed more often than you actually benefit from it. Against decent players this is a completely useless mod anyway, since you are presenting yourself on a silver platter. Doesn't really have a priority for me when it comes to mod changes.

    Radar Tower:

    Remove, it's a bad mechanic.


    I use the mod all the time, still same logic as with the radar tower. Free wallhack is a dumb mechanic, remove.

    Improved Rifling

    Change to 5/9/12m 

    Make it so the weapon does not do 100% damage when exceeding original maximum range. Basically like the damage drop off system works. Lets say weapon X does 10dmg/hit outside of its effective range. Its damage within its effective range is 20dmg/hit. With IR3 We can go past its effective range by 14m. However instead of giving us the maximum 20dmg/hit (like it works atm) for an extra 12m, we do 15dmg/hit within those 12m.

    This would still make IR a mod without a downside, but I don't think it necessarily needs one. We just make the benefits a little less strong. My suggestion is gonna take alot of effort because it has to consider all the different damage curves though, so it's probably not viable.

    In essence, I'm saying that instead of extending the range in which a weapon has min TTK, IR should only decrease TTK at range a bit,

    Pioneer/Espacio meta

    Reduce max hp slightly.

    General car strat

    Implement a mechanic that prevents you from popping out the car at high speed. Or make it so you can't have full accuracy after doing so. This will slow the game down, but the car rush meta is incredibly boring to play or play against, with the 4 heavy car version being outright frustrating. (This is coming from someone who plays with his chrome osmaw all the time, I can counter this strat pretty reliably but it's still boring).


    Make it so swapping to your secondary takes 36% longer. Disable 3PS for all secondary weapons.


    Increase max health gain to 40%
    Remove speed debuff
    Add 30% weapon swap time
    Make marksman mode accuracy gain 20% slower


    Change gained speed to 25%

    There's lots more stuff I would change but I just created these from the top of my head. They are not that thought through, but I still wanted to write them down.

    GOD no

  7. On 8/9/2018 at 6:55 PM, Triksterism said:

    I would rather have the 'new' mods changed rather than removed. Things weren't all sunshine and rainbows before their introduction either. Pioneers were still used heavily (im looking at you Armas Pio) and arguably harder to deal with.

    > CAR SPAWNER: Disable the ability to spawn if the vehicle is moving with the possibility to counteract this if you use muffler
    > CAR SURFER: Make this an activation blue mod (we'd need another keybind). Ride on top of vehicles for x seconds (10 sounds good) with a x minute cooldown (1-2 seems right)
    > REMOTE DETONATOR: Give it a longer cooldown and/or make it also increase brick's cooldown.
    > BLOW TORCH: Reduced the usage time by half. If used while car surfing or while hanging out of a window, reduce the effectiveness by 25-50%
    > LOW YIELDS: Increase their resupply time by 50-100%. Reduce their number to 2 but if you use flak jacket, they dont get their number reduced (2 instead of 1).
    > RADAR TOWER: Pretty balanced imo. Keep it as is
    > YELLOW MODS: Just make them permanent already
    > BOOM BOX: Make this useful by making it an AoE anti-radar tower / anti-car spawner deployable. Or make it a 'decoy' object (makes random gunfire noises).
    > MED SPRAY / MOBILE COVER / RESUPPLY BOX (both) / EPINEPHRINE INJECTOR / SATCHEL CHARGE: These all feel pretty balanced as-is. Maybe add a despawn timer to deployables

    > VEHICLES: Give different vehicles bonuses/penalties to certain mods.
          Some examples:
                                   Mikro gets a range bonus to radar tower but a penalty to car spawner
                                   Pioneer gets a bonus to fast fix but a reduced effectiveness penalty to steel plating
                                   Kurai gets a bonus to steel plating (mod penalty reduction perhaps) but a penalty to fireproofing

    @Nanometic @mynd @Abduct / Devote @indi @Tobii @Dopefish -- Thoughts?
    Glad, LO isn't hiring you to do the changes. Your ego, on stream is quite evident. @Triksterism You always need to feel relevant.  LOL, it's great seeing the Seinfield crew rekt you and mind.

  8. 16 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    You've done well with the friend/ignore list, /who changes, etc. It's time to extend that to themes as well. Add a toggle (ideally in audio options) that disables themes from anyone not on your friend list, in your clan, etc. These abusive themes cause actual physical damage to players who use headphones or earbuds, and are exceptionally grating even for those who use normal speakers. Take action and give us players the tools to deal with it proactively.


    Also add one for songs, as a lot of people use static created songs to irritate others/ grief them
    22 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    5 hours ago, Triksterism said:

    Disable Music (themes optional)
    ren "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\DefaultMusicLibrary\*.mp3" *.back
    ren "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\DefaultMusicLibrary\*.wav" *.back
    ren "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\FilePackages\Music.pck" *.back
    REM cd /d "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\MusicStudio\Instruments"
    REM for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir /b /ad /s') do rename "%%a\*.wav" "*.back"
    Remove "REM" in front of the last two lines to disable themes as well. Save as a .bat file INSIDE YOUR APB DIRECTORY.

    Restore Music/Themes
    @echo off
    ren "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\DefaultMusicLibrary\*.back" *.mp3
    ren "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\FilePackages\*.back" *.pck
    cd /d "%~dp0APBGame\Content\Audio\MusicStudio\Instruments"
    for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir /b /ad /s') do rename "%%a\*.back" "*.wav"
    Save as a .bat file INSIDE YOUR APB DIRECTORY.
    Thanks for this, Trik. 
    He didn't make the files, he appropriated it from someone else, to get the credit.

  9. BF II also had lootboxes that gave you crap, yet now it's only a box with what you get actually. Not a per chance loot box, where you get the same items over and over.... 
    People are going to get addicted like they already do and waste loads, and prolly never loot the gun out of the box after many, many, unboxings.

  10. 11 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Say what you will about LO, they are clearly not afraid of change.
    Testing this is gonna be fun, so lets all get on OTW to do our part.
    Remember, if you dont join in the testing, YOU DONT GET TO COMPLAIN!

    Anyhoo, if anyone sees me on, HMU.
    Im happy to volunteer for data gathering ie: letting you kill me.

    You don't tell anyone, if they can complain or not. You're a forum poster like everyone here, you don't have any authority, to tell others what they can and cannot do. smh
    2 hours ago, Frosi said:
    2 hours ago, Genobee said:
    I may as well play devils advocate for a moment here. It puts a serious hurt on weapons designed to be used in.. well.. everything in it's effective range to sometimes, a very substantial extent. Everything is what it excels at currently. It isn't the absolute king of course, but you can't deny that it's shadow looms over a swath of weapons. There is very, very good reason that it's one of the most common guns.

    Technically a range reduction coupled with a slight tweak to the RoF would prevent it from being the end-all-be-all. Other guns would finally get a chance to get a chance to shine a bit more. Wouldn't the test changes resolve the issue without nuking the N-TEC from orbit? It would certainly feel better then tossing it's accuracy in the trash. Inaccurate guns typically feel awful in games unless they are designed with it from the start with a very specific goal in mind.

    I'd rather they at least investigate the current idea before moving on to other changes. 
    I mean it's really not hard to use the N-tec in CQC, all you need to do really is hold LMB, control the very low recoil and track the target. I don't want the N-tec to become bad but it is by far the most used weapon in the game due to its versatility. You already see top 3-4 man teams on Citadel run nothing but 3 N-tecs and 1 HVR/OBIR simply because it does everything you need in the game. I don't want its tap firing to become slower or less accurate but simply make it less of a CQC laserbeam because imo that's really whats making the gun so versatile.
    The n-tec now seems to fire slower and is pretty bad, when your shot do not reg. The gun is not that con-formative anymore.

  11. On 8/9/2018 at 6:28 PM, indi said:

    There is other things G1 changed beyond just weapon balance. There are mods that were added like Car Detonator, Radar Tower, and Car Spawner that devolves the meta into racing around in max HP Pioneers/Espacios that in my opinion should be straight up removed from the game all together.

    Car Surfer and Low Yields (Yes, I am complaining about Low Yields despite me being a frequent abuser of them) are also imbalanced in my opinion, reducing the grenades to 2 or just removing them all together wouldn't have a negative impact on the game. Car Surfer is just a meme tbh.

    A lot of us, run flak jacket, so we already have two? So what we should only get one? Where is your logic? Also, NO to your "radical idea".

  12. 1 minute ago, The Suspect said:

    Time to change your identity? San Paro Witness Protection is helping both Criminals and Enforcers alike go incognito by changing your name.

    Would be good if name change also wiped you from everyone's ignore and friend lists because now you can track people and their new nicknames by adding to ignore list.
    Matt Scott, said they were going to implement that with the changes of the friends list/ignore list. 🙂
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