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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. 2 hours ago, HardStyler3 said:

    i mean if you are integrated into steams network you are basically invulnerable because you need a massive attack to get that network under fire


    maybe they could implement it with the engine upgrade or something

    except when it goes down for 4h every other week... guess not as dreadful as constantly ddosed servers but still


    edit: nvm was... wrong, the actual things they promise sound pretty good.


    i was under the impression that there'd still be an issue since steam still exposes the servers ip (that would be hosted externally either way and thus probably vulnerable)

    - which lead to ddoses of dota gameservers in the past - but... apparently not. seems great!

  2. 22 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    I'd rather not block anyone though.

    A few of us on APB dont like the thought of alienating someone so we don't block people.

    Besides even yood has some good questions now and then.


    back on topic : I  get a new hat but I dont know if its customizable or not yet.

    i feel like an alien when trying to comprehend what he's saying, so arguably he's alienating me x^d

    but no, i'm arguably not even alienating him, arguably he is - by not even trying to mildly improve after people told him what's wrong enough already (i guess writing gibberish doesn't really breach any rules though so whatever)

    of course you could just ignore that - i chose to ignore it completely. (still read his posts (and regret doing so))

    i haven't even blocked hexerin, todesklinge or ray back then (only todesklinge for a short amount when everything had to be about kevlar buffs)


    and the amounts of "wtf is going on here" reduced a lot since i actively gotta click to display his posts instead of just getting them thrown in my face when trying to read a thread


    and the times he actually asks something useful (that hasn't been asked before) don't really make up for the bunch of times he just spams random pictures, acts stubborn/ignores facts + other views or just repeats the same question...


    also, it was mostly a joke.

    he previously wrote in some thread "You've chosen to ignore content by XYZ. Options " when trying to "quote" someone by copying -

    and since quoting really isn't hard, i would've guessed he did that on purpose to show them that he blocked them xd

    - and what's super mature and funny? being like "no u"



  3. 18 minutes ago, Yood said:

    Vegas 4 x 4 always been to the Armas store .  the event was not annual .  


    no it hasn't been. it was introduced to armas with the "rocker" bundle by g1 in 2013

    before, they promised ingame exclusivity (JT store in this case) - same as for explosive weapons (contacts/JT), that should've never been on armas (but now we also have the aaepd)


    i'm pretty sure it was annual until they forgot about it in 2015


    LO never promised such a thing, in opposition to G1 who broke all of those subsequently

    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, Yood said:



    give old things to the new team I think it does not add points .  .  where's the costume contest , the cars , the symbols , skins ? new Armas  Gear  ›  Symbols ? it was possible to give players a skin Ireland Weapon Skin .......



    the extermination of exclusivity of things continues . previously, some things could only be obtained by playing in certain events . some things were strictly donation (purchase in Armas) . the first fell under the distribution of the wings of the devil and the cap from the event bring a friend .

     Ireland Leprechaun

    the first fell when 4x4 (customizable) was introduced to armas lul


    this hat has been the reward for every year since 2012,- it was hardly exclusive (edit: okay, it was not - it was definitely more than jsut 2012 though)


    what do you think about not complaining?

    first it's an issue that others get an event, now the event that you get isn't enough. like, stop.


    also, how about not spamming giant pictures without a spoilertag

    i should take my own advice and ignore yood for good...

  5. 8 hours ago, TacticallyRed said:



    8 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:



    10 hours ago, Zolerox said:


    here is a quick tutorial, since there is virtually no reason to not have done this yet if it isn't for the option being somewhat hidden


    key to eternal happiness less of a headache:















    just for clarification: it is indeed the same reward as from 2012

    • Thanks 1

  6. plz no generic titles


    plz no threads with questions that have been already asked/answered yesterday where you decide to be stubborn and ignoring every answer


    we've had previews of riot already - the eventmode with the 3 territories/factions that capture barrels. and that was a far cry from normal battle royale. and while you might hate the craze (as much as i do) it still drives in huge amount of players.


    and obviously they are working on the engine upgrade and fixing the game. they said they'd release that on a not too far away date and already have tests with actual players - far more than g1 ever achieved. those already confirmed progress but also evident flaws that need to be attended.

    • Like 1

  7. 5 minutes ago, Monstr324 said:

    You caught my thought! Yes, there will be a transfer of characters, But they will transfer a pittance of money, which many players simply will not have enough to buy weapons at auction. The transfer will take place and people will leave = (I think no one will like such news when they were expecting a transfer, and during transfer they will run naked with a standard weapon ...

    idk how this sounds but maybe they could do the transfer as currently planned but with some compensation.

    like e.g. 2 3-slot/preset weapon selectors, 1 secondary selector, 1 4-slot/preset car selectors, 1 clothing kit selector, 30 days of premium

    or like just 4000 g1c plain or something (issue here would be e.g. with joker boxes that would inflate yet again - especially with multiaccounting).

    (watch others become upset that russians get something free)

    (or watch players that bought a lot become upset that others get stuff free too)


    this definitely sounds better than the other 2 current alternatives of no merge/merge with no items.


    i don't feel like it's perfect in any way.


    i honestly have no idea if the current issue also is that they *couldn't* transfer the characters as-is because of data discrepancies that they can't fix easily or that innova had broken items etc that they can't easily filter and just don't want to allow (reasonable too)


    ideally they'd just get the data from innova.

    • Like 2

  8. 1 minute ago, Monstr324 said:

    Realy, why can not you just transfer all the current information by adding a weapon filter which is not in the assortment of Citadel? Sogodsen, that many players got weapons from joker boxes for free thanks to connections with the administration, but not everyone had such connections! But to deprive the players of all their purchases is a bit too much ... It looks difficult, but it’s not difficult how to update Anrial to version 3.5! Add a weapon filter, a currency filter, and a game nickname filter ...

    ye it doesn't sound hard to me either - in theory


    in practice... i doubt the data in apb is saved very consequently and i guess filtering just isn't that easy - in this case.

    i honestly doubt that LO would otherwise go this way, they seem like a reasonable company.

    they obviously don't wanna lose players, which is why they merge the servers in the first place - and it's pretty obvious that players are not happy and will leave. i bet they are trying but if everything fails... playing with your weapons alone isn't gonna be much fun either.

    • Like 2

  9. 17 minutes ago, Lign said:

    Did you contact Innova for database? Most people will just stop playing if you don't transfer innova purchases. I'm pretty sure most people didn't even buy any gun after migration from innova


    I'm blind

    ye he said that plenty of times


    idk issue probably is that innova had way lower prices to begin with and also shelled out a lot of stuff for free - and had some corrupt gms that exploited their positions and gave out items/took them


    ofc i think they should still keep most of their inventories - but those also include a bunch of weapons we never had.


    i'd imagine the database during a transfer might be hard to filter considering how the data might be saved.

    and it probably would way much more feasible to filter a list of purchases and grant those items to the players again - so they'd

    a) only have the items they actually rightfully got

    b) only have the items that are normally available

    • Like 1

  10. 5 hours ago, LovelyJasmine said:

    Too many people abused the gifting system in bugs and exploits to get what they wanted costing the company time and money to deal with these acts. It takes only a group of people to ruin it for the rest of us. I know numerous of people who wanted to gift after it was taken down. S A D~
    I think the only way is if it's linked to steam you can buy them a steam gift for steam wallet and they can use that to buy stuff from ARMAs Marketplace. I am not sure about the other cards and transactions that work with ARMAs marketplace for trade for currency of G1C.

    there were no bugs, the only exploit was using stolen creditcards or using chargeback to get others banned (which they probably had to do or it'd get exploited to get "free" weapons...)

    there's no real fix for this except only allowing safe payment methods that don't allow any kind of chargebacks... which unfortunately limits the possibilities severely.

    alternatively they could remove the gifted items from said account after a chargeback or ask for the accountowner to pay for what was charged back

    the former would still have issues since it increases the workload but also allows players to get weapons "free" temporarily without penalty. even a 3 strike rule wouldn't solve this longterm. maybe those players could somehow proof it wasn't them (close to impossible in age of vpns etc) but it would still create room for exploitation

    the latter would mean holding the account as hostage for something you might've not even wanted and would still leave the same room for exploitation - scamming people out of their money instead of the account


    a voluntary opt-in gift system where you agree to take responsibility in case of chargebacks seems another reasonable thing but watch people complain about the company anyway if they get fucked because they weren't careful enough


    removing the gift system was probably best quick solution that completely got rid of all problems - whilst sacrificing own sales. which is a quite fair move.


    but yes, gift them money on paypal or steam instead



  11. All hail MOVVOM

    19 minutes ago, Nanometic said:

    The only other thing I found last night that stuck out was some coordinates within the HTML source, could be nothing though.






    the hidden message here is "CBA ATM"

    which are two very common abbreviations to say they didn't go further with the arg yet


    (jk sorry)

  12. 1 hour ago, ZHER0X said:

    ACES cant kill on 0.72 or 0.63 in game on more 5 meters need 1 or 2 seconds in real combat (try this weapons on armas) c9 need 8 hits to kill cbmp too, aces need 14  :V


    please try play whit ACES without mods test it

    c9 is an oca reskin/mesh

    cbmp is a pmg reskin/mesh


    the shots to kill don't matter, it's the ttk - and while min ttk is a bad measurement, the aces definitely can compete on average too, it could just use some tweaking.

    i'd say... small range increase (small enough to not destroy actual midrange weapons) could be reasonable and mild reload speed increase seems very reasonable

    (the rifle is in an okay spot already - i wouldn't call it the op version though xd)

    mag size seems fine as it is though.

    • Like 2

  13. 7 hours ago, RCooper said:

    the moirai is a copy of a bmw it gonna look definitely better in the moirai rather than in the kalvan

    no, the moirai is definitely more of a chrysler 300 (2005?) or maybe an audi a4 (2003)

    (looking at it again, it's closer to an a4 to me, i couldn't think of a close bmw tho)

    not like any of this matters tho


    also it maybe looking better to you wasn't really the point, the shape of the ravan is objectivly better fitting (especially rearwise)

    there are plenty of kits for the moirai and it isn't even a bad car to begin with too - and the (to me minor) issues should rather be fixed than just having a fixed version of it

    also ye the moirai is not much bigger than the ravan.



    i'd personally love to see kits for the "lower tier" cars/anything to make them viable again... but all of them probably wouldn't sell well. no matter if ravan or moirai. coywolf probably wasn't too bad considering it's probably the best "fast" 4seater out there

    (not having an accountbound version made it not a good purchass to me tho)

    • Like 1

  14. 3 hours ago, ExcessiveForce1 said:

    What an absolutely horrible decision, on all fronts.


    We thought we were done with the anti-consumer decisions that were continuously made by Gamersfirst.


    Apparently not.

    "on all fronts" ye, the decision to move you to a populated server so you can continue playing with others is the worst smh

  15. On 3/3/2019 at 11:24 AM, TheSxW said:

    @Eixo propably IP adress in 2 jumps (so we grab 3 ip adresses) + hwid of hardware CPU/GPU/DRIVES/MAC Adress/CD ROM (i will do that if i will made an game with anticheat)

    can't delete those annoying @ mentions on mobile


    this is probably the worst advice ever. using ip hops for bans is the equivalent of banning someone based on their isp.

    you'd end up banning whole neighborhoods - that might work in a small town but imagine doing that to a big city, lol

    hwid is probably the weakest ban system ever - it's better than none but even if you don't spoof it just for the client, spoofing it for the whole system is one of the easiest tasks for cheat providers/coders in general - i guess it would help against those with AHK crutches - but even then, they are not the biggest issue


    Removed quoted content. ~@mayii

  16. it's definitely more than nothing - which we currently get


    but eh... i'd say... sounds good? but rather maybe JT (since JMBs give JT already) and they could tune them better since JT don't inflate the market - like: apb-prices 2-3x higher would certainly be more attractive but lead to apb$ being worth much less.

    2 hours ago, zyde said:

    100 trial guns of 5 days is 50k $

    I wouldn't say it's useless. It is a decent number for the average player.

    that would mean you'd have spent 100$ for 50k ingame... which would be ridiculous, since that's less than a 2slot car. (right?) i for one wouldn't be really happy about that. but ye, as explained above...

  17. 10 hours ago, KAM1KA3 said:

    Я не понял, все покупки в Армасе Инновы, созданные символы и джинглы исчезнут?


    2 hours ago, i1Ly said:

    Главное, чтобы при переносе персонажей на Цитадель были сохранены предметы, купленные в Армасе на персонажей Некровы.

    those (from *nekrova*) will be transferred (as in the one you made on LO Armas, not Innova Armas) - this has been said in OP

    1 hour ago, i1Ly said:

    Если исчезнут, то это будет прекрасное подтверждение того, что в России могут быть только лохализации, призванные не дать играть на официальных зарубежных серверах (или отвлечь внимание от них), чтобы потом кинуть на русских.

    those from *innova* will be not, since they offered e.g. osmaw 3slot and various imbalanced things and apparently that can't be filtered...


    kinda sad with symbols and ingame money (but as i remember, innova also had GMs that exploited their status and just gave out stuff?)

  18. 13 minutes ago, -Dan- said:

    "Russia against homophobia when?...Never" is not a fact, you're implying they are not fighting against it

    Eh, you could argue he meant Russia as a nation - as in, their official stance - not russians as its citizens in general.

    This obviously would be quite unlikely and pointing out the difference in wording is quite anal - but obviously the politics in Russia have lots of support by its citizens and thus you could say the official stance does have quite a meaning for the country in general.

    This is definitely related to lots of propaganda - but this still doesn't make Russia a less homophobe place to be in.

    1 hour ago, -Dan- said:

    They love ruining the game for everyone on Citadel, bunch of griefers and hackers

    I'm not even joking, if Nekrova gets merged with Citadel then the situation will get even worse

    Sure, all of them.

    Except that they made and make up a big part of the EU servers population for quite some time - since early Patriot days. Region locks are ridiculous.

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