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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. Although all of those things have been suggested plenty times before, I wholeheartedly agree. I'm also not a fan of mixing stuff in one topic, making it harder to discuss - but I guess it's better than spamming nee threads? (that wouldn't be necessary since there are old ones)


    Just about threat - I hope threat limited districts become a thing of the past thanks to phasing and improvements to overall matchmaking.


    Anyway, some (old) additions while I'm here:


    (Additional) Manual sorting options/categorization/favourites would be preferable over e.g. just sorting by name - imo - especially since the naming is scheme is not always properly used. I guess that could be fixed though... 


    I'd also love a shared inventory for legendaries over having to constantly mail them across chars... but I guess that would overcomplicate things. (I'd even think being able to "consume" a legendary to make it accountwide and possibly untradeable forever (as an additional option to using it like currently, not exclusively like that) could be a feature appealing to some players (including me lul).)


    Since you also mentioned mailing, batch-features for collection/deletion would be nice.


    Consumable items should just become normal mods without a limit and probably should have their timers increased. The current way is just annoying and doesn't really add anything - I'd just stop using them for while and could start spamming them again when I feel like it - or at least enable you to replenish them at (JT) contacts


    If you're already talking about disabling collisions - it would be nice to stop out-of-bounds registering out of missions so you can jump on roofs etc again. It'd be super imbalanced and exploitable during missions though so yeah. That'd be good.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Aeronaut said:


    you just xd two times in a row

    i feel like there's a special place in hell for you.


    you just made $0.50 off your 800hr of gameplay.



    you probably made 0 off your couple thousand in apb xd


    it's not like i played for the money, that's why i said it's definitely not worth it if that's what one wanted - just plainly playing and getting money for it.


    obviously boosting is a thing though(, as well as streaming xd)



    also, at least it was euros and not some cheapo dollarinos xd

  3. archeage for like 600

    after spending 200 and playing 800h

    was just done with the game at that point although i had fun before, shrugemoji

    not like it's worth it though, i'd rather have the 800h back xd

    nah actually it's okay since i had borderline fun? xd

    never would do that kind of stuff for monetary gain, you might get somewhere but uh... eh.

  4. 2 hours ago, Alani said:

    Just make shotguns realistic.


    Allow them to hit targets up to 60 meters lmao

    just make all weapons realistic


    die after one hit unless it doesnt hit vital organs


    but start bleeding, writhing in pain on the ground


    introduce headshots

    • Thanks 1

  5. 19 minutes ago, _chain said:



    sick... desk bro


    why do you even need 4 monitors? What's your job? Do you even cockpit simulator and hotas bro? If not just throw 2 of the monitors out because you don't deserve them

    he deserves as many as he can buy with his money from whatever his job is 🙂

  6. 18 minutes ago, Yood said:













    recommendations .

    You've chosen to ignore content by Yood






















    but as i said:

    this is not the case. the presets don't have those designs.

    neither the ones from contacts, nor the ones from armas.


  7. 23 minutes ago, Yood said:

    You've chosen to ignore content by BXNNXD. Options.


    BXNNXD  some of those are the preset vehicles that you unlock via contacts iirc,


    try to explain in more detail. if you know .

    You've chosen to ignore content by Yood







    the info is all there


    however, this is not the case. the presets don't have those designs.

    neither the ones from contacts, nor the ones from armas.

  8. cmon, it's the word. enfos are supposed to be the (more or less) good guys. is it justifiable for an irl cop to blow up someones car - and would he become more prestigious for that? no. 

    (and even more so if there wasn't even a criminal in there but it just stood around)


    tbf with mobile radar towers & spawners... eh. i'd say this should be made differently anyway (like sabotaging them) instead of having to blow it up but either way:


    did this really need a thread?

    • Like 1

  9. On 2/15/2019 at 11:46 AM, gremlen said:

    I mentioned kttw and boxes to explain that it had already been not rare like it supposed to be, now LO just completely killing it

    why? they are just doing events like tiggs did.

    and offering them for direct purchase on armas is arguably worse.


    also prior to tiggs giving them out they were actually rare, since they were a pre-g1 thing (just like the backholster that's on armas now and was only available as preset for other players but the very old ones)

  10. 1 hour ago, Lign said:

    I won't, I just explained why increasing the price for the pack is a bad thing. So, what's the point of buying it for this price if most interesting things are available separately. Let's take a look at Juggernaut pack. Pretty pants, nice looking hat, better looking knee pads than the version for 99g1c(imo), 2 good competitive weapons that I use sometimes such as lmg and smg versions of S1. The only things suck in the pack are assault rifle version of S1 and espacio with kits

    no need to overexplain this. the price is, as you said, related to the amount of content. and pricing contents equally - without regard to e.g. how meta a weapon is - is reasonable. they should be equally as good (though different niches (obvs for weapons and cars, also kind of for kits and clothing)) and if that's not the case, that's not something that should be addressed with pricing but with fixes.

    so, as this contains a lot of content, the price is okay-ish.

    even if you subjectively don't like the clothing and the kit, a weapon is normally 1600,  so 5 weapons for the pack price is more than fair.

    the weapons are also not as bad as you try to claim... but could use some tweaks.

  11. 1 hour ago, Lign said:

    LO doesn't understand that quantity doesn't mean quality. The pack provides a lot stuff such as 5 weapons, a new car and 4 packs of clothing but they all suck. I barely see someone using new car due to bad handling, it's actually even worse than its alternatives bishada or jericho. Weapons, I don't even want to talk about it, clothing can be bought separately and the only one I see around in the game is war tech pants.

    don't buy it then



    they priced things equally, this includes a lot so it's expensive - and as you said yourself, most interesting things are available seperately

  12. 25 minutes ago, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    Well considering the last event ended in early January mind you, I would think a month's time/half a month's time to check that valentine's armas is alright would be enough time. In your own words, "just guesses but a good enough explanation that required less than a minute of thinking. hm." I guess not however as it isn't out yet

    you do know why companies stagger releases? not because they didn't do excessive testing themselves - but to sort issues that come up first before releasing everything/for every audience.


    and yes, it likely is 🙂


  13. 1 hour ago, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    Doesn't make sense to release the valentine's event in-game today, but not the valentine's armas update. Why not release both at the same time?

    because a release might have issues that need fixing. rushed releases have even more issues. if you'd rush them out both at once, you'd need to fix more at the same time.


    just guesses but a good enough explanation that required less than a minute of thinking. hm.


    but yes, g1 used to release the same stuff every year simultaneously on both armas and ingame so it might come off weird breaking those traditions.

  14. you could've waited till tomorrow... you know... valentines day. but i guess some do come prematurely xd


    i would be surprised if it wasn't out then - and this is also the end of the first half of february - everything would kind of qualify for "early" february.

  15. 36 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    I used to play 22FPS for 4 yrs with a Pentium 4 till the motherboard and HDD fried. When I travel I play on a laptop with 30s fps and hotel internet tyvm.

    so, why don't you all the time then? grow a pair. play how it's meant to be played. don't cheat.


    you're welcome.

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