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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. On 4/22/2019 at 12:40 AM, sTr8-jAcKeT said:

    That would be awesome if they could cross platform the servers from PC to console as well. 

    just to preface: account transfers likely won't ever happen though since it is being published by different publishers for consoles (that funded the port too) and those want you to spend money on them

  2. On 4/22/2019 at 6:27 PM, Ohshii said:

    Unless LO is giving us full 100 layer customization from the prem changes, they're talking but not saying nothing relevant. Yawn.

    ??? they are literally removing the last bit that is p2w. premium is very fair in what it offers, the abilities outside of premium are very fair and it is priced fair.

    1 hour ago, Queen of Love said:


    can we have mission district exclusive for some kind of g1c pass ?

    i am tired to read cyrillic.

    i'm tired of decrypting messages about horses, pets and housing that might be english :^)


    just kidding, nothing mean.


    but please no.

  3. 2 minutes ago, CatInTuxedo7 said:

    We are going to be removing the 50% reduced cooldown from Premium and giving it to all players. 


    I dont underastand whats is that "cooldown" and "giving it to all players".

    orange character mods (ammo box, spotter, radar jammer, remote detonator, blowtorch) and orange car mods (brick, nitro) had 2.5 minutes (?) cooldown for premium players and 5 minutes (?) cooldown for all other players - now it's 2.5 minutes (?) for all players.


    not sure about the exact times, might be 2.5/5 or 2/4 or whatnot (remote det and brick have lower cooldowns, like 10 seconds or smth)



    • Like 1

  4. 18 hours ago, Mina_ said:

    Btw, could you DM your suggestion's link ?  I'm curious 😮

    one of the two topics they've ever created so i highly suspect it's this xd


    also, totally on-board with this idea. be it a new category or a separate vendor on social or whatever, or even just added to the regular contacts (cluttering them even more inevitably) - would be really nice.




    22 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    Always happy for a F2P option, either unlock more slots from contacts, or put them on the Joker Store or even purchasable with $APB from these new Contacts. Heck I'd even settle for just leasing extra slots right now. But also I like to be stupid with money sometimes and can see myself blowing my next paycheck or twelve on a slot buying spree if it were available. 

    idk having a locker slot limit that punishs you for buying a lot of stuff on armas... eh. seems bad to begin with. can't imagine that it's so bad to store a bit more in their database or w/e?


    i mean if it is, might just add some cheap expansions that people who need it buy but others don't just for the sake of having them... so they could keep the storage down. (but storage prices have gone down by a huge margin as well as capacities have gone up a lot, so... i wouldn't see an issue here besides having to change some exisiting things. since g1 also did something like that in the past, i can't imagine that it's too hard either though :^) )


    oof, sorry for doublepost, missed mergetime again

    • Like 1

  5. 2 hours ago, GhosT said:


    IIRC they just buffed them.

    i don't think there's anything wrong with them but they seem a bit inconsistent?

    never actually checked anything but yeah, you'd think they'd just be earned money/xp x some factor but i don't think that's the case... not like it matters tbh xd


    (probably might just be applied differently to kills/objectives/match end rewards...)

  6. On 4/20/2019 at 1:14 AM, Kewlin said:

    *EDIT* Also, requiring players to play RIOT, which sounds really shitty and like it has nothing to do with APB, to progress, needs to not be a thing at the very least. Just allow people to play what they want to play, not force them to play your new mode.

    sorry, have you read the posts? they have new normal content coming.


    how could it have nothing to do with apb if it is in apb? it might not be "canon" but stuff like new breed wasn't "canon" at that time too, so pretty much aren't fc and social (oh ye ppl fight over some random patootie building since they are opposed, whoop di do, while they "made peace to chill and design stuff" in some big patootie somewhat "higher tech", probably more functional than an old asylum, building). how is anyone required to progress through that? yeah, there might be some exclusive clothing or skin or whatnot but that's hardly "progress" -


    plus, "progressing" in apb normally ends at 195 anyway already since you then start to be able to use everything, your char is at its maximum capabilities - which is shit enough, since people see apb as a competitive game (which it should be, since it's pvp and thus should be balanced for everyone) and people shouldn't only be able to competete if they invest 500 hours into leveling a character.

    which is why things unlocked later should be sidegrades instead of straight upgrades (like they are in CoD and other similar games) which is pretty much the case in apb


    and since they probably won't put in exclusive weapons or mods (i hope at least) it seems they are on the right track - adding new ways to earn new stuff, spicing things up, but still making it optional.


    i'd also highly suspect that those contacts might not count to your normal ranking - and even then, what does it matter, "meaningful" progression ends at 195. or is the issue that one couldn't raise their epeen-rating if they don't play the new gamemode?


    sorry, bit triggered here

  7. 11 hours ago, NotTheEnforcer said:

    Seems an awful lot like Fortnite's BattlePass system.....🧐

    or any battlepass system for that matter? (no fortnite was not first and also not a frontier or whatever)

    and ye they work well in f2p and give you some new content, so why not

    12 hours ago, MrM0dZ said:

    So basically everyone will be getting the 50% reduced cooldowns, but is that the only change to the premium system? what about decal/layers limit on symbols, cars, etc?

    and the price for that matter


    since no other changes were listed, obviously they'll stay the same (which is more than reasonable)

    • Like 2

  8. On 4/17/2019 at 2:55 PM, MrsHappyPenguin said:

    Another suggestion. Buy a large CRT monitor and manually adjust the picture so it's stretched. Enjoy the high pitch screech as you still get pwned by bronze players.

    nah those are playing on 21:9 screens with stretched 4:3 res (actually tried that in csgo once, never again xd) and that's obviously cheating


    and that's the perfect explanation why they still win

  9. 11 minutes ago, Zolerox said:

    And why can users posts topics here, Leaves room for "trolling" .

    LMAO I didn't even realize I posted this under news, I believe the order of (sub)forums was changed? Not sure. I believe this https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/81-forums/ or Forum Feedback used to be next to Articles and that's what I looked for? Not sure.

    Don't even think social fits - https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/81-forums/ - seems more reasonable? Anyway.

    Sorry, lul

  10. 37 minutes ago, Takotak said:

    I never ever said or think that, I totally agree with you, I'm just poiting out what this guy is thinking about the stretched resolution, he finds it's an advantage and want it removed.

    I edited my message, my bad ^^

    sorry, the ^ was meant as "^this" and i just added something xd

    1 hour ago, Gateron said:

    People use it because 1 because old school used to it. Second Weapon recoils are much easier to control the lower the resolution is. That's why you see some Russians with super weird patootie squashed resolutions so they can M1 there Ntec's.

    i believe it's mostly about hitboxes being "broader" so a bit less aim is required and e.g. heads are a bit easier to hit. the recoil patterns are the same and should be scaled accordingly, since they are not tied to pixels or any relative measurement (afaik).

    • Like 1

  11. 16 minutes ago, Takotak said:

    I don't understand why do you show this as a "problem" when everyone can use it, I mean sure it gives an advantage in apb , why don't you use that advantage too ?


    the mild advantage it gives never was an issue in the "classic" competetive shooters, counterstrike (including the most modern installation, global offensive), rainbow six (including the most modern installation, siege


    as well as games like CoD (including the latest installation, BO4



    and battlefield (probably including 4, could only fine something about 1 (the modern one) https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/13730/bf1-4-3-resolution-blackbars-or-stretched)


    Just an overblown controversy in fortnite.


    i see no reason for a rather "casual-competetive" game like APB to adapt to something which isn't even considered a meaningful edge in actual, more competetive games.

  12. have you tried just closing swarm and maybe playing around with the polling rate?

    tried USB 2.0 vs 3.0?

    tried uninstalling swarm?

    i have a roccat kone pure owl eye and no issues like this whatsoever.

    (playing at max dpi + very low ingame sens (low sens overall), 1kHz polling rate, usb 3.1 gen2 port (not like any of this is necessary))


    those components should not affect any game at all.

  13. 1 minute ago, Saxtus said:

    The mission text could fall under database (if we consider it as flat-file database) or file in general.

    As it's been said above, you can't outsmart it.

    those are also not being >executed so the statement still somewhat holds.

    but as ALSO was said above, that really wasn't my main point.

  14. 35 minutes ago, Lily Rain said:



    The EULA means everything. The executable code, database and files. They are all included.


    Terms of Service are often made comprehensive to protect a product/service. You can't outsmart it.

    i wouldn't say so in this point - executable code, executable databases and executable files vs

    all databases, all files and just executable code


    it seems quite obvious but idk if it is. maybe it is. anyway.

    not really my main point

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