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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. 25 minutes ago, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    Well considering the last event ended in early January mind you, I would think a month's time/half a month's time to check that valentine's armas is alright would be enough time. In your own words, "just guesses but a good enough explanation that required less than a minute of thinking. hm." I guess not however as it isn't out yet

    you do know why companies stagger releases? not because they didn't do excessive testing themselves - but to sort issues that come up first before releasing everything/for every audience.


    and yes, it likely is 🙂


  2. 1 hour ago, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    Doesn't make sense to release the valentine's event in-game today, but not the valentine's armas update. Why not release both at the same time?

    because a release might have issues that need fixing. rushed releases have even more issues. if you'd rush them out both at once, you'd need to fix more at the same time.


    just guesses but a good enough explanation that required less than a minute of thinking. hm.


    but yes, g1 used to release the same stuff every year simultaneously on both armas and ingame so it might come off weird breaking those traditions.

  3. you could've waited till tomorrow... you know... valentines day. but i guess some do come prematurely xd


    i would be surprised if it wasn't out then - and this is also the end of the first half of february - everything would kind of qualify for "early" february.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    I used to play 22FPS for 4 yrs with a Pentium 4 till the motherboard and HDD fried. When I travel I play on a laptop with 30s fps and hotel internet tyvm.

    so, why don't you all the time then? grow a pair. play how it's meant to be played. don't cheat.


    you're welcome.

  5. 9 hours ago, IRyanI said:

    you dont need to go and harass someone of their personal opinion. everyone's got their own.

    this community is salty enough already. it would be better to just state your opinion and leave it at that.

    oh but i might need to grow some balls.


    but no, to be fair, i may have went overboard and going personal with a person that goes personal isn't reasonable...


    i was also trying to make fun of his "balls" and our apparent lack thereof was his only argument - and that they were his apparent main focus.


    sure, you are entitled to your own opinion but that doesn't mean others can either criticise it (that i didn't really) or make fun of the way you state yours.

  6. 9 hours ago, Adawon said:

    How do you agree with me and at the same time tell that opposers had valid reasoning?

    Dude, because there is still valid criticism. I don't blindly only look at one side just because it sounds good.

    I wouldn't agree fully just because I kinda like the ideas.

    Look at your stuff in a bit more differentiated manner instead of only stubborningly seeing your side...


    Also, way to go, just reading/responding to the part of my comment that you liked...

  7. 19 hours ago, Adawon said:

    consider checking mechanics-changing suggestions (which are bombed with dislikes and opposing replies, like the ones I've written) and address the reviews who concluded low ratings for the game, whether written or in videos.

    The opposing replies do have reasoning. Saying "they're people who just stayed with the game and are fine with it" doesn't negate all of the valid criticism your ideas received. (Nor does it change that many things have been suggested before)

    Who said they wouldn't change/add any mechanics? However, that should objectively not be priority.

    Also: Most low ratings all boil down to people brushing the game off as p2w when they lost to someone with a slotted weapon (or not even that). Or when they see the prices on Armas (that have been addressed).

    As well as the miserable servers (that are being addressed all the time).

    This has nothing to do with "the core mechanics"

    Also, the drive-by nades, tire-popping are arguably not core - but rather gimicky mechanics. I'd quite like to see them as well, but yeah. Just saying.

    (Stealing enemy cars also kind of sounds good... anyway.)

  8. Sounds good. But:

    On 2/1/2019 at 12:02 PM, Mitne said:

    I discourage also against making subscription overall price bigger than character-bound weapon on it's own as people would either save up money or resign from trying.

    I guess that's not too reasonable, might give it a slight overall increase like 10% to still have an incentive to buy it directly...

    • Like 1

  9. 2 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    Nah. Ill keep my pair and play the right way k thx.

    It does matter cause then its cheating

    And growing a pair and developing the skill to get good with whats within the game is always the best option.

    Oh yes, you are one very masculine individual. I'm in awe of your pair.


    I never even used one of them because they don't matter. You are being so whiney about them though.


    Do you need some confirmation or smth?


    Oh and while we're at it:

    The way APB was meant to be played is on hardware from 2012. Grow a pair and get your first gen i5 out and play sub 30fps on a fhd screen.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    Its a grey area that G1 left and its still an advantage over someone not using a crosshair at all.

    and if they were to disallow it, using a monitor with hardware crosshair or a sticker for your monitor is still an alternative. if they were such an advantage, they should be patched in - and as matt said, they were gonna look at that

  11. 2 minutes ago, Cribby said:

    Warframe is prob the best example of a F2P with NO money needed, in fact, they removed a feature because they thought people were spending too much money on it Lmao. 


    And it depends if you play competitavely, then yes there is only one smg AR and whot not, but personally I don't give a damn and go with the funnest/coolest looking guns.

    not like there is money needed in apb. plus, warframe has a significantly higher amount of players - and if you decide to buy something, it isn't THAT cheap either

  12. 14 hours ago, Yeedman said:

    30 dollars for a coywolf v:

    they only reworked prices for weapons so far and i think they still wanted to change some things there? not sure



    but op - that's the price for a perm. if you don't want to spend that much, don't - there are cheaper alternatives too.

    all of those aren't necessities either, they are indeed more of a premium product. the prices are still steep though...


    however, expecting 10 euros for an account wide perm... hm. with the current playercount, that doesn't seem reasonable - if ever... like... yeah.

  13. 24 minutes ago, LoliHax said:

    I hope you will roll this Engine Update out soon. Would be nice to have a proper optimization.  Something I might suggest is to try to have support for both Intel, and AMD users since currently, the game leans heavy in Intel's favor since it seems that only i5/i7 run the game with little trouble.  Only AMD that currently runs the game at 128 or higher is Ryzen.


    Basically, I run AMD and used to get 128 client fps, three or so years ago G1 Rolled a graphics upgrade out that added: Render Eyelashes. After this supposedly great upgrade, the game seemed to stop running on my AMD very well since G1 seemed to favor Intel users heavily dropping me down to between 45-54 client fps in combat, out of combat I reach between 60-75 client fps.


    Course none of it would matter if you would make sure the game utilized the GPU more than the CPU then it wouldn't matter.   I run Battlefield One for instance on Ultra settings no issues I get 60 consistent frames, On 1080p I get 144htz  so if APB could better optimize things would get exceedingly better.


    Thank you for you're time. -Ryomou

    you can disable rendering eyelashes with the advanced launcher (maybe even ingame)


    yes, apbs engine is heavily outdated and unoptimized - but rushing 3.5 would just make things worse. have you read the thread? they are working on it but are experiencing frequent issues and crashes. of course they are doing their best but rushing it won't do any good.


    optimizing apb specifically with rather old, low-end systems in mind - while you don't specify your cpu, it certainly has to be a pre-ryzen amd cpu and frankly, they were quite bad - might lead to the same issues we have right now: it not running well on newer architectures and it looking quite bad. i'd also appreciate it though.


    BF1 probably doesn't rely on CPU performance as heavy as APB does - as you said - but that is due to it being a totally different kind of game with a totally different engine. you don't havd customization there which is certainly the biggest feature but also performance-issue apb has. (along with particles, that should get improved, lol)

    Maybethat'll change with the engine upgrade and it rather utilizes GPUs better. who knows. you can't just flip a switch for that though.


    supporting and making use of ryzen would be nice - amd cpus always relied on having more cores over single core performance - and apb only utilizes on core - which the engine upgrade IS supposed to change. so i guess that'd also improve performance for the older, pre-ryzen, amd gens.


    a good i3 is enough for apb, even with high fps though, since the vast difference between i3, i5 and i7 are core counts - e.g. the top end i3 8350k is quite on-par with the top end i7 8700k. both are not quite that budget though xd (that being said, the better amd cpus - ryzen that is - are also on the same performance level)


    + no need to sign posts on forums

  14. On 1/26/2019 at 11:21 PM, TacticallyRed said:

    We all know those 50% sales was G1 trying to hold onto it's playerbase because they neglected them and the game.

    not even that, they were only trying to make quick cash by that.


    you can see that they were already in contact with LO quite some time before the actual purchase by LO since they did advertise for one of their games.


    so it is quite likely they just tried to milk what's left before selling it.

    On 1/26/2019 at 11:09 PM, Atomkraftwerk said:

    LO ??? Isnt even giving 50% sales like G1 did ,dont expect to much.

    saying LO doesn't care bc they don't do 50% sales might also be the most senseless thing ever.


    most weapons are permanently almost on sale level. they lowered the g1c cost by 20% and weapon cost by about 30% all across the board (0.8*0.7=0.56 - that's like a permanent 44% sale.) - and they are still saying they will rework armas further - but only after more important work has been fone. that they don't focus on monetization first shows that they are really trying to improve the game instead of just milking it.

    you're being utterly ridiculous.

  15. 11 hours ago, Skerza said:

    I have almost all the weapons in the game and I only use a select few so I was wondering if classes cause solve my issue of going through loads of weapons just to choose a set I rock with 

    ye, that's what i meant by loadouts.


    i mean, to be fair, it might be enough if you could just mark some as favourite - and they'd turn up at the top of the list... that should be a bit easier to do.


    however, as you said, classes/loadouts would be cool too - to me in the regard that you can also put in appropriate mods/cars and maybe a fitting outfit, all at once...


    but ye, these ideas definitely aren't new, players have been asking about this quite some times before...

  16. Loadout slots were something that was asked for a lot - so that'd be nice.


    I'm opposed to alphabetically since the naming schemes aren't always followed by and some weapons might be harder to find thus. A search bar - or just sorting for yourself would be nice 


    Just to note: You can already filter by weapon type. At the top, over the weapons, a weapon class can be selected.

    Still a nause with 80+ weapons (actuallx also earlier than that but you know, humble brag)


    And while we're at it: reusable weapon mods. Just have them in your inventory, be able to use them on every weapon without having to unequip/equip them... or search through your collection, wondering where the fuck you put it on last before you had to switch quickly and had no time to unequip them...

    And make that accountwide xd One can dream...

  17. 12 minutes ago, illgot said:

    vehicles need to be balanced.


    The only 2 vehicles in the game worth owning are the Pioneer/Nomad and the Vegas 4x4.


    Mainly because both of these cars can push other cars out of the way and take at least 1 Conq without blowing up instantly.


    All other vehicles get pushed around on the road or just lack any real utility in combat.


    The  Pioneer/Nomad is superior to the Espacio because the Espacio has very little push forward.  You can easily be stopped in traffic if someone collides with you head on or pushes your Espacio from the front from a dead stop.


    The normal Vegas is decent but when you compare it to the 4x4 version, the 4x4 version is so much better due to the acceleration.  The Vegas 4X4 is the only vehicle which can be used to run during the VIP/Hold item.


    I like the other vehicles, they are fun to drive around, but in combat are a lot less useful in every way compared to the Pioneer/Nomad and the Vegas 4x4



    that being said, i'd be for a nerf of the vegas - but only durability-wise.

    the other cars should be brought up a bit, maybe along with a little speed increase (especially cisco and fresno)

    vegas should still have the highest top speed, since it also has the worst handling.

    increasing car speed overall would be nice - although it might make the map feel even smaller.


    especially the low-end cars should be made more viable. right now the only reason to use one is because it's free to spawn and you're trying to save money for that one legendary you always desired xd

    idk how that's supposed to be done, but giving them a bit more health or... like, giving them increased nitro benefits or something lmao

    or maybe higher acceleration. just some ideas.


    coywolf is actually also a quite nice car, decent stats, 4 seater (- just not available accountwide on armas)


    (and it also is runner-meta... but viability for running should never really be considered. all cars should be shit at it)


    • Like 1

  18. 9 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:

    No. how about other languages ? ... it will be unfair.

    ??? we already have multiple latin alphabet decals and no others. that's what op is trying to change. the cyrillic one was clearly only an example.

    he didn't say anything against also havung the arabic one or the greek alphabet or the japanese alphabets and whatnot.

    1 hour ago, Alani said:

    ya publish the japanese alphabet lmfao.


    if it exists

    there are multiple, lol

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