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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. On 1/19/2019 at 3:57 AM, LAPDAIonzo said:

    I am curious about something, can you tell me if HQ bloom settings and the old threat system is coming back or not? That's all i wanted to really know. Can you tell me.

    There is a post that shows how bad the visuals looks now compared to the RTW and early apb version, but i can't find it.

    the old threat system is likely never coming back since it promotes matchmaking abuse and ego-pushing/toxicity even more. that being said, the current one is basically the same but with different symbols (you still have different "tiers" in gold etc - however, they are not visible)


    they said they'd overhaul the whole system. but i doubt that's being done at the same time as the EU.


    at least i hope the old stuff doesn't make a comeback.


    by hq bloom you mean the bloom overload from rtw i suppose? tbf it looked nice but everything but clean. more modern, better looking games like even the division (similar setting) manage to do look better without smearing colors all over you screen. (i for one would apprciate better shaders with some more bloom though...)

    8 hours ago, LAPDAIonzo said:


    I only have to add about 10 more games and then i will be finish installing all my games that i want to play. Easy quick access 🙂


    waow, veri impressive


    since we're flexing now, https://www.steamcommunity.com/id/hizzlemeinnizzle

  2. 7 hours ago, LAPDAIonzo said:

    wait, did they bring back being able to use guns and vehicles as trials again? I think it was 24 hours to use

    no, it was 30 mins for f2p, 3h for premium

    they removed (well, forgot adding) that by accident when overhauling armas (and are adding it again)


    unless you are talking about pre-g1 or their very early days

    • Like 1

  3. a small gunrange/practice thing like e.g. in ow would be nice. however... i guess they have enough to do already for now.


    i also think this should be separate from the 30 min trial, so you might also be able to test it in normal gameplay.


    all in all, i think the trial system (+jt store) itself is already quite fair and better than what most other f2p shooters with a weapon shop provide.

    • Like 2

  4. 1 hour ago, LilyV3 said:


    g1 broke that, 127 was and is by the logic of slots the 0 slot cars number. When G1 decided newbies should have a little help and the starter car was given the car spawner no one remembered that logic and so they just forgot to change the numer to fit their logic. which then corretly would have been 227.


    Just go to the kiosks and check the broadwings for exple.


    basic car is 110  every slot adds a 1 till you are at 114.

    every preset broadwing lists the number correctly in relation to how many slots are filled. "Broadwing B101 patrols" has a single installed mod and that is exactly how the number logic is supposed to be.





    1 hour ago, Amberwind said:

    This is incorrect. The 127 is the default car given to you when you create a new character (with a preset car spawner in it). The 227 is the 1 slot, the 327 is the 2 slot, the 427 is the 3 slot, etc.

    ah whoops


    so it is a 3 slot but you can't use them?

  5. 10 minutes ago, cheater said:

    what you saying me

    15 minutes ago, cheater said:

    my dog can shit out a better idea and a design 

    12 minutes ago, neophobia said:

    make him!

    i can't wait


    BTT: quite sad this is US-exclusive (or just not available in germany? got errors when trying to get a code, friend of mine tried from US, worked immediately. oh well.)

    15 minutes ago, Amberwind said:

    Macchina Calabria 427 - Alienware Edition.


    Also the car can't fit mods. 

    so it is a 127? or do you want it to have 4 slots and that's the joke? lul

    (127 - 1 slot, 227 - 2 slots, etc. is the naming scheme for calabrias)

  6. 4 minutes ago, ChellyBean said:

    Posted in a Discord:

    I'm not a huge Alienware fan. They're overpriced imo, but they DO have an established name in gaming. So a promotion with them is good news, since it implies that LO has enough faith in the game to show it to potential advertisers/promotion dealmakers, and that those potential advertisers are willing to play ball with them. 

    The car is meh, but the implications that a promotion has are awesome. Tbh the only other one that comes to mind in the last half decade was that little MechWarrior game, like with the police Mech/MechWarrior car we could get in game. (Was that even the name of the game?)

    alienware does have a load of promos https://de.alienwarearena.com/ucf/Giveaway

    really everything from good to bad, big to small. and they did this for quite some years.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 4 hours ago, Mitne said:

    ("500 W is enough for my power-hungry build right?")

    it is though.


    unless you go for intel extreme or something else ridiculous.


    my 450w psu is enough to handle an i7 8700k @5.0GHz (x6) + 1080 Ti @ (moderate) 1750MHz

    (i've bought a 750w for this build but couldnt bother finishing find time for sleeving its cables for the last 8 months xd)


    i guess if both were under full load i'd have trouble but... hasn't ever been the case for the last year.


    4 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    NGL, been checking out gaming laptops and I think Im in love with the Alienware Area-51m.



    ...and honestly, if you dont think this thing is sick af... well I dont even know what to say to you.


    the chassis looks quite cool, the specs didn't sweep me of my feet (cmon it's not TOO special), the upgrade thing seems more or less gimmicky.

    i mean having a desktop cpu (and gpu?) is quite nice, but probably not very cool x-d jk, 5? heatpipes is quite decent. i still wouldn't expect it to be on the level of any decent desktop cooler... but i gotta say the price seems fair to me? i mean cmon, you're not paying only for the gpu, cpu, ram and ssd but a quite good display and cooling as well as warranty. i wouldn't even expect the margin to be much higher than 25%.

  8. On 1/13/2019 at 12:28 AM, TommyGun999 said:


    I thought that legendary weapons are those with a yellow icon.



    This modification was supposed to be like a silencer only that for Kraken

    no, only the exclusive permanent weapons from JMBs that are tradeable on social mp are considered legendary.


    not a fan of any change to existing presets (unless balance changes to the base weapon), except if it was for removal of all (non-exclusive (e.g ACES barrels)) mods.

    (but even then people would complain about having been ripped off because they paid for the mods or whatever...)

  9. 44 minutes ago, Shini said:

    There was a short moment in time with last year or 2017 where buying an alienware was cheaper than building it yourself. This was due to GPU and RAM parts that Dell secured with their alienware builds being price locked during before the surge in demand for GPUs with bitcoin mining and all that. That was quite surreal actually.

    i'm fully aware, i started working for dell at the time i built my new pc - i could've gotten it at near cost-price.


    i'm definitely not moaning about alienware, the sidenote about their desktop pcs was really only a sidenote.

  10. 11 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:


    the point of alienware pc's is to provide gamers with high performance PC's that don't want or can build own pc or wanna care about having to investigate if stuff is compatible + learning how to overclock correctly and getting rid of all that extra heat.  It's for the lazy wealthy gamers.  But surely if you can do all that on your own you can get higher performance for the same price.

    yeah? i never said anything else. i don't judge anyone buying alienware, despite pc-building being just like quite expensive lego these days and tools like pcpartpicker.com easily allowing you to check compabilities in most cases.


    rich and lazy gamers probably wouldn't go for alienware but a custom one from maingear or smth though.

    it's not like alienware is an ultra premium brand.

  11. 3 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    if you’re buying alienware i don’t really think pricing is the main concern 

    at any pricerange though


    i mostly meant uh... well "hardware tier" - not even talking about actual price. a desktop 8th gen i7 is still superior to a notebook 8th gen i7, as well as the graphic chips being cut down. the 10-series didnt have the m suffix for notebook gpus anymore but still werent as performant. (applies to the max q version too)

    i think they started putting in the normal chips now? not sure - buf:

    notebook gpus and cpus were and are always inferior, especially taking cooling into account. there are some that use desktop hardware but obviously you couldn't fit a 240+ rad or dual tower in there lmao, so you could never oc to get the maximum performance. (if it isn't for throtteling even)


    but hell, even alienwares desktoppcs (top of the line, area51) aren't more performant than a build you did yourself with equal components, considering they use rather simple blower gpus and a single, what, 90mm rad for the cpu? they might not normally throttle but you can forget about high ocs there.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Jazeker said:

    Still have an older alienware lappy ... people can still be jelly / hating when it's pulled out. That thing was faster than most desktops back in the day.

    cool beans


    kinda doubt, notebook cpus and gpus were/are always behind when talking about a similar pricerange. anyway.


    btt: i think there's alienware arena and they usually do giveaways there. just sign up, log in and get it. not on there though (yet)

  13. 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Sick, so when do we get a Mandarin language server? Since it's literally the most spoken language on the planet and all. 


    Or wait, maybe we should just let players who choose to play APB speak whatever language they choose?


    Crazy idea, amirite?

    i wonder how many na players whined about the few brazilians though?

  14. there is no "best gear", apb is hugely experience/skillbased. weapons are fairly balanced, even the starting weapons (especially the fbw) are very much viable.

    no slots needed. (indeed the star doesnt really benefit from most mods. and most mods are no straight upgrades - some synergize well with specific weapons but even then, they sometimes still do limit you in ways)

    you argued with your "clutching to slotted weapons and not playing with no slot equipment"-non-argument. ofc people are mostly playing with what they acquired and modded to their desires. but i've yet to see anyone "clutch to them" and "refuse to play no slot" also, there are mostly modded presets from contacts that have a fairly balanced playstyle too. mostly not straight upgrades but reasonable sidegrades.

    mods are never needed.

    and also, slotted weapons are easy to acquire. i've mentioned presets - but you should get one-slotted versions quick enough - and most weapons are effectively changed by 1 or 2 mods already, the third slot is definitely not as important.

    three slot weapons being superior is mostly based on perception, when you get stomped - or when looking for an excuse you lost.


    they are already at improving matchmaking, which is a far better approach to this issue. maybe they should indeed limit the availability of e.g. explosive weapons - while they are definitely not superior than other weapons, new players tend to think so.

    (which they do already by having those weapons have rank limits - but they are not enforcing rank limits during missions/in districts. i guess rank should be addressed in new matchmaking.)

    (part of new players thinking this is probably that higher rank players that already have them - and already have more experience - tend to farm explosive kills in lower skill districts, where naturally new players are.)


    banning weapons outright from districts seems not the right approach, it'd be just like open conflict districts, splitting the playerbase. well, tbf, maybe there should be a split between newer and older players. but that's not achieved by this. either players would just go to the newer district instances and farm there - without caring about explosives - or everyone would just play there to effectively remove explosives.


    while apb feels a bit clunky and there is room for improvement, i hope they don't overdo that. cameras and movement in other third person shooters, e.g. pubg and gta might feel more smooth but also more restrictive and like... hard to describe. it feels like being wrapped up at times. for some reason apb just feels better in this regard (at times.)


    the ui is outdated, no argument here.



    new players are needed and maybe apb shouldn't cater to existing players - but there is a big base of previous players that just left because of no new content. in the end, they have to change on all fronts.

    acquiring new players right now should - in my opinion - not be a focus yet though when stuff is still unpolished and in development. people would just come, laugh at outdated stuff, leave a bad review, leave.

    • Like 1

  15. 3 hours ago, Y2Venom said:


    Same thing that happens in all other threads. Members first shoot down the idea or discussion and begin to character assassinate the poster.

    the idea is just completely obsolete as well as this thread.

    (plenty of threads about same issue/"idea" before, his idea was actually (partially) implemented years ago and lead to the current state, devs said they'd fix the system and had a way better sounding approach - but also that it takes time)


    plus, op is a hypocrite

    (playing for years, high (max) rank, was quite often gold when i encountered him ingame, complaining basically only about not being able to stomp as often in bronze


    op has questionable english skills considering he mentions first amendment and is thus probably us-american


    -> this thread was just garbage from the beginning


    this time, actually, please add it to the pile.

  16. 40 minutes ago, IceStreets said:

    why can that not do the developer as to use a tool, but cookiepuss thanks to help me,.

    they will with the next big update/upgrade

    52 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    For now you are allowed to use the Advanced Launcher.

    Once 3.5 is live you will have access to more in game options.

    as was said

  17. On 1/8/2019 at 3:50 PM, VickyFox said:

    1). Well Lady Tiggs is no longer a member of staff at GamersFirst so It's up to Little Orbit's disgression if Sony and Microsoft agrees to Linking existing accounts but I don't see why not...

    The only issue is Sony is stubborn with games being cross platform.


    4). There is the technical issue of having characters on different servers, Matt Scott has stated that transferring characters on to other servers may cause unforeseen affects that may be negative to the account's content. For example a player created design/symbol may become corrupted during transfer and there may not be much (or any) way to prevent or recover damaged content.

    Transferring from a PC server to another PC server is not viable, let alone to a completely different gaming platform.


    iirc it was stated before that tiggs was still there in a mentor-kinda, non-directly-acting role.

    not sure how up-to-date that info is.


    not only sony/ms have a say in that but also the different publishers. apb is not only published by LO (see above)



    are you sure that's how it was stated? i'd get differences between (engine!) versions but servers? why was that no issue with innova and hoplon?



    ah sorry for doublepost. posting on phone, was hoping for merge thingy to happen. guess i was too slow...


  18. On 1/7/2019 at 5:48 PM, CookiePuss said:

    I don't think that's even in the plans.

    Not sure if its even possible.

    certainly feasible but not possible under the condition that LO doesn't wanna pay the other publishers so you get to keep your weapons -

    which would be a ridiculous thing to ask for -

    or well that e.g. Koch Media (apb ps4 eu) would give them to you for free.



    Would you ask Gameforge if you could get your items from En Masse? Especially if both are still publishing the (more or less) same game?


    For APB it's not only a different publisher per region but also per platform (tbh, not too sure how common that is)


    (not directed at you, Cookie, just trying to explain in general)

  19. 23 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    dude they took my socks


    who does that

    who eats beans at the movies


    that being said, btt


    q1... uhh... shamis showed me some glitches once and i had plenty fun doing 4x4 jumps. nothing else though.... except that one time where i got blitzkrieg 4 without getting 3. i barely remember that myself though. couldn't care too much. my friends brought most of the car population of a wf district in front of that enforcer garage once and blew that up. sadly my pc was too bad to handle apb back then 😞

    all of those memories are easily replaceable though.


    q2 lol


    q3 ysaline about copying outfits lawl

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