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Posts posted by neophobia

  1. 6 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Well since mods won't let us point out that this is a duplicate thread. 


    Easily over 100 million in assets. 


    See you again when this same question gets asked yet again in another month or so. 



    title mentions basically "no assets" though


    i missed that when voting, whoops


    ~1m cash, 50-100m assets

  2. 15 minutes ago, DonBlack said:

    True.. thats a problem. but how would you implement this? 

    Maybe  k/d x 1,n  n being the mission objectives you do?

    Maybe even   k,a/d x 1,n   a being assists.

    so... basically the current score system?

    6 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Best we can do is wait for phasing. 

    This will remove the need for threat based districts, and will always weigh your current threat against the overall player pool ... Not just against that of the single district you are in. 


    the current system itself isn't too flawed - the main issues are that it can only match you against the players in the current district. (and making dethreating possible. which is almost always the case though... but the impact with matching against basically everyone would solve that. to some degree)


    i'd also suggest to somehow factor in playtime since experience is quite important in this game... but ye, there are also bad r255 golds with 2k hours (me xd)

  3. 3 hours ago, Ketog said:

    Well the thing is that 15 MS is what's written on the screenshot that i show , but as i said on the video or the post , this delay happends to be ~50ms on APB , i agree that 15ms is completely fine , but 50 is a whole different story.

    oh. jeez. whoops, missed that. 50ms actually seems like something one realistically hits.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Yood said:

    macro is a technical abuse . 


    no, using a macro to gain a competetive advantage is.

    he used it outside of a mission, outside of anything at all.

    it is technically still bannable according to the ToS (and technically speaking, everything can be bannable either way) - but it definitely is not abuse of anything.

    2 hours ago, Zolerox said:

    another thing yood does that ticks me off.


    I had someone who full quoted my entire Guide (1 quote took up half the page.)

    ugh, yeah... i mean you can click the thingy in the bar where it says your name to hide it - but you really shouldn't have to



  5. 3 hours ago, vfterlife said:

    Tell me that the Riot is designed for beginners, and not for grandmasters with 10000000hours in apb.

    i won't tell you anything! it's a secret thus far.


    about the age thing: i suppose they could *warn* you during account creation that you won't be able to play APB. not exactly the best solution - but they also have other games with lower ratings that probably will eventually use the same accounts.

    and they are definitely obliged to prevent people of too low ages from playing the game (in some countries that is). entering false data should also not be the rule (unless for privacy reasons - i guess).


    good findings though

    (also lol, don't be so anal about them fixing the background of a webpage. the fix probably was a minute job and probably didn't involve many people.)

  6. While this seems like one reason - I'd be highly surprised if this was the only - or even the main one. 15ms is a *very* short time and this does not fully explain all ghostshots (e.g. when actually autoing).

    Good finding though.


    using macros to gain a competetive advantage is bannable, we get it. (also jeez the amount useless fullquotes of op. (attaboy yood too xd))


    "bannable" also does in fact not mean "will be banned", it (always) lies in LOs jurisdiction.


    (I suppose once they get their serversided AC up and running, this might be one thing they address. i think battleye also already kicks when AHK is running?)

  7. 7 hours ago, Aeronaut said:

    what happens if you human centipede but in the opposite direction, will it just continue until it ruptures like a bad sewer line?

    what is the opposite direction? do you mean like... symmetrical?

    i mean... they couldn't ingest anything, so they'd just die of starvation. (i guess you could still feed the ends - but by the time it reaches the middle people those might be dead already.)

    otherwise, i guess it has to go somewhere. so... yeah? but i mean, if i was in one, i'd prefer to rip my face/butt apart than getting ruptured by someones feces.


    i don't wanna think about it too much though, lol.

  8. 17 hours ago, Mitne said:

    Seriously? "Why?"

    How about we look up real life counterpart, eh?

    Not even saying how making it 3-shot, made it look bad in my eyes...

    Eh. Realism isn't really an argument when it comes to APB. (Do I need to state reasons here?)


    That being said, RFP does need a range nerf at least.

    Or accuracy, to make IR3 a bit more punishing? I guess.


    I for one also liked the IR changes they put in for some time. Anyway.

  9. apb does this sometimes, i think some memory leaks were fixed though? how often did this happen? any logs?


    current version of apb is 32bits so it can only address a maximum of 3gb ram - so it's not too surprising it runs out of memory if there is an issue quite fast

  10. 2 hours ago, TheKeanuReeves said:

    Yes they should. G1 is well known for milking the game for years without doing anything relevant for 8 years. I don't think keeping the brand is gonna help the game.

    yeah, same - idk but it isn't for us to decide and they said they decided to stay with it for the time being. i guess it also helps them since they can experiment/possibly fail a bit more without tainting their own name as much? at the moment, they definitely don't do that though.


    g1 from a business stance was also kind of known in the industry (not too negatively i think, they kinda shaped f2p in the earlier stages which seemed a bit revolutionary) until... they kinda went to shit but i guess that might've not caught too much attention. LO on the other side... couldn't say i've ever heard of them prior to the overtake. i guess they wanna stick with the known brand for now?


    i don't think too bad of g1 in general although it went worse over the last years. FAT BUT: i've clawed to the hopes that they were actually working hard on the engine upgrade and couldn't do much more because they were a small team and that wouldn't change till after. AND hearing some stories in hindsight definitely worsened my thoughts about them and ultimately they were kind of known for p2w. (although arguably that was more of a stigma from the earlier stages, they did improve a bit there... and yeah, they were milking. idk how known outside of the forum regulars that is though)


    i mean, ultimately, who knows. it's not our decision to make - they might change it in future, they might have plans. i guess them hearing our thoughts doesn't hurt though.

    • Thanks 1

  11. 9 minutes ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    Can't conc anything when you just use percs. I'm guessing they had all primaries with no real AV potential too. 

    satchel chargeeeees


    6 hours ago, GhosT said:

    Going after car spawners when a team has 3 to 4 isn't worth the time you're sacrificing you'd otherwise use on the objective. By the time you've destroyed all of them and restocked your grenades a dozen times, the stage is over and the first cars are already being respawned.


    I can see how you can actively go after them when the objective and the cars are out in the open and easily reachable, but when you're in a building complex or an alley system, you shouldn't go after those but rather focus on the objective instead.

    this^^^ + there is a cd on spawning in cars + ideally they should also only be available at a certain distance from the objective (it's probably bugged or at least badly tweaked though)


    that the normal spawns are often hot garbage and car spawners are practically needed in some locations is a different story

    • Like 1

  12. 28 minutes ago, _chain said:

    With 2gb vram i doubt you can run the latest games at max. Switch that gpu out please 

    yeah, unless he's talking about 720p


    it's both. he's probably just using the integrated graphics of his cpu - and probably it's a notebook too with a turbo clock

    of 3.6ghz - normally running at something like 1.6ghz - that throttles down to this after a couple seconds of workload too due to cooling that wasn't intended for gaming

    3 minutes ago, Fasalina said:

    It's the game. i7 4930k @ 4.6ghz OC / 32gb RAM / GTX 1070ti / GTX 780 OC here and APB can't maintain a stable fps.

    Meanwhile i can play the Division 2 on Ultra++ 1080p@60fps having no issues.


    EU 3.5 coming soon tho. So maybe improvements?

    you're doing something wrong then. it should run fine except for the occasional garbagecollection-stutter or particle effect related one (which you can limit in advanced launcher)... (32gb ddr3 are still just 3gb ddr3 to apb, so it's barely worth mentioning, op is fine with 8gb)

    it is definitely badly optimized - but it ran perfectly fine on a i7 3770 + gtx 660 (even max but only 60fps then). 

    mind you, i'm still getting the occasional stutter on i7 8770k @ 5.0 + gtx 1080 ti - which can bd attributed to the two aforementioned reasons


    wait, are you using the gtx 780 as a physx card? xd

  13. 35 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    hows that?

    Doesnt feel right to me though.

    People might mistake what someone has said right?

    It's why I quote the way I do especially since some trolls do that to take things out of context.

    diffuse means like spreading something... e.g. like how a perfume smell "expands" over a room - diffusing a bomb would seem odd (although an explosion does that... kind of)

    defuse would be disarming the bomb xd


    i guess. quoting only things important to your post just makes posts/threads more legible and if you were responding to a certain point, it'd make that clearer.(and one wouldn't have to read the whole post again)


    it's just mildly annoying having to scroll down the whole post again on phone too, just to see a one sentence answer underneath. (especially when it's the op that doesn't really need quoting to begin with, especially if you don't address a certain point in it)


    i guess i could just tap on the quote to hide it too. to be fair. i didn't think of this. whoops, lul.

  14. 29 minutes ago, LoveForMatt said:

    Its been the best thing they did stopping trying to balance weapons because they did all wrong.


    I lost plenty of millions i won as free player over all my time ingame because they changed or nerfed weapons be by direct nerf or because i sold my guns. They caused enough damage.

    oh yeah? which weapons did they nerf so the prices decreased? right, only the hroken yukon

    (and overbuffed dow + ogre to some degree... that were quite cheap before that buff too)

    whoever invested in a yukon, expecting that it would stay like this is at fault themselves.

    it was a broken weapon, g1 admitted it, and whoever exploited it and used it as a crutch only deserves to lose that bit of value.


    also the most important factor in balance is how much they cost on social mp. sure.

    6 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    it was openly stated by Little Orbit as well as the community that it is not time for weapon balancing because of the difficulty and lack of expertise on this matter

    you do not diffuse a bomb with a novice unless you have a will made out for next of kin.

    diffusing a bomb is a strange idea. it gets diffused by exploding though... uh... (defusing has a quite different meaning xd)


    please stop the fullquotes of big posts...


    but yeah, that was their saying it was reasonable - leaving the shotguns where they are rn feels still a bit off though...

  15. 13 hours ago, GhosT said:

    I agree.

    In my opinion, the shotgun changes should be reverted and stay there.

    The shotgun balance was fine and probably the most well balanced weapon class in APB. The shredder could use a tiny buff though.

    Right now, only two shotguns are now useful, and the rest is irrelevant.

    Then only touch the few problematic weapons by slightly nerfing the, such as the OCA (revert the unnecessary G1 buff), the N-TEC, the N-HVR, or the RFP-9.

    This allows users to have the option to use other guns that won't put them at a disadvantage for not using them.


    Then buff all the bad and underpowered weapons such as the COBR-A, ISSR-a, ACT-44, AR-97, RSA, FR0G, H9, Mounties, NCR-762, Norseman, OCSP, R-2, S-247, S1-FA, S1-TIC, SBSR, STAR LCR, SWARM and the VAS-C2.



    But if you decide to touch the weapon balance again, it needs thorough testing before reaching the live build, and then treat the new live build as the last testing phase where more users can share their opinions about it, as previous OTW-Tests and Prototype-Districts haven't worked at all due to the small playerbase.

    i wholeheartedly agree with most statements in your post - but only partially with this one.

    while i always felt that shotguns were well balanced, the constant complaints about bad hitreg on shotguns were somewhat justified (albeit annoying - and i do think some "hitreg" issues were actually aiming issues lul) - and this has done away with it. 

    it was a quite reasonable idea and good fix/buff too - obviously too strong though - and some weapons got nerfed too hard after.

    instead of reverting, i'd rather see it being fixed - and i feel like it only requires some tweaking.

    • Like 1

  16. 5 minutes ago, Yood said:

    it is also a problem if the reset , raising , reset is registered as a macro command line . you artificially reduce the chances of the opponent to receive  Medal  Transporter Slayer .

    yeah, the missing medal is the worst thing about it. not that you carry it way faster than normally intended. sure.


    albeit glitchy, i wouldn't call this an exploit either as much as bhopping or runboosting isn't one in CS. it uses ingame mechanics - and if they were seen as an issue, they wouldn't be hard to fix. they don't seem like an issue though.

  17. 1 hour ago, HardStyler3 said:

    so you basically contradict everything that steam is saying?? i dont believe that



    i've edited my post (an hour ago, just before you posted - again now because it was still a bit vage), haven't read properly before (i've stopepd after new api tbh xd) and thought this was just about steams new platform-wide trustfactor measures


    actually seems very good!


    only point that still stands is that steam tends to go down at times too - but it's definitely better than than constantly laggy servers due to ddos

    https://twitter.com/SteamStatus has a good backlog

  18. 2 hours ago, HardStyler3 said:

    i mean if you are integrated into steams network you are basically invulnerable because you need a massive attack to get that network under fire


    maybe they could implement it with the engine upgrade or something

    except when it goes down for 4h every other week... guess not as dreadful as constantly ddosed servers but still


    edit: nvm was... wrong, the actual things they promise sound pretty good.


    i was under the impression that there'd still be an issue since steam still exposes the servers ip (that would be hosted externally either way and thus probably vulnerable)

    - which lead to ddoses of dota gameservers in the past - but... apparently not. seems great!

  19. 22 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    I'd rather not block anyone though.

    A few of us on APB dont like the thought of alienating someone so we don't block people.

    Besides even yood has some good questions now and then.


    back on topic : I  get a new hat but I dont know if its customizable or not yet.

    i feel like an alien when trying to comprehend what he's saying, so arguably he's alienating me x^d

    but no, i'm arguably not even alienating him, arguably he is - by not even trying to mildly improve after people told him what's wrong enough already (i guess writing gibberish doesn't really breach any rules though so whatever)

    of course you could just ignore that - i chose to ignore it completely. (still read his posts (and regret doing so))

    i haven't even blocked hexerin, todesklinge or ray back then (only todesklinge for a short amount when everything had to be about kevlar buffs)


    and the amounts of "wtf is going on here" reduced a lot since i actively gotta click to display his posts instead of just getting them thrown in my face when trying to read a thread


    and the times he actually asks something useful (that hasn't been asked before) don't really make up for the bunch of times he just spams random pictures, acts stubborn/ignores facts + other views or just repeats the same question...


    also, it was mostly a joke.

    he previously wrote in some thread "You've chosen to ignore content by XYZ. Options " when trying to "quote" someone by copying -

    and since quoting really isn't hard, i would've guessed he did that on purpose to show them that he blocked them xd

    - and what's super mature and funny? being like "no u"



  20. 18 minutes ago, Yood said:

    Vegas 4 x 4 always been to the Armas store .  the event was not annual .  


    no it hasn't been. it was introduced to armas with the "rocker" bundle by g1 in 2013

    before, they promised ingame exclusivity (JT store in this case) - same as for explosive weapons (contacts/JT), that should've never been on armas (but now we also have the aaepd)


    i'm pretty sure it was annual until they forgot about it in 2015


    LO never promised such a thing, in opposition to G1 who broke all of those subsequently

    • Like 1

  21. 2 hours ago, Yood said:



    give old things to the new team I think it does not add points .  .  where's the costume contest , the cars , the symbols , skins ? new Armas  Gear  ›  Symbols ? it was possible to give players a skin Ireland Weapon Skin .......



    the extermination of exclusivity of things continues . previously, some things could only be obtained by playing in certain events . some things were strictly donation (purchase in Armas) . the first fell under the distribution of the wings of the devil and the cap from the event bring a friend .

     Ireland Leprechaun

    the first fell when 4x4 (customizable) was introduced to armas lul


    this hat has been the reward for every year since 2012,- it was hardly exclusive (edit: okay, it was not - it was definitely more than jsut 2012 though)


    what do you think about not complaining?

    first it's an issue that others get an event, now the event that you get isn't enough. like, stop.


    also, how about not spamming giant pictures without a spoilertag

    i should take my own advice and ignore yood for good...

  22. 8 hours ago, TacticallyRed said:



    8 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:



    10 hours ago, Zolerox said:


    here is a quick tutorial, since there is virtually no reason to not have done this yet if it isn't for the option being somewhat hidden


    key to eternal happiness less of a headache:















    just for clarification: it is indeed the same reward as from 2012

    • Thanks 1
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