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Everything posted by dett2

  1. No it's broken. it's like a first CSG in OTW.
  2. dett2

    Shredder nerf

    Completely agree. Shredder is Broken. LO should nerf shredder first. OTW shredder still broken , nerf more.
  3. Please revert shotgun changes. N-TEC is fine now. Shredder is broken fix it first. I tested OTW still shredder is Broken OP!!!!!!!!!
  4. agree. FIX shredder first. N-TEC is fine. The problem is Shredder. Shredder is really really broken now. And everyone are using shotgun , its boring.
  5. We need more options about a sound. Like Sound effect , music , VoiP , more.
  6. dett2


    The Meteor mod doesn't work properly while on a mission. Activate -> Nothing happen -> mod cooldown starts so many times. It costs 10000 JTs it takes about 3months , please fix it.
  7. Then , my tommygun , nano and yukon nerfed too so refund? ^^ Give it up.
  8. LO should revert shotgun changes. CSG is broken now toooo easy 2 shot kill , and so many shotguns on mission. It's boring.
  9. Please don't nerf Low-Yields. I wanna spam it to campers.
  10. What is this mean? They will get more range? sorry , i'm not good at english.
  11. it's a buff IR3. should be back before stats (7m and increase maximum bloom). And RFP Fang is broken its not a secondary.
  12. These are already good gun as a socondary wep. no need buff.
  13. RFP is Burstfire weapon so IR won't affect TTK isn't it? just slower burst i think.
  14. Yukon and N-TEC nerfed. Let's test them.
  15. Atleast OTW CSG and Ogre are OP. They don't need changes. both are already good on live server.
  16. I agree. shotguns don't need change. OTW shotguns are OP.
  17. After BE , no cheaters in jericho. idk in citadel.
  18. I think should not nerf modification. It affects all the weapon , it will be huge change. IR3 is good for allmost guns. but its not means N-TEC need nerf. N-TEC IR3 are fine i think.
  19. N-TEC is a good gun not OP. If its nerfed , i will use FAR or ATAC or Frenzy ^^
  20. no need to pause but LO should give prem code for inconvenience. This game is broken , its too laggy to play. warping , freezing ... I'm tired.
  21. I worried about True Ogre. I hope that will not be Broken.
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