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Everything posted by cheater

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll upgrade my i7 8700k @5.1 ghz to a better one. All of you saying that it’s my hardware when Matt Scott admitted to having a problem with the game that causes those drops and stutters, good one white knights .
  2. W/e it is I really lost all hope in this company, How do you bring back an issue you fixed, How do you bring in an issue where the game sometimes runs in 60 hz requesting me restart my pc multiple times just to play this game and making me wait a whole WEEK for a patch instead of releasing an emergency patch to fix their already dying game.
  3. Yeah man def my hardware when I had the same issue 2 weeks ago, Fixed in last weeks patch and came back this patch, def my hardware man
  4. good one chief on postings someones face all over social !
  5. I already informed him, Now we just have to wait another week for a fix. 2 bad it cant be done in an emergency patch.
  6. Bro this cant be real this cant be real no way
  7. True, I get fps dips from 145 to 120 in the character screen selection screen, as well as in the game it self, Camera keeps stuttering all the time.
  8. The fps issue is something they introduced 2 patches ago, resolved last patch and introduced it again this patch, Has nothing to do with your GPU clock or CPU Clock, i have the same problem as well.
  9. Same issue as mentioned in the attached post, FPS constantly dips to the 130s and the camera keeps mini stuttering. Also sometimes game runs as if I was running it on a 60 hz display, really really not smooth, takes several game restarts to fix. Random packet loss appears to started as well, Nothing on my side as checked through multiple sniffing programs. Merged. Game legit unplayable due to the fps issue and the camera stutters, nice of you to break a thing you guys fixed last patch, guess me and my friends will have to wait another week for a patch to make the game playable :).
  10. In my opinion you should limit the explosive amount you can resupply from Yellow ammo boxes but not remove the inventory option as those boxes were made for people to be able to change guns while running other orange modifications.
  11. https://streamable.com/ahxb6 تصبح نسخة STAC 10 JT STAC 10 Long عند تطبيق التزلج Yakuza عليها الرجاء معالجة المشكلة وتطبيق الإصلاح ، شكرًا مقدمًا.
  12. Agree Need Hydraulic in APB.
  13. That fps constant fps dipping got fixed for me with the new patch, Although I do have worst performance now, It has to do with some sort of change to how characters render now, Cause I drop to 110 fps if there are 5 people in my vicinity now, Wasnt a problem before. The characters dont have to be directly on screen, They have to be within the render distance even behind multiple walls.
  14. I like how LO made the game unplayable for me due to shit fps and camera lag its funny cause if you look at the frequency and the amount of posts, the CEO is doing CMs job
  15. Yep and I feel like thats whats destroying performance.
  16. This been around for long time, Since riot was introduced.
  17. it can be fixed because last patch this issue was no present, can you get it into your tiny brain or no?
  18. You comment on a post regarding a specific problem nd then u tell me I am taking your stuff out of context? grow a brain
  19. It can be fixed because this issue was not present beforehand for me.
  20. https://gyazo.com/e08d328afb112f6c4409a4fb88fd9e16 in the character selection screen , those fps dips is what causes the mouse skips and camera skips.
  21. Getting this issue even in the spawn select screen, Something is messed up within the game. https://youtu.be/HLuQinSNVfc
  22. The 34 server ms is LO problem, nothing you can do about that.
  23. The freeze you get is due to server garbage collection, everyone gets those
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