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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I'm not happy about playing West Coast either, but there's not much anyone can do about that. As far as stability, Ive personally not found west coast any less stable than east coast or even Texas back in the day. High ping isnt fun, but thats not the same as instability.
  2. I feel like it needs to be said that you don't HAVE to play anything. The rewards are for those dedicated enough to earn them. Congratulations to those able to do so.
  3. Free premium gives a discount on purchases. You are welcome.
  4. something about dealing with the charge backs coupled with the difficulty in removing items made it not worthwhile from a monetary standpoint ... i think
  5. Player experiences varied greatly, even once they were able to log in. Data was gathered, and no doubt lessons are being learned. This is how testing goes: we break it, they fix it, we break it again, they fix it again, over and over until nothing breaks it. The next test will explore other problems I'm sure. Please don't look at the beta as just being about playing the new engine early, there are reasons it isn't live. This is your chance to help us break it some more. This is testing and thank you all for your help.
  6. After years of playing APB my ego has been beaten in submission. Send help.
  7. How about "some people have friends, I have this crown"?
  8. I still wonder what kind of ego makes someone produce a video that's basically "look how cool I am". That being said, at least it's a well made epeen flex.
  9. Very interesting list. Looks like I need to re-evaluate some weapons.
  10. I wont insult you for being silver, but if you are a dethreater you should be banned. Rank can be an indicator of time played. R255 and you can expect them to at least know how to equip grenades. r9 and you cant be so sure
  11. Rumor is APB gets the bulk of its funding from the prince of Belgium.
  12. the worst thing that happened to APB was being created 10 years too early and strangely, by coming out too early the game is somehow behind when the time is right
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