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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. the situation was created by the community, wasn't it? If I read his statement correctly, Matt thought the decision itself was a bad idea. I find it hard to believe he is catering to a handful of players who happen to dislike Flaws.
  2. I like graphs, but I hate colored text... so Im conflicted.
  3. If you get a chance thatd be cool.
  4. Are people saying you can be gold 10 by doing objectives and nothing else? tf?
  5. Oof, if that is true that is fucking unacceptable.
  6. To wait for ticket response for 30 days? On a cheat report you dont get a response. At least not one telling you about the fate of this dude's account.
  7. no jokes, only kill streaks now oshit... big owner I graciously accept the offer to be carried
  8. dude if u wanna get carried just lemme know when ur on i’ll get u to g10 theres a cheater joke here somewhere, but Im coming up blank
  9. Can you DM me a list of cheaters? Im curious.
  10. Yeah... thats the one downside to quoting from Discord.
  11. It is if you dont actually have any proof.
  12. mattscott personally confirmed that he was able to get banned by g1’s fairfight configuration, you can’t really try to invalidate someone else’s experience while at the same time you are pushing your own experience as fact
  13. It is not suspicious at all. Maybe stop being gold in bronze and you will see how unimpressive this video clip is. There is not s single thing sus about this death. Not a single thing.
  14. My advice would be to watch more Trauma, and less Kempington. Kemp is a great guy, but an average player at best. Nowhere near the skill level the top tier players.
  15. You did. Dont play word games, at least act like an adult.
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