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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Sick. Remember me when you win that lotto.
  2. Ikr? And don't even get me started on the losers who get off on pretending their superiority by looking down on others. Humans, amirite? *farts*
  3. Sorry bro, but you are either wrong, or the extremely rare exception to the rule. You should play the lottery, bro.
  4. Waterfront sucks bro. Both performance and design. It's just not a well made map. Due to this missions are also wildly out of balance.
  5. Forcing people to play waterfront, that'd oughtta help pop.
  6. https://will.io/apb/ Check server status here.
  7. Seems odd to debate something we already know is going to change.
  8. I almost took the bait on this one. Well played.
  9. While the OCSP does have a SLIGHTLY faster RoF than the FBW (0.190 vs 0.2), it actually has a slower ttk (1.13 vs 1.0).
  10. I mean, its a known fact that people change. Some more, some less, but its not up for debate whether or not it happens. How is this thread still active?
  11. Consoles performance is also being worked on afaik. They are running 3.5, but its obviously not good enough yet.
  12. Yes. No matter what sight mods you add, a shotgun always fires its pellets in the same size spread (150cm at 10m for the JG for instance). Nothing will make those pellets fire in a tighter pattern.
  13. My apologies, but I'm afraid I do not understand what you are asking for.
  14. This is why I didn't pursue a degree in history. I'll never understand how people can continually argue over the same span of time for years and years.
  15. Just a guess, but maybe its an effort to discourage constant name changes.
  16. You are free to use whatever mods you like on your NFAS. While RS3 has no negative effects on your performance, it also offers no benefit. I do agree IR3 is a good choice, especially now that the NFAS has a damage drop-off starting at just 10m. Extended mag is certainly the more forgiving of the blue mods. Though even Mag Pull 3 leaves you with 5 shots on a 3stk weapon. Not ideal for less skilled players for sure, but still viable. Bandolier is fine if that's what you choose, just comes down to preference. 3ps3 effects all equip times. Not just switching from your secondary to your primary. Again, just to be clear, Reflex Sight is just taking up a slot in your loadout. It is having no effect on the weapon's performance. I cannot comment on what loadouts you may or may not be seeing in game or why. Though my advice for a 1 slot NFAS would be IR3, a 2 slot IR3 and 3ps3, a 3 slot IR3 3ps3 and a blue mod of your choice. Some may prioritize extended mag over 3ps3 if they need the extra rounds and that fine. That's really all their is to be said about the NFAS and mods.
  17. That's is correct. The mods are working exactly as they should. Im simply explaining how they affect shotguns. I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean by screenshots.
  18. Hopefully weapon balance will continue after 3.5, and hopefully the m1922 is among those weapons taken a look at. Such a fun weapon to wield, it's a shame it's not more useful.
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