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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I mean, it effects carplay, the best cqc and the best secondary. Or negative Did... Did we just become best friends?
  2. While I may not agree with all of these changes, I am very excited to see the meta shaken up. This game either changes, or dies. (IMO)
  3. The kickback is the shiniest turd when it comes to the EOLs.
  4. I dont have access to the finer details, but I would hope your name would still show. Cuz yeah if its like smoke where you are searching for a red crosshair... that'd be a hard pass from me.
  5. For some people APB is like a poor man's Second Life. They are only in it for the creations and socialization.
  6. I mean you will still have missions going on all around you. This just prevents out of mission players from interfering. And not just the cement and dumptrucks, but also normal player vehicles used for things like blocking ladders or ramming you off course in vehicle deliver missions for example. Basically out of mission player driven vehicles would interact in the same way out of mission players do now.
  7. I personally would be in favor of this change. Nothing worse than being fucked over by some out of mission griefer, but I do understand those who are against it.
  8. I do not know. But in the spirit of fairness, with more than 40 unique weapons in APB... balance them wile keeping them unique cannot be easy. I cannot speak for anyone else. But I use it constantly. Especially the 2 hipfire 1 ADS kills. You get the reduced spread for retreating opp while not increasing the TTK. (since the best defense for shotguns is pressing "s" this comes in handy all the god damn time) I also 3 shot at max range using ADS quite often. To use the DOW and never use the mod is inefficient at best, foolish at worst.
  9. If you believe this to be true at 0.9 ttk, then surely you aren't trying to 3 shot with a CSG at 1.54 ttk.
  10. Uhh, what? Thats the whole point of the DOW. And please tell me you dont think Marksman Mode on a CSG has any effect. Not since the LOBeastie changes, no.
  11. Oh boy was it... that was an hilarious time for APB.
  12. The Thumper Mod allows for tighter spread (35% tighter to be exact) making it actually viable at 20m, 22m at max 3 shot range and even firing all 3 shots with the mod ttk only changes to .90 The CSG if you go by the math does 3 shot up to 23m, but in actual gameplay (spread size vs hitbox size) this is highly unlikely to impossible. (as you said damage dropoff does not mean min stk range, not to mention you go from a .77 ttk to 1.54) Honestly to even compare these shotguns is laughable.
  13. Was all ready to give you one of my Volcanoes til I read "Whites Unite". Sorry homie, cant help you.
  14. When this happens to me I just say "well fuck you too" and hit "k". Not really worth getting more upset than that.
  15. Interesting point, though you should at least still be able to see the red name.
  16. 1. Pass 2. Pass 3. Pass 4. Pass 5. I guess, sure. 6. Pass 7. Im not sure if this is a netcode or a personal net issue. So no comment.
  17. While I understand your frustration, this one's on you homie. Also I would take a moment to calm down before deciding to do a chargeback, at least contact support first and see if they can help you as in the past chargebacks have resulted in bans.
  18. Well... while not the choice I would make, I suppose that IS one way to fix imbalance. I absolutely agree that at least for the NFAS and maybe the JG, this mechanic offers far too much of a buff.
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