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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Ikr? It's not like Tiggs ever banned anyone for no good reason. She was a saint.
  2. Depends on what you already have, tbh. Both in regards to vehicles and weapons.
  3. IR3 is a waste, just fyi. Also, you never want to max RoF with the cr762 outside of closer ranges. Also, macros would be a terrible idea on the cr762, as it would on pretty much any semi auto weapon other than MAYBE the Oscar.
  4. btw forum mods are also player volunteers
  5. I have made more than a hundred accounts myself. Don't worry Ive only been logging in on the 3 I use.
  6. Damn it, people are going to read this and think its serious.
  7. Yep. Yep indeed. Now that you've nerfed the most common free weapon... you will have to nerf everything.
  8. URSUS p2w Most of us run cj3. Aside from that, no idea.
  9. Turns out it WAS as bad as it looked.
  10. Im not sure what you are trying to say. We already know Puck's support was worse.
  11. Id be happy if they just put the Katana on the right way. The cutting edge is facing the wrong way. Goes like this, cutting edge down: not like this cutting edge up: Hell, even Fortnite gets it right:
  12. I'm gonna let you think about this one for a bit. Give you time to remember just how "helpful" Puck and Co. were. Because if all you want is copy paste responses basically telling you to fuck off, well I'm sure that's a lot easier than hiring training and paying more staff.
  13. reading is hard Homie, you've been crying about this for over a year. Everyone knows the wait times suck. No one thinks they are acceptable. Really, you can quit posting about it.
  14. Yeah, everything is crashing atm.
  15. I was saying stop crying and pretending you know better, actually. But whatever gets you through the day my guy.
  16. Thanks for doing that, homie.
  17. Temp agencies or normal hires, the real issue is training. APB is familiar to us, the terms, the issues, etc but to a layman it isnt the same and thats before you need to train someone to deal with all the cheat tickets imagine training a non gamer to evaluate cheat reports? thats a large investment in time and money per hire, add in a possible high turnover rate and you can see the problem not a defense of the wait times btw
  18. No worries, Im just offering solutions. And i understand your frustration. Though if you ever do need a messenger, feel free to hit me up, and I can alert the devs and/or GMs in the LO discord.
  19. At least you finally admitted you don't actually know what to do. Kudos.
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