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About ReaperTheButcher

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    Resides in Baylan Shipping

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  1. I still wait for an administrator to yeet us all and close the topic right after he writes a comment
  2. I stand tall on my statement there, as the nature of those conversations is related to weapon balancing, it is a natural instinct to listen to the more experienced and seasoned veterans, Elders, anyone below this "status" will just suggest stupid, terroristic and hysterical suggestions that will just sabotage the Ying yang in weapon balancing which is a fine line you don't want to stumble upon, that's just how things are, not in your position nor power to tell me where to leave a footmark as much as you'd loved to. Yours truly Beloved.
  3. Translation: Please pay attention to the Norsemen Odin weapon, which has all the modifications from these weapons, but they are cut so much that it is funny to play with it in this situation, given that the magazine capacity is small and the damage is small. And it turns out that this Pack of weapons is not relevant to take, and with Norsemen Odin no one is playing .. ((( My suggestion is - Give more damage to all these Norsemen weapons., And replace the recoil modification with something else .. maybe the rate of fire or an increase in the number of cartridges in the clip or something else ... And the Norsemen Odin weapon itself needs to be made desired. I personally agree with him/her, the Norseman series should have the same treatment as the R-2 'Harbinger'.
  4. приветствует мой товарищ))))))))))) Because LO wants to be "politicly correct" by listening to the weak, but they soon will learn when they will be forced to shut the servers down once and for all.
  5. Just to prove someone wrong. Merged. This is one thing that has to change, either ruin the OPGL as they do to every other "OP" weapon, or should they just buff the neglected weapons instead. That what happens when you listen to silvers (True silvers and fake goldies or low tier golds) and give them place in weapon balancing threads, instead they should be at the back door or if any just kicked the fk out of those conversations...
  6. God damn silvers, they always ruin the experience for the elite players...
  7. This is actually great that they listen to the community and buff weak weapons like the SNR 850 and the R-2, less clunky OBIR/FFA is welcomed. Now push hard and give birth to the "messiah" Engine upgrade, save us all hopefully it will add a few years to the life of this game
  8. At the end, we both know something, and this is one thing, that the OPGL wont be disabled in asylum, as if they already wanted to do it, they've already done it long ago, that's really obvious.
  9. We could have the same missions as Baylan shipping has and it will have enough variety, your point is dull as a smooth rock. and as someone said before, you don't nerf/disable a weapon because it preforms good in certain areas/maps, that just not how things work. it is the same as if you said, the OCA is too good in close quarters and especially in Asylum, disable it !!! okay lad... it is not a serious conversation coming from you.
  10. I agree, i think the spots the capture items end up in might be the problem, my suggestion is to revamp the missions in asylum, maybe make it a deathmatch to 150 kills and the other mission will be capture a point, but one way or another the "capture the item" missions have to go, from experience, the item end up in that studio with the speakers and you have 3-4 people spam all the doorways with an OPGL you could go through to get to the item. Having the OPGL itself disabled and not fixing the problem itself is not that smart.
  11. No new major updates content wise until the engine upgrade will go live, which actually none knowns when it is.
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