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Everything posted by KyoukiDotExe

  1. EDIT - Fixed by this: Original post: So with my config files (only text based edits) on OTW the client decides to not let me in and tells me my version is incorrect. I've tried removing the patch files and .xml files and repair the game with the launcher but it refuses to let me in the game. Log says: 08:59:34 - hosting: m_version 08:59:34 - hosting: Wrong client version If I try to launch the launcher it updates my config and reverts the changes. Log says: 12:10:59 PM 3844 [idx] [CRC] [DownSize] [Path] 12:10:59 PM 3844 [ 0] 2992814388 8763 APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini 12:10:59 PM 3844 [ 1] 2652854594 6559 Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini 12:10:59 PM 3844 Download patch file list end 12:10:59 PM 3844 Download patch files will be:2 12:10:59 PM 3844 PACKAGE_CD_INSTALL: NONE 12:10:59 PM 3844 Downloading APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini.zip 12:10:59 PM 3844 Web host apb.patch.ot.gamersfirst.com resolves to IP:, with Host Name: apb-patch-ot-gamersfirst.reloadedgames.netdna-cdn.com 12:10:59 PM 3844 Download successful for http://apb.patch.ot.gamersfirst.com/Client1.19.5.789517/APBGame/Config/APBCompat.ini.zip after 1 attempts 12:10:59 2380 Completed communication with http://www.gamersfirst.com/live/t.php?s=1&c=GameLauncher&a=OnLauncherStart&l=APB 12:10:59 PM 3844 Decompressing APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini.zip 12:10:59 PM 3844 Decompressing APBCompat.ini.zip to APBCompat.ini 12:10:59 PM 3844 Deleting C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\GAMERSFIRST\APB OTW\Client1.19.5.789517\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini.zip 12:10:59 PM 3844 Setting file attributes for C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\GAMERSFIRST\APB OTW\Client1.19.5.789517\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini.zip to normal 12:10:59 PM 3844 Checking C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\GAMERSFIRST\APB OTW\Client1.19.5.789517\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini 12:10:59 PM 3844 Applying C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\GAMERSFIRST\APB OTW\Client1.19.5.789517\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini 12:10:59 PM 3844 Setting file attributes for C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\GAMERSFIRST\APB OTW\APBGame\Config\APBCompat.ini to normal
  2. 3rd EVGA 1080 Ti FTW3 Hybird Gaming card with pump fails. Pump's are generally horrible. And because Asetek has a pattent on pump's there is no innovation there. (Thanks US legal) My X62 Kraken is still fine tho (knock wood)
  3. i7 2600k here, but it will load the core fully and cause bad framerate. Maybe you could get away with using Processor Affinity by not using the first core for APBprogram.
  4. What about the CPU usage? Does BattlEye want to scan those?
  5. That is really good! I am testing my config on OTW as we speak, but the client tells me my version is incorrect and patchs my config files, undoing my changes.
  6. I believe the previous ToS is still in place which permits shader edits.
  7. Sounds to me that it would only complicate things for the development team to go through encryption every other patch or so. I have no background experience on this however, so if someone can answer that would be nice.
  8. KyoukiDotExe


    Was more meant to spawn you in :D. Thanks.
  9. 200 for only access and 50p/m for a cheat? That's insane. Never bothered checking those prices lol.
  10. By something that should be there in the first place? Can't recall a reason why it removes the crosshair while sprinting anyways, this game hasn't seen design changes in over years. Doubt it's an intensional decision either way. I am not here to argue around wether it's wrong or "evil", if it were up to me and *disclaimer this is my opinion* it should be there for everyone, not just one person. I have never kept it a secret on what I use. My information was about to educate people on what is possible, because there will be always be ways to still achieve the same desired effect. It used to be shaders, now it's tools outside the game's resources.
  11. Might I add the sheer amount of tools you can use to get a crosshair. - Monitor (asus monitors have this for example, they are ugly and big but they do their job.) - Abuse other Program Overlay's, you can do this with Mumble and other programs most likely. - There are also specific tools that are designed mainly to do this. - Dot on the monitor itself, sticky note? People will find the way to get it on there, so you can't stop that. So increase the possibility to let players change their liking and style, it doesn't make anyone cheat or automatically better. I've played BF1 over 365 hours, BF3 over 357 hours and they allow to customize the crosshair to your hearts desire in terms of colors and mouse feeling. You can use raw input, or not if you use a custom setup. (mousefix) You can use different sensitivity on each type of gun, oh you like to aim slower with sniper for pinpoint precision? Go ahead. You can change the uniformity feel of every weapon to be precise. APB:R Needs these things. They are not cheats, they don't give you instant boost in skill as you still need to aim properly and be able to track someone. On the topic of what APB needs is having smoother animations as well. That makes it easier for eyes to determine motion in characters. And there is probably plenty of more ideas. Edit: This is what BattlEye can see:
  12. How much of these are false bans? Stats don't say a thing to me.
  13. KyoukiDotExe


    @Lixil Could you lock this thread?
  14. Very glad that helped. My IGN is the same as my forum name :) If you would like to know more you can message me ingame on Citadel if you need more information or advice.
  15. They can see you beforehand in 3RD person, don't forget that.
  16. You got to do something when you're in a bored state and just want to play and mess around.
  17. Still comes back to my point where animations are just unsmooth experience to percieve. Now, RS3 only makes it so it's more pinpoint towards the crosshair so more like less spread, CJ3 on top of that only makes the gun fire faster in between shots which CAN make the animations unsmooth as it's different then the stock variant. But overall OCA, PMG, NTEC, Carbine, all guns are not bad tracking wise. Oscar is the only exception as it behaves different, it fires in two shot bursts (which no other gun does) and it's overall quick. You can slap CJ3 on the Oscar and "ice" even more if you like since the shots are fired more quickly between them making the character move even more.
  18. Then by that logic means that if oyu get a weapon with CJ3 you'll desync? That's not the cause. Now speedhacking is an actual desync thing since you manipulate the timing in the client and the server seeing that change. You are changing the tickrate.
  19. Animations. No, the animation is not smooth.
  20. This probably what I meant with my post, but you just kind of explained it. But you can create any sort of cheating without a client sided anticheat. They already sort of solved this for a bit though, with the introduction of changes to the movement. It is mainly why Oscar users are on ice is because of the silly animation's you aren't used to. You can't track them properly. But that goes for a lot of stuff in the game as they animation, nor ping/optimization is not there.
  21. This helps, also I rock an i7 2600k @ 4.5 Ghz and it rocks a solid 120fps across the board ( with tweaked APBCompat.ini however. ) You can change the garbagecollection functionality in here: APB Reloaded\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini on line 88 and 89: TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=120 GarbageCollectionMemoryCeilingGb=16 TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects Up this value to have less stutters each X secs (60 = default, so every 60 seconds it will clear the memory for a bit), but you still need this command as else the game will crash after several minutes of playing. Upping this value will also result in it happening less frequent. I've set mine to 120 so every 2 minutes it will start doing a little cleanup, most noticeable when you just joined a district. GarbageCollectionMemoryCeilingGb How much it can store up and when it should start cleaning itself. For 8GB system memory use 4, For 16GB system memory use 8, For 32GB system memory use 16, And the rest you can pretty much calculate by yourself.
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