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Everything posted by RETARD

  1. im not allowed to give out names? fuck off loser
  2. these are some names i didn't want but aren't taken if anyone wants them :). some are good some are bad just names i didn't want comment below if u got a name ill try to update the list as names are being taken and ill be adding more names to the list when i find them so check back daily or in a week or so idrc (NA) (didnt try EU) least(NA) wasnt(NA) werent(NA) mutual(EU) aloud(NA) wrestle(BOTH) rematch(BOTH) Layout(BOTH) unbox(EU) boast(EU) mound(EU) costume(EU) taught(NA) await(BOTH) venmo(NA) apart(NA)
  3. keeps saying my character is stuck in district or my account is logged into on another client idk why its doing this but its annoying and everytime i have to wait 15+ minutes then it works but it keeps happening everytime i login
  4. a poll will not change anything, you're attempts are futile.
  5. so instead of aiming you want them to remove friendly fire? yet again another thing you can easily avoid doing but instead you want it removed it from the game. stop posting your shitty suggestions about the game on this forum please and thank you.
  6. so you want them to make people stop playing with their friends because you are shit at the game?
  7. im getting bored of waiting for the new engine update, our ancestors didnt fight for our freedom so i could wait for a update for a dead game.
  8. how about we just wait till engine upgrade and see what they bring us instead of saying the same shit over and over again
  9. honestly if i was you i would just quit apb reloaded, the game is boring as fuck.
  10. didnt you say you was not gonna respond anymore lmao and why did you edit that out of your last response?
  11. no one here cares about your feelings or frustrations lmao, i dont want to come on here and see you complaining about something that's already been said 100x. we know matchmaking is a problem but they cant fix that right this second and do everything u say right when you want them to, they are maybe fixing it with the engine but as matt has said a million times it is taking forever because of what GamersFirst did so wait for engine or leave the game, it makes no sense to say how much you dont like the game or something in but you still play contantly XD.
  12. like always, apb is late or maybe they wont ever add it, its just a wait and see.
  13. fanboy? you dont have any fans in this game XD. this is my first impression of you and i already fucking hate you. so far ive seen you are literally a joke to this community.
  14. i literally dont give a single fuck, you crying on the forums isnt the feedback they need, helpful feedback yes. they already know they need to fix things so why keep telling them?
  15. if you dont like the game then dont play it. so fucking simple, stop crying about the game if you play it everyday. Merged. LOL. you think making a post to complain is going to make LO release the engine and fix everything thats wrong with this game faster?? as they and many others have said this game is going to take a while to fix because Gamersfirst messed it up so badly, so making post after post about everything wrong with the game is just annoying for them and everyone else. Wait for the engine like everyone else or just leave the fucking game. No one is forcing you to play apb. if you thinks its so bad dont play it. everyone that is complaining about this game being so bad is the same people that play this game 24/7, YOU are choosing to still play the game so stop complaining about it.
  16. you cant complain about dethreaters if you gonna go into bronze on purpose to play vs low silvers.
  17. suggestions dont work if they dont use them so its just boring suggesting things they will never add , like you all think you are doing something by making annoying patootie posts like this thread. It does nothing to make things like this.
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