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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 10 minutes ago, MitneAlt said:

    No. I didn't even need to undermine your post.

    There is simple fact: If you play with cheater, you are not cheating.

    So hard to understand?

    if you cosntantly and under full awareness play with cheaters to win and even intend to take a cheater with you to win that still is cheating. it's just not using hacks to cheat by your own. but it would be hard to have evidence for this.

  2. 1 hour ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    What do you identify as?



    2 minutes ago, Hypothesis said:

    I always or it automatically runs as admin.



    still try to tell your winderp to run as administrator, just because oyu are the admin doesn't makes windows execute stuff as admin.

  3. 46 minutes ago, LUST said:

    Whoa...you have to give them options...


    1) I was banned for Advanced APB Launcher...

    2) I was banned for Mousefix...

    3) I was banned for removing instrument sounds...

    4) I was banned for Loginscreen Fix and Removed Ambient Sounds...

    5) I was banned for some overlay (Overwolf, Discord, Mumble, Shadowplay, Relive, Plays.tv, Bandicam etc.)...

    6) I was banned for my mouse software (Razer, Logitech, etc.)...

    7) I was banned for my cosmetic/Quality-of-Life config edits (colors, toggle keys, etc.)...



    they have well trained excuses in the past the ywon't run out tof them, mostc an evemn be recycled. And in the most extreme cases the "ruski stole mah accaunt" can always be pulled as a joker.

  4. 15 hours ago, notHunky said:

    LOL, you guys have already accomplished more in a few months than what G1 could in 3 to 5 years. Also thanks for allowing us to still use Advanced Launcher until we get a proper graphics settings update.


    just wait, and see how BE performs, everyone had the same hopes when FF came, and then ...

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, GhosT said:

    I honestly think this should'nt have been announced and just randomly implemented, so the players that cheated for years would suffer consequences, rather than giving them more than enough time to uninstall everything.




    wouldn't they have noticed this when updating, afaik BE does very visibly run in an extra install process (at elats on those games I had that had BE before)



    2 hours ago, Deadliest said:



    duuuude what toaster is that game recorded on? this looks so horrible.


  6. it will be tough to jsutify these because people will claim "i didn't knew" etc. but seriously there are specific clans who ALWAYS have that low rank high skilled palyer carrying them, and that is surely NOT coincedence. Same for some groups, you just see these 3 people names and the lowie, and instantly knwo; yeah lets bet that newbie the yhave this time si going to be MVP.  And then that happens.

  7. 7 hours ago, Luminesca said:

    Generally speaking, the more you play the better you get? So if ranking was not capped, it would pretty much show your rough skill level. The current system of determining threat(skill) based on score, is clearly not working.


    thats nonsense, if you knew some members of our game you know they are enternal silvers who capped out their skills and will always just be medicroe gamers.

    What doesn't works is how easy one can dethreat and then stay gold in bronze districts. Just let golds in bronze not k up, easy solution to imeplement, or get a district crossing Mm up so these people quickly will get matched out fo the limited pool of people below their skills.

  8. good speech, unfortunately reality will be like:


    hacker kiddies keep hacking.

    hacker kiddies get banned.

    hacker kiddies get mad.

    hacker kiddies flood the forum about broken BE.

    hacker kiddies flood support about broken BE.

    hacker kiddies madness makes them DDos the servers.


    But we will also see some of the fishy closet people be gone trying to not trigger their hacls until sopemoen might consider them save. So sty strong today when their madness unlaods and enjoy the mostlikely more cheatfree environment than usual.


    Dammit, I need a new mouse the old one starts failing with the mosuewheel and other stuff,  nothing serious in the other games I usually play but in APB thats too vital.


    • Like 1

  9. 14 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    low yields have a large radius tho, thats a weird comparative statement





    is it? well, we only have 4 nades, yolols, concs, percs and frags, and 2 of them have a norrmal range (yolos and frags) then come percs and then concs. so percs are having lower radius than yolos (which youc an spam 3 of) and also do more damage, they kinda act a bit like micropercs due to the short fuse. So the closest comaprison are yolos over frags which have a longer timer and quite mroe damage as well.

  10. 14 hours ago, neophobia said:

    You can definitely make out some grass in the video (0:50)

    I can't really tell in the beginning of the video but it isn't the best quality either.

    I can see just as many leafs in the video as I can see in yours. As I said, it's not the best quality - but yeah, I don't really see much of a difference, except for some brightness. Maybe contrast is a little bit off too.

    The new trees definitely look better than the old ones.

    Also, mind the perspective - but I do agree, the video was made to create some bias towards the new engine - the reasons for this are obvious though and companies... well... do that. It's not unusal.

    (sorry for the doublepost, but this is really not related to my other one, which was on-topic)


      Reveal hidden contents





    yes at one very part of the vid you can see grass, but overall you hardly see grass because the video quality of the old record is so bad you simply can't see it. its just a rubbish comparison if you make it like this. I am not sure what G1 has from that kind of comprison it's not like they would sell a new product. and people woudl anways see the not so big difference ingame.

  11. 2 hours ago, sundere said:

    sometimes is not intentional, i had the weird lucky of winning 5 or 6 missions, then i just lose one, obviously with so bad score but not intentional they was totally better than me and my team, and i become silver, is weird  


    well score works in relation to the others, so winning is not the main part, making score is, if you score close to a silver you will hardly raise if any at all, you could evenget downranked.

  12. 2 hours ago, sundere said:

    sometimes is not intentional, i had the weird lucky of winning 5 or 6 missions, then i just lose one, obviously with so bad score but not intentional they was totally better than me and my team, and i become silver, is weird  


    well score works in relation tot he others, so winning is not the main part, makign score is, if you score close to a silver you will hardly raise if any at all, you could evenget downranked.

  13. 1 minute ago, LaQuandra said:


    Aren't custom shaders against TOS? Did they specifically say cross hairs themselves are? Either way, people are streaming with both custom shaders and cross hairs and they are not banned. I really think you'll be safe for the 6 hours of play time I am asking for. Plenty of legit third party programs allow you to use an overlay.


    You and your crew means you and those who think it's an unfair advantage. This is why I am asking you to do it. Rather than just assuming it's an advantage I want you to do it and then show me the advantage it gave you. If you actually do it and realize it gave you no advantage then you'd be in the other camp telling Lily and co. that it really isn't a big deal worth complaining about and that is is far from cheats.


    they get banned if you show that to support, G1 has no inbuilt way to check this, thats why some get away with it.

  14. 1 minute ago, LaQuandra said:


    I am dying to see you do this. You claim it's a huge advantage and I'd love to see your skill increase because of these "mini cheats." Maybe it will help you throw percs around corners.......maybe. 



    Show me. Show me your OPGL with and without a dot. I'd love to see the huge skill increase.

    the easiest test would be makign a shotoing raneg and have soemone using a center dot shooting on it and see his accuracy, especially on sprint shoot wpaons and then without that dot, I bet 10€ there will be a a differenc ein his aim beign worse.


    there were poeople who claim "I know the center of my screen" but I assure you on long ranges with high acuracy wepaons where you soemtimes just have like 3 pixels to hit beign able to preaim before exitign sprint with such accuracy is helping a lot and even very good players profit from it.


    The truth woudl be, if that is not givign any advantage, why would a player block his own center pixel at all and deny any visuals on it? because it IS an advantage. They just like to tell it's not for 2 reasons: their own peace of mind to feel less like "cheating" and to not make others jump on that wagon as well, because then they lose their advantage when everyone does it.

  15. 1 hour ago, LaQuandra said:


    A cross hair isn't going to make you a better player either. It doesn't enhance game sense and aiming which are the two factors that will make a successful APB player. G1 only said no to the shaders and cross hairs to appease the misguided vocal forum community like yourself. People still openly streamed with their shaders and cross hairs and were not banned. Do not think for one second that G1 "disallowed" them because of a competitive advantage. Be honest here, the old team never played and had no idea what the shaders or cross hairs did. 


    How come I have beaten players with custom shaders and cross hairs? And when I lose I don't blame others. I wonder why....


    advantage =/=autowin, as well as hacking =/=winning but massively increasing chance, sseriously, its hard to take you serious anymore ther eis 0 logic in what you say.

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