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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 17 hours ago, Salvick said:


    When was that APB player base became the ones who tells the game producers how to designs their game?

    This started haappening when good designers were lacking (remember glory old games?) and then someone started making games people wanted even if they by design were bad. Thats a good tactic to get sales as customers do get what they want, but most of these games are mainstream trash. However with APB there is that problem of a vocal toxic elite that just tries to convince the designers their need is everyones need, and when designers listened to that lots of things will go horribly wrong.
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  2. 12 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    The CEO (Matt Scott) decided it was a bad idea, not the community. 

    Lixil didnt "get paired" with them, she is friends with them and chose to play in a group with them on her stream. When people asked questions they were banned from her twitch (by other apb players whom Lixil made moderators) and then chat was changed to subscribers only so the only way you could talk was to give money. 

    ok thats an interesting detail that was not written in his post, but then this specific thing should be preventet and not streaming in general.

  3. On 7/30/2018 at 8:25 PM, CookiePuss said:
    Like @TheJellyGoo said, read the thread.

    I have read this, I still don't see the bad idea, except for what some players did, nothing was wrong. No need to stop streaming or not having all stuff unlocked, I thinkt hats even good for showcasing and also realising how crap some stuff is for the streaming staff.  All I see is that the involvment of CM's thats common in orther game was yet again desteroyed by some Members of the community.

  4. 1 hour ago, mynd said:
    Most people are going to have to accept that APB is not a game you play to relax and enjoy.

    I would like to play lazy and casually, but there's a lot of opp out there that plays very competitively.  The difference of whether I play APB at any time now comes down to whether I feel like trying to keep up or just do something else.

    well PVP games are hardly enjoyable when the goal is winning. I remember playing chivalry was fun when the only purpose was toc hop someones limps of from time to time. but the moment it was about seriously trying to win the fun stopped and it turned out to be more "work" than fun.  I just fell its very wrong to go and have "fun" again on the expanse of others like dethreathers do. But yes atm this all is also areason I don't play APB that often anymore, way to much "work" or just stomping lowies, because the game gives you like 1 suilver and 3 bronzes. it's mising the truly equal mindset people atm. Thats also why car diversity died. everyone takes the best for just the bit of advantage.  make APB great again  (but dunno how tbh)

  5. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:
    If I read his statement correctly, Matt thought the decision itself was a bad idea.
    I find it hard to believe he is catering to a handful of players who happen to dislike Flaws.

    ok waid, I might have lost the thread somewhere, what exact decision was said to be a ba idea? Are we still talking about that streaming?

  6. 27 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    I could be completely wrong here, but I feel the dethreating stemmed from two different aspects.

    Gold players who didn't want to play against other golds because they thought a lot of them cheat(ed).

    Gold players who don't want to play difficult matches and just want to stomp less experienced players for easy kills to make themselves feel better.

    The former is left to the eyes of the beholder (given the incredibly large tear down the centre of the community on how many people supposedly cheat). Whereas the latter is just selfish. Some people are out there who want to stomp other players to feel better about themselves and APB is no exception. You can see the same stuff happening in other competitive games. However, this is usually done via smurfing (creating a brand new account to play against newer players).

    That's how I see it. There are a few who don't play the mission because they know their enemy and don't want to repeatedly bash their head against a wall (metaphorically). I'm a culprit of this on one or two ocassions where I know the match will be frustrating and the chance of a win is 0, given what teammates I have and how much I could realistically contribute. However, I don't do this when I'm soloing as it's not fair for the others who are playing.

    Sorry, retrospectively.

    if you remember the days of threat seggregation, a lot if dethreathrs actually admitted they don't want to be stressed playing against equal golds. Because its a game and they want to enjoy and relax.  Its weird because with dethreating they just cause this on others but worse because the skill level isn't even even anymore. It also kinda shows a bit of a very egoistic nature thats within these people. And LO hardly can fix this kind of issue. And the worst part might be that thes people either start cheating or stop playing, which both isn't good too.

  7. 15 hours ago, PrincessTwilight said:

    Poor LO, Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

    and thats when they finally need to lay fo the "We want everoyne to be happy" attitude and just ignore some of the always complaining ones and just do their thing. We should have streams, and devs shouldn't care about every single member complainign abuot stupid stuff. Stremaign APb means playing with and against other people, and if someoen goes mad because of this should this really mean streams should stop? I don't even care if Lixil gets the max rank all item account, it's not even going to help her much. if she really played with a hacker, well it just shows how easy it is in APB to meet one and how the average person isn't able to spot this. But then its probably LO's job in the aftermath to investigate this.

    But I hope LO grows enough balls to understand that we soon have no nice things left anymore if they always act like this just because a few guys complain with their hurt ego.

    Never seen the MWO community cry about this, everyone was just happ if any of the devs were in a battle. But here, OMG conspiracy world dooming actions and flamign happens beyong and scale of measure.

    Lets please just not lose all this possibilities because of a bitter minority and keep streams happening where devs make missiosn with changing community members so many get the chance to play with or vs them.

  8. 19 hours ago, whitecrystall said:
    Actually did, one of my nicest clan members. He might've been cheating I have absolutely no idea but it really didn't seem like it, if he did he was really bad at it since he wasn't top in any missions. We do know that FairFight did falsely ban a lot of people but I'd say the majority of bans were legit, but if you look in the greater scopes of things 17k is definitely a lot lower amount of people than the people who're constantly falsely accused of cheating, giving the illusion of the issue being greater than it is.

    The matter is not those who accuse the subject is about you who never saw a cheater in those 1000 hours, so quite obviously you may just not be good at spotting cheaters, and just because someone loses a mission or doesn't plays good doesn't mean he isn't cheating. Not everyone is using the full spectrum of cheats, and some strangely even with rather baltant settinsg still play crap.
    • Like 1

  9. Funny how g1 had GM's doing events and players trolled them.
    Funny how tiggs streamed and got trolled and whatever.

    It's not G1's fault that communication ended it's how players treated them. And I wonder how long it needs till LO acts the same. And then all these bad people can finally beat the Scapegoat LO for scewing up.

    For me APB now turned into a social experiment and I just wanna see if LO goes the road g1 did and history repeats or if things happen different and how the bad parts of the community try to screw that up too.

    other things I expect to die within the next 2 years:  Post reactions, Polls.

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  10. 7 hours ago, soLucky said:
    21 hours ago, Inquitoria said:

    You stand in the middle of the street and wait for enemies to respawn. Don't blame your terrible play on the car spawner.

    If they had spawned 20 meters further away, that HVR would still have killed you, the way you're running around without cover, completely alone.

    Why does no one else think that this is a problem? People shouldn't spawn close enough and in LOS to be able to immediately kill someone who just killed them. Ill take 150m spawns over the current system as long as they are consistent and everyone gets them. You shouldn't be rewarded with stupid spawns for dying.
    Why not? nothing feels better than getting flank mowed down because a guy spanwed 2 secs after you spawned.

    we definately should get an overhaul and make spawns happen in more hidden places where people can neithe rinstant see objectives nor can be seen by opps.

  11. 49 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    57 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    does not change a single thing about the cheater issue not having changed, and if they want to manually check everyone, good luck, that probably piles up as hard as the current support issue given they investigate this properly, it will take time, and thats gonna be a lot more than people need rerolling. So if we don't get some automated bans on the most basic things even nothing will really change.
    We just explained that we do have auto bans.

    you explained they are temp bans, and those are virtually useless.

  12. 27 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    32 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    temp bans is like, hey dude why not cheat a few times, its fine. wonder how long it needs until the pop is back to pre LO times. bumping it with unbanning all these poeple didn't really improve anything.
    they’ve already stated that the temp bans are being used in case there’s a mass false ban, at the time of this information they were manually reviewing every temp ban and every single one had been made permanent 

    does not change a single thing about the cheater issue not having changed, and if they want to manually check everyone, good luck, that probably piles up as hard as the current support issue given they investigate this properly, it will take time, and thats gonna be a lot more than people need rerolling. So if we don't get some automated bans on the most basic things even nothing will really change.

  13. On 7/8/2018 at 9:06 PM, iSynergy said:

    tbh "We are banning for hacking and cheating"


    i dont see any of these since there litearlly STILL closets and blatant cheater out there. I mean we fought many YEARS those blatants and closets. In my opinion those guys doesn't even deserved a 2nd Chance since there's alot of videoproof material where you was easy able to see that they went blatant even while streaming (no i dont mean ***** but there was alot other ppl 😉 ) or even some of the cheating Clans which are now back and cheat again the shit out of the game. BE might be fine but the "investigation" needs way too long since there plenty of bypasses out and the "Temp Ban" Solution is a bad choice. You break the ToS of the Game? So you have to be punished for it. They've broken it once and got their (undeserved) 2nd Chance and do it again. Punishing this with a Tempban is a worse idea because they wont learn it when they even fk up their 2nd Chance

    temp bans is like, hey dude why not cheat a few times, its fine. wonder how long it needs until the pop is back to pre LO times. bumping it with unbanning all these poeple didn't really improve anything.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Mitne said:
    And THAT nerf I would be okey with.
    No... instead they want to damage N-HVR itself as weapon.

    well, that would nerf exploits like jumpshooting, but the entire easy to use, hide and pop out for extreme damage mechanics thing would stay and so the meta it is currently in. The question is what the N-HVR's role shuld be. They could give it a good delay of like one second or 1.5 after moving before crosshair even starts deblooming. it would take away a lot mobility as offset to the high damage. But beign behind a wall and doing the popup shootin from a higher location is what really puts the N.HVR in a situation without any counter. there near no time of exposure for the user and he can't be shot by nades if the location doesn't offer a good trajectory to get them there. and thats something that won't change. So whats the role of the N-HVR or better, what should the role be? an low mobility defender role? that could be done. but then the offense capabilities will havily be limited, and that means countering a N-HVR gets harder because obir/obeya have currently no good position. Maybe that would make HVR a bit more wanted again as mobile offensive sniper. Its nearly unused atm. The balance would need various weapons to be changed, given the role LO wants the N.HVR to be in.

  15. 6 hours ago, Regime said:

    The proposed HVR change does not address the main problem with the HVR. Sure, QS/CQC shots are fairly easy to hit considering the damage output. A change to correct this problem is fine, but it will not stop players from using the HVR at all. We will continue to sit mid-long range, zoom in, 85 (completely take a player out of the game, pick them off with teammates, or just follow it up with a second shot). Not to mention there are plenty of above-average or overpowered secondaries (or low yields) we can use to kills players instead of using a nerfed HVR at close range. The gun is still going to be powerful even with this change, it is virtually unmatched mid to long range.

    We understand the HVR is difficult to balance, but there are other options. You could buff Obir/Obeya (or other long range guns) to encourage more players to use those guns to counter an HVR. You could nerf the damage of the HVR to 650-700ish or nerf the clipsize (I still think the gun would be powerful, but a bit more balanced). Or you could take the gun out of the game, problem solved. Players will go back to using the Scout, Obir, Obeya for the most part instead.

    Anyways, this proposed change is not terrible. I just do not think it goes far enough to really change anything. QS is a more a thing of the past anyways and HVR use will not change even with the slight nerf. 



    well once uppon a time ago, obeya had a lower ttk, and during this times ducking behind a regular cover made you expose like 2 rows of pixels. Nowdays a N-HVR can just duck behind anythign making the the long ttk possible with just like 0,2secs time of expose by just crouchpopping. One major reason why an obeya tha needs to land so many shots even if buffed still won't compete. But nerfing obeyas ttk and range then (when the dropoff mechanics changed) the whole obeya/obir to counter snipers mechanics were kinda lost. The change will help with some abusing acts like jump shooting but not with the regular meta sniper hiding gameplay, because on that level stuff is played regular with standin/crouching and shooting at high accuracy anyways.

  16. 2 hours ago, tries said:
    2 hours ago, iPlumbum said:

    Thats low tier cpu for apb.


    You need to upgrade.

    i fail to see how an 8th gen i7 is low tier for apb lol

    because 3.6GHZ vs 4GHZ or even 4,4 is not much. Also, try to chekc your temperatures, maybe your system runs much hotter in APB than BF4 and clocks down due to heat.

  17. this (beginnign move)  should still work, they said damage is accuracy dependend, and that shot was pretty much with high/full accuracy. So i don't see why this shouldn't work anymore. The later jump shots should do less damage, but how much is a more interesting value to see. might be it still works to kill people often enough if they are predamaged.

    TBH, the most simple solution would have been making N-HVR not even shootable during jump and done.

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  18. 16 hours ago, Triksterism said:

    Blood splatters and hit markers are client side and therefore unreliable measures to know if you hit someone or not sadly. Do not rely on them. Hell, even crosshair blooms can't be trusted in terms of determining your weapon's accuracy (I really hate stuff like this haha).


    hits on cars ar enot client sided, youc an see this when the game is on high latency and car impacts get delayed. but the crosshair blooms, yeah thats really amn odd thing ti feels at times the servers using an entirely different one than me.

  19. On 7/10/2018 at 10:26 AM, Fenton said:

    More evidence that many of the mechanics in APB need a re-work.


    Many distances and mechancis just never worked right or were chosen right, they shouldn't work like 120m around objectives or another person.  tbh that spawn allowed there is way too close to the mission location

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  20. 2 hours ago, Tobii said:

    no. it's still UE.

    All the documentation need for making cheats are out there. UE3, UE3.5 and UE4, no difference.

    It'll be the same.

    You are blowing this problem WAY out of proportion? What do you stand to gain from doing so? Spreading you paranoia and making people agree with you? SMH

    It's a F2P game, people will re-roll and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. Look at PUBG.. It's not even F2P and people still cheat, get banned, buy new account, cheat again.


    thats the issue, people are willing to spent way too much money for cheating. the only solution would be an anticheat reacting so quick that the process of making an account is too annoying compared to the fun of running around cheating. everythign else will be very much pointless in terms of helping to reduce the cheater problem.

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