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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. On 8/10/2018 at 12:34 PM, 23k said:
    To me, your profile picture gives me the vibes that you're a silver from a clan named 'WASP" that uses oca whisper on a daily basis and gets mad when he rushes in a open area and gets gunned down by an hvr. HVR was never op you just never had enough brain power to deal with it. 

    yep you are equally bad at knowing whats going on in proper gameplay as in the community, so better stop trusting these vibes, N-HVR's were always meta and at no point "not" meta. the usual proper skilled meta using gold runs around with n-tec or N-HVR like 95% of its time.  The IR change now just made snipers even better and hurts most other long range rifle,s the N-tec is only affected in CQC because thats the only time you might fully spray in a facehugging moment. And on any long range engagement, N-tec never used the RoF, so all the IR does now is ranging 2m further without reducing the performance since at those ranges N-tects shot slower anyways. And this means the gap for the N-HVR just widened, especially since now guns like OBIR and Obeya using IR got nerfed since their used RoF at these ranges was efficiently reduced.

    Mybe you should join WASP, pretty sure that even they can still teach you a lot basics you seem not to know.,
    On 8/10/2018 at 12:29 PM, 23k said:
    On 8/10/2018 at 12:28 PM, LilyV3 said:
    What's your problem? that's a good thing.

    In terms of balance making a meta gun even better is the biggest fail an attemp could make. Do you even know what balance means, or the point of it?
    • Like 2

  2. 17 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    17 hours ago, DiSkage said:

    That hvr "nerf" nerfed only jumpshots with hvr

    yeah, I never understood all the "lol QS-ing is over" stuff

    because a lot of QS complainers never knew how QS works, and just believed that the fix that was said to fix QS was going to do so. But everyone knowing how it works knows it didn't changed anything at all.
    • Like 1

  3. On 8/9/2018 at 8:16 AM, Kewlin said:

    You just put balance changes on live that ENTIRELY changes the meta of APB for the worse. The IR changes legit stupid as fuck: you put up a patch that was made and tested only just over a week, how much of a joke is that? And the IR changes were up less than a week on OTW. IR3 was essential to many guns, and the new downside effects guns each entirely differently, essentially arbitrarily nerfing at least half of the guns in the game regardless of if they needed nerfs or not. You just flat out nerfed the range of most guns in the game on a whim.

    If you actually think this patch made any sense then you really need to. . . IDK. . . sit back and play APB a few more years? I had a lot of faith in you LO, but boy oh boy did you let me down this month.

    This legitimately is potentially the worst patch in APB history.

    Oh, and P.S., I like the new netcode that makes the game unplayable.

    Are you saying making IR worse is a bad idea? It's change widening the gap to snipers finally makes snipers (which no one ever used since years) more viable now since the gap widened now. 

    I really agree with LO having way too less of an idea by gaming experience what their changes affect, the N-HVR nerf did nothing except affecting some hip shot actions, and now taking a nerf on IR so that OBIR, and obeya, the only non range snipers get a wider gap, just makes Snipers an even ebtter choice than they already were.

  4. On 8/8/2018 at 11:16 PM, BXNNXD said:
    On 8/8/2018 at 10:37 PM, Noob_Guardian said:

    I mean, i'm sure it would be, however it I think it would be picked up much much slower than an aimbot.

    pretty sure you need to hook into the games memory or something for wallhacks to work, which should get you caught just as easily as an aimbot since BE is a client side file monitor kind of anticheat

    because other antiochetas like PB weren't client side and never gave anyone the chance t properly wallhack?

    So in the end, no cheta is truly save, nor is any antic cheat. But it would be intersting to see how efficient BE bans between detection and ban. Alos is it full auto yet or still needs confirmation after the staff investigates?
    • Like 1

  5. 29 minutes ago, Fenton said:

    The can of worms has been opened.

    A fair number of vocal criminals claim hotly and loudly that LTL is horrible, over-powered and should be outright removed or massively nerfed.

    Regular LTL Enforcers either claim it is balanced, or in need of a buff.

    Perception be damned; I'd like to see some actual numbers from LO/G1 to see how popular it is and just how effective it may or may not be.

    Would love to see how many enforcers choose ltl vs gold threated opponents. In bronze town every crap works anyways, but a weapons true need  for performance shows on gold + even with all the fake golds we have, thats still a better measurement mark than counting in bronze matches. But I wonder how many dethreaters just annoy crims with ltl and abuse the deathreathing posibility even more.
    • Like 1

  6. 12 hours ago, Haganu said:
    I wish you good luck not facehugging anyone in Asylum where CQC combat is pushed so far by objective and overall flow of players that the PIG is actually an exploit there.
    Or what about enclosed areas in mission districts where you have to CQC?

    10m maximum reach is in no way an excuse to make a gun instantly stun you when you stub your toe.

    On another note, I like how people always ignore Asylum, while Asylum is the ideal place to showcase and exploit everything that's wrong with APB's gameplay. 
    Pig percing is outdated despite still effective (you can't fully prepare yourself for it in Asylum since there's so much CQC combat going on and other than 1 idiot one day in the week everyone's always using Carbine/NTEC/OCA/Shotguns). A lot of people rather shotgun pig these days. Even if half your shot misses it's such an easy +200 points. It takes only a few shots from the pellet to go past 50 stamina damage.

    IMO, in present-day APB combat the PIG feels very, VERY out of place. In literally no encounter I've ever been in I can say I've been stunned by a PIG because the player fought well or had better gun control. There's just no need for gun control when your gun deals 950/1000 damage. It's literally as broken as the HVR.

    it still doesn't instantly stun, you all make it look like you always are predamaged an get 10m faceshots, sorry but thats way more exaggerated than its true.  if it is sooo strong, why isn't half the enfo population using it? well because it isn't strong at all. Wonder if all the QQ would stop if crims get LTL too, but I bet they just gonna complain how useless it s and that crim LTL is having a hidden nerf.
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Xnetexe said:
    Doesn't Cooling Jacket work differently on shotguns compared to other weapons, and the mod explicitly states so?
    How's this any different?

    yes and no.

    ye sit affects shotguns differently, by altering different values, but it does in both cases affect accuracy (bloom for bnon shotties, and spread for shotties) giving shotguns an entire different impact for IR3 in terms or RoF makes not much sense as it is an entirely different aspect touched suddenly comapred to what CJ does.

  8. 2 hours ago, OfficerKovacs said:
    1. I'll try. 
    2. They'll give us a taste of our own medicine. A successful arrest takes a criminal out of play for longer time than killing them would, so to me it makes it fair for criminals to do the same to enforcers, it can be really powerful if in a small area control mission and you stun and arrest both enemies, they're stuck in timeout while you keep getting points. It was just an idea.
    iirc the time to spawn from being arrested was masively reduced and isn't long anymore at all.
    1 hour ago, TheJellyGoo said:
    "Just don't get close" doesn't work as an argument in a game which involves pushing towards an objective (or player in that regard) most of the time.
    It's also a secondary - same issue as with Yukon - "just don't get close" doesn't negate the apparent issue! Next argument is just don't get hit or just don't die or what?

    it still is, the pig user needs to get close, or you, and if you know this just don't get close stupidly and get predamaged, a single pig shot doesn't stun you unless you make derp moves (aka tactical bad chocie) as shown in your video.
    44 minutes ago, Lyfeld said:


    On the other hand, the TG-8 is pretty much ideally balanced, since it's almost equal to the FBW except for ranges where it doesn't even make sense to stun anyone. 
    fbw also has better mobility as it is more accurate durng movement,

    tg8 felt nice before the dropoff mechanics, after it it was a pointless epaon soemtimes not even able to shoot over some of the wider roads
    • Like 1

  9. 12 hours ago, OKB4OK4 said:

    Sometimes reading is hard

    what nonsense, so we get mods with specific penalties for specific wepaons?  thats makign the game even more complicated for no reason, thats now how you bring in new players and make them happy, just increase the bloom/shot maybe related to bullets so that shotguns using it, end up with a masive bloom using the mod after one shot. get range and sacrifice accuracy by firing at full speed.

  10. On 8/4/2018 at 10:08 AM, Inquitoria said:

    Tagger doesn't have negatives either, don't see you complaining about that.

    But tagger does not improve a guns performance, it just marks someone, which also might be a good information for the opponent knowing to be hit.
    Also, for tagger wyou may have to sacrifice a true performance improving mod, like TPS.
    On 8/4/2018 at 4:12 PM, GhosT said:

    While we're unnecessarily nerfing mods, can we nerf IR first so it actually has a downside?

    like upping bloom per shot so that the gun acts more sniperlike by having to fire with less ROF or get a penalty in accuracy. max bloom is hardly used at any gun you just tapfire, or shotties, and those wepaons who are used as spamfire weapons don't use IR.

  11. 12 hours ago, Similarities said:

    Everyone here is wrong. Movement is not clientside, it has never been clientside, it is server authoritative and clientside predicted.

    The client is allowed to move on their own screen only before the server receives information that they have moved, their movement data is not "corrupt", warping occurs for 2 reasons (maybe 3 because it's APB and their reliable stream is fucked from what I've understood from Matt's post about why the lag is happening, as apparently commands can be received and processed out of order which should never happen with a reliable stream), the first being packet loss, and the second occurring when a client lags. Packet loss occurs when one end has an unstable connection and packets are failing to reach their destination, and packet jitter which occurs when packets are arriving at their destination late, when they arrive late, the server has to process all of the commands it received late in a single server frame, when a client lags or stops sending packets for a period of time, they'll continue creating movement commands until they either disconnect or stop lagging, when they're lagging, all of the commands are batched up so that they can be sent next client update, when the client stops lagging, the client sends all of the batched movements to the server in a single update, where the server processes them from front to back in the next server frame, when all of these commands are processed, the server accepts the various movements the client has made since they last sent an update and voila, they move, albeit not very smoothly.

    And would you believe this? Speedhacking works the same way, when you speedhack, you create multiple commands per server tick, they're all batched up and sent to the server at once, the server processes them from front to back, and you move...just a lot faster than expected.

    Movement is not clientside, what you see is nothing more than a side effect of proper input prediction, which you should be thankful for. Most games to this day are still utilizing networking code from the Quake engine, and for good reason, it can't be done much better than it already has been.

    What's the fix? Only allow the server to process a certain amount of user commands per server frame, this is what the Source Engine does and it works very well, just remember that you have to account for high FPS or you'll get clients with good PCs stuttering all over on their screen.

    pretty sure this is not the case for APB. The server just predicts with the current movement where a character goes, And the client even executes this, (remember when you get a dc and chars keep walkign into the air?) but the movement itself is not serversided (which would mena movement happens after server cofirms it) All the server does is forwarding the clients movement input. thats why we see lags, because the sudden change of a players movement gets forwarded with a bit of dely (especially when servers are laggy and then the servers information to you needs to correct the inaccurate position. thats why the stupid WASD dancing exists and creates what it does. if the game were truly serversided WASD dancing would be rather worthless.

  12. 41 minutes ago, LazyLizard said:


    2. No. Moreso, what the -fuck- would criminals do with LTL?
    realise how crappy LTL is and never use it again.

    PIG nerfs? for a weapon with exactly 10m range, what nonsense. If people stop facehugging everything would be fine.
    • Like 1

  13. 19 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    The worst is when you are playing solo and one of your teamnates starts running and then you have to get in chat and try to convince people that it wasnt your call and no you dont condone running. 

    even worse when he fails hard when running.

    The issue with running is we have way too less time to make aproper approach more than 2 times, if any at all. Which brings us to the topic of pushign cars which g1 never solved.
    19 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:
    19 hours ago, StunStick said:

    How do I balance a kid running with the objective?

    Just trip him.
    sound actually like balance was lost then.

  14. 13 hours ago, virginiavirgin said:
    13 hours ago, Nanometic said:

    They're being worked on, the current state isn't the final product. 
    You don't go to a tree in the forest and say its broken because you can't write on it like you can paper.

    Also, this can be posted in an already existing thread, it didn't require its own post.

    If they don’t get it right the first time what makes you think they are ever going to get it right it’s not my problem some players have bad experiences with shot guns maybe they are just bad with them
    I don't know, like ever yother person doing it, trying a few things until it is right, you knwo when you saw a board too short you can just try one being longer?
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