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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 1 hour ago, TheJellyGoo said:


    Hm, must have missed that meta between Shotguns, Scout-Jumpshots, Troublemaker and some other inbetweens. When exactly was that OPGL meta again?

    Not the weapons fault if you stun people out off your arrest range. Maybe just don't use it there and wait for your opportunity? I mean I feel like this shouldn't even be an argument. I'm not going to complain that Shotguns are useless because I cant kill people at +50m. So how come LTL range nerf is bad when you're supposedly not able to arrest people that far away? Could you get some unity into your arguments because you contradict yourself. But I guess HVR support role was also a thing for you?

    I am pretty sure that was 2013 when opgl was a very common used weapon in the top ranks. when you missed that, not my problem. But hey you pretty much missed when the n-tec (basically always) was meta, the nano or even the tommy gun was pretty much a long time the meta in cqc. So yeah you missed a lot and pretty sure I have a few missing as well here.

    I have not said it's the weapons fault, I just told you that there are ranges it has, but that are useless and within the ranges it is usefull, just n-tec and dominate.  And yes it is an argument because it's about the suitability and usability of a weapon which in case of opgl-cd is a fracture of what the opgl can do.  You want to tweak a weapon for nonsense reasons thats outclassed by many other wepoans. And this is wrong by facts and even basic logic.

    Also, not being able to arrest =/= useless, when I could stun people at 80m with a CCG I could open a window to advance for the time the person was stunned even if I couldn't arrest the person.

    Additionally you could support a person closer to your opponent  even at like 80m, which now is even less possible. In reverse this easily opens counter tactics for non ltl opponents, because all you need to do is spread out covering eahc other over a long distance. But the simple fact that you don't understand that withut explnation just shows how you lack understanding of the weaknesses that ltl wepaons have and then I do not wonder why you onsider them "unbalanced" since not knowing makes it harder for you to counter it.


    thats pretty much the moment the average community member would tell you to git gud and they wouldn't even be wrong because you oppose a system that lethals can outclass + that system has additional weaknesses. And if you cannot counter that then your gameplay is just bad compared to the opponent using it.


    And then we are pretty much back at what I said before: successfull playing LTL is a matter of how bad your opponent is.



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  2. 20 hours ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    Not everyone likes grenade launchers (or the category of explosive primaries) since they are a very specific kind of playstyle that limits a players ability to perform at his best.

    Better players can use other weapons much more to their advantage while weaker players have a much easier time reaching the maximum potential with explosives.

    This especially applies to the O-PGL 79 CD since it is broken. Not as much as outright OP but as badly balanced since the explosion radius is to wide.

    Simple matter of game mechanics: movement distance to travel time to fuse time to explosion radius.

    Just because a weapon isn't the best in the game doesn't mean it is balanced and not broken. It has it's own limitations for it's intended role and should be handled like that.





    There is 0 logic in this, and the fact that we had times where OPGL was  a widely used weapon when it was borderline top performing proofed that LOADS of people were fine with using grenade launchers.

    The OPGL is underperforming, yet probably the best performing of the ltl's together with the pig (if you wanna push your 10m encounters as a tactic). tbh, the majority of the OPGL-CD's range is where it becomes usless because you can stun people at ranges you cannot even arrest them. So what's left? a range of like 50m or less, but within that range there plenty of way better lethal alternates to choose from.


    The bets role of the OPGL is to support other ltl members from range, but since the other ltl weapons are inferior to lethal counterparts you have niche gameplay support weapon in the opgl-cd  and if you call that unbalanced and broken, then 80% of apb's weapons are unbalanced and broken. Why don't you go and play vs some premade golds with it and record it to show us how "broken and unbalanced" it is? Every proper gold knows how to counter ltl it's an inferior setuo, especially when they redesigned the weapons ranges with dropoff effect and made even the ccg not able to properly stun at 60+m anymore. Which previously worked very well.  


    15 hours ago, GhosT said:

    I love when people whine about LTL.

    It really makes people salty, but they fail to realize that under all that salt, all LTL weapons are not only weaker than lethal weapons, but you also have to go and arrest them.


    The only argueably overpowered thing regarding LTL is pig+perc, but that's rather the fault of the percs, and that's not an LTL grenade.

    and its a setup within the massive range of 10m.


    10 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    holy shit one just showed up in my inventory, and it has open slots!!!


    Thanks homie!


    Cookie now officially confirmed to be op. Nerf Balance Cookie.

    • Like 1

  3. 11 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:


    Remember : the way some of you are saying to ban can and will be used against you , so is it really so bad now then?

    Little Orbit is making sure that bans they do are legit and not shady like G1 did , which is a good thing.

    And MattScott said himself they are in fact banning they just are not naming and shaming because it causes

    toxic behavior which after a few months of doing things this way  has worked to make APB more pleasant to play.


    After a few month of doing? You mean those month after which we are back at G1 low player counts? That's most likely the reason stuff got quite. And together with FF missing, which banned faster than BE even did,  the hackers have less to complain and stir up toxicity  since they don't have to reroll daily anymore.

    The only real reason hackers are less around is that the game is now so low populated that they have no interesting target in APB anymore. The only good thing about making sure the bans are legit is that it does not ban falsely, but the slower rate of banning just makes sure that people cheating have not to reroll as often as before and this simply did change nothing  with the cheating issue. Jericho just doesn't notices that because it is already dead to a degree you never see waterfront being populated. And any cheater whos purpose it is to destroy other gamers fun surely do not go there because it's already too dead to be an interesting target.


    The damage they did was well done, and I cannot even motivate all he old people I used to play with and that have 1000's of hours in APB. Instead they now really play top of the poop-pile games like Metin 2

  4. 1 hour ago, Zolerox said:

    In short here's my simple suggestion to fix the "golds in bronze" problem, and a few other points.


    1. If you turn gold while in a bronze district you get a 1 week ban from bronze districts (people will dethreat and be back within that same day)


    * Golds just make another account just to play in bronze districts nothing you can really do about that unless you want to start allowing malware on your computer to stop rerolls crushing people in bronze districts.


    * There are actual max level players that deserve to be bronze and simply can't play well enough to get gold

    (could be due to lag or inferior hardware, i didn't turn gold till the server was moved and i got under 200 ms)



    I doubt max ranks just make a new account to farm bronzes.  That's not what the usually fully customized account owning player would ever do, as he starts form entirely 0

    But yes there are just legit max rank bronze/silvers.  Some people are just bad at those games that's why threads exist.

  5. 18 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    Or you know... maybe it's because it's a level 15 unlock in a role most people don't grind since LTL is consistently weaker then their lethal counterpart.

    But sure let's ignore context and use the final numbers without knowing how we get those. Very bad statistical work.


    loads of people have cop 15 and still don't use it, that seems to be very much an straw you you try grasp to keep up with your opinion.

    And IF it were that OP people would just go for cop 15 to get something thats OP, because people have done much more effort to reach even less.

    You are here since 2011 and know very well that it never was Op and never will be and when we had like 3k on Obeya alone with plenty of cops at 15 it was still hardly used.

    • Like 1

  6. 22 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    if you cant read it then why is it even a problem in the first place


    it fills my cgetwindow with useless information. Sure this alos happens with other languages I cannot read, But I guess it would be too much effort implementing a chat for each language (which totally shouldn't be hard, and would make the most sesne of them all).

    So the better question Is why showing me stuff I cannot make us of it's information? Or: Would I hurt the game if people could optionally turn of cyrillic? surely not.  Also, in APB's case would probably help a lot with turning down the pointless hate they have for eahc other simply based on just those other letters.


    1 hour ago, Similarities said:

    idk man it could be legit. 119-2 seems fairly legitimate to me, maybe you're just bad? i mean...i could do that with my eyes closed bro. just get better at the game LOL??



    getting similar KDs isn't necessarily hard, especially with the PMG, it's not 73-15 or whatever but it's near that KDR, if the image is from EU then i know who it is and the guy is cheating, but not everyone that does decent-well in FC is cheating.

    It's not the KDR it's th whole kills 50 vs 75 thats still 50% more kills. The thing is some of tbhose high scores are only possible with speedhacks and wallhacks, otherwise you won't even come across enough opponents with that regularity.  so anyone constantly pulling 75+ should get a REAL tight observation. especially when they constantly get thet one shiy gold metal, which is way too random in an encounter to be possible to have it in 80%+ of your gams.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Snuffalupagas said:

    I think, to me, what is fascinating is I've been playing this game since 2011 and every time I see a thread about cheaters it's as if someone copied and pasted the same thread and just changed the posting date. The same comments, the same threats. Just different names.  With this game only so big, how is it even possible to not run out of avenues to seal off every way possible to cheat in this game? Three alleged "anti-cheat" programs later and it can still be done? Really?


    At what cost to your bottom line does not investing in the best possible plan to stop this from even happening are you now going to suffer? I mean, it's been eight years on the same engine. 


    Granted, the morons that have to cheat to play this game are everywhere in our society. But there has to come a time where technology should outsmart these idiots in these environments.


    you cannot outsmart these idiots, because the hacks themselves are not written by these idiots, they only get used by those idiots. And so hacks vs antihacks is just a circle of tecjnological warfare.

  9. 20 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    Yeah no, that's not how you balance. You balance your game around the good players because otherwise they are the ones breaking it for everyone else.

    Very good advice. You can add "just don't get hit" and "just kill your opponent first" to that guide.

    Quite simple: reduce the explosion radius by 30-40%. Dunno why people actually try to defend the stun opgl. It's pretty broken.


    yeah so broken every secong gold enfo uses it.  you can clearly define the brokenness of a gun in APb by its usage. and the OPGL -CD is far from that. it's just the peoples usual problem with adapting to a weapon they hardly ever see and don't know how to react to it.

    • Like 3

  10. On 1/13/2019 at 2:28 PM, BXNNXD said:

    maybe if you want to read even more broken english in district chat


    id rather not 

    an option to hide cyrillic would be good, that would help sorting out a language that' letters I cannot even type nor read at all. So the russians can have a "cyrillic only" option filtering the rest out? this way people can opt in to one or both and no one gets spammed with something they can't read.

  11. item --> trunk ---> speed  ?


    8 minutes ago, Halelulia said:

    Almost all members of the new SPCT are people like him.
    It is already happening lol


    because the triggerbotting one they had before was better? 😛

  12. 21 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Each account has two slots so I would recommenced making an enforcer , buying LTL and experiencing it first hand vs golds how arresting sucks.


    FTFY because everyone can arrest bronzes easily.


    Just now, iSymbolic said:

    I have 2 accounts both with a crim and enforcer i have 1.7k hours i can screen my steam if you want me to?


    Its not a point of how good or bad you are at it. which i explained, and i wont explain again. ^_~ ❤️

    the only point is how bad your opponent is.

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  13. I played enough ltl and alos against it to know that ltl opps are giving you a way easier time than lethal ones.

    if 2 people , one is lethal one ltl, than thats practically the worst they cna do as it means they have 2 "health" vbsr to train at once.

    If they go ltl you go n-tec, there is no ltl setup aside form spamming the ltl opgl you can't take on with the n-tec.


    The only unbalance is that ltl is worse, no matter what the setup. their tts > ttk  + they need t go to you and arrest you. all you need to avoid is 10m hugging, which isn't hard at all bebause then pig and perc could be problematic, but then even that takes more time than the lowest ttk some cqc guns have.


    Numbers and mechanics speak absolutely aganst ltl and the only way to having trouble and losing to it is the non ltl users skill being quite lower than the ltl user ones.

    Just because someoen has a gun able to do what I cannot do dosn't makes them have an advantage if that what they do is inferior to what I can do.


    I mean I guess they do have slings and stones, so we better retreat our Ak's won't win that war :P


    If they ever add LTL for crims the beginning will be every crim using LTL, enfos will go using n-tec and crims that never played LTL gonna go to the forum claiming the LTL that crims got is made weaker. Thats the mostlikely outcome that we will see.  But the truth is, LTL is excrements,

  14. 2 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    pretty sure the only way nekrova transfers are going to happen is if you lose the unique weapons and play the same game as the rest of us


    i feel for you guys tho, lost ur paid items or lose the ability to play apb, tough choice

    feels like they all dropped their weapons already and went to citadel anyways.

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  15. 47 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    "the facts dont support my argument so i'll pretend they dont exist"  - great reasoning my dude, you should def be on the dev team


    an ltl player has to:

    1. stun - overcome the significant performance disadvantage of their gun vs a lethal weapon
    2. arrest - stop fighting and perform a specific timed action (and in most cases, relocate to the area where the arrestee was stunned) 
    3. wait for respawn - an arrested player can be freed so an ltl player either A) watches the arrested player, taking them both out of the fight, or B) leaves the arrested player, risking them being freed and flanking your team

    a lethal player has to 

    1. kill an ltl player, who is using a subpar weapon

    do you understand how the "time advantage" works for both teams now, or do i have to use smaller words




    im not going to bother explaining how ltl primaries have a longer ttk than nearly all of their equivalent lethal counterparts, because thats something a bronze should understand






    If you play it right as a crim you basically just make enfos advance even less because you are at palces which makes them have to run away from your objective when it comes to arresting you and observing that the arest doesn't gets freed.


    It surely would help some people playing LTL so they can see what is the worst that can happen to LTL and then urilise it again on crim side.

  16. the only time the game gets a borderline p2w touch is when you play such a low time that you cannot afford the rebuy of  like 3 10day weapon leases. In that case one really has an issue with keeping up on equal equip.


    something freemiums also don't get is the CD on some mods. But they have a minor impact on missions, yet LO should just change that to not be the case anymore. They should give everyone the premium CD timer (because driving is more fun when you can turbo more often :P).

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