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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. On ‎4‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 4:27 PM, damn2112 said:

    Easier said than done. Why don't you volunteer for them since you know what to do?


    Because work location is shitty and payment is as well.


    But it doesn't require much logic to understand that adding features to a laggy near empty game that people avoid for this reasons won't help the game.

  2. On ‎4‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 1:16 PM, WhiskeyTangoFoxX said:


    Actually character customisation only has an impact for the first 2-3 minutes, and not on the server, only on clients. The server only needs to send a few kilobytes of information around, the client uses that info to generate the customised characters. A starter character has barely more data to transfer than one at the customisation limit, at least in the grand scheme of things.


    Basically, unless the devs say so, we don't need to worry about that.


    this is absolutely wrong.


    have you ever been to a big car meeting, like we had regulary back then? Or when the devs held the contest? many highly customzied people in the same area have a constant bad impact on the server, and a REAL serve one. And it was not the clients affeceted it was the server fps that got dumped (back then when we even had  server fps shown, not hidden in the reverse MS each frame took.


    So a proper test must involve this or the test is pretty useless.

    • Like 1

  3. Ok, serveral questions,


    Is this going to be a test on Live servers with a RIOT District or the OTW?

    If it is on OTW, will people have their characters form the Live servers? Because character customization has a big impact on Server performance., so a proper test ould require fully customized characters.

  4. 1 hour ago, Kiida said:

    Nah I like this. In fact, I want it re-enabled in regular missions so I can hunt down afk'ers.


    great, how to afk troll kiida 101:

    take car spawner drive to one edge of city,

    take civillian car and drive to the other

    profit 😛


    But I wonder if we could do some kind of Ping system to find afk people, like the horseman event has. yet most missions are so short if they actively drive away you never gonna find them.

  5. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 1:29 PM, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    Citadel is in trouble? Last I checked, it even had a second financial filling up, and that was within the last 3/4 days


    you know standards hit a new bottom level when having a second financial is not trouble XD


    soo sad. So HAN

    • Like 2

  6. So will this be the kind of "anarchy" we wanted where we have objectives and just everyone on the map can work on them?

    On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 8:45 PM, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    1st off:


    Why are there shipping containers and cranes in the middle of the park, and how does that make any sence? I mean yeah its a game, but even games need to make sence, and this is something that would bug me out.


    2nd: So there will be 3rd faction that will fight both enforcers and crims? I mean, enforcers are mix of cops, special forces, and random dudes that may abuse their badge or just fight for justice. While there are also types of crims that just hate crooked kind of enfos.

    I just want this all that has to come to make sence. So my question is:  (in tthis new game mode) Will the 3rd faction be selectable option for both crims and enfos that will basically stand up againts crooked enfos and real crims to establish the order in the city, or will it just randomly redistribute all the players? Or is it like straight up 3rd faction while creating a character?

    Cuz I want to be able to pick my side. If I am this crooked enfo or if I am just that morally low person that wants this war to continue, or if I am this pure evil crim, I want to stay that way.


    I hope my question is readable, and actually makes sence.


    3rd: https://www.redhillinstitute.com


    well, we needed a suitable terrain and only had those assets left.


    101 of Copy and paste development.


    3rd faction will be the pissed off civilians  that enforcers ran over on the sidewalks for years and got mugged by the crims.


    Ok, jokes aside, but dunno red hill institute sounds like maybe some private Organisation will jump into that as well. Yet we do have that on the crim side and the enfo side already.

  7. Oh yeah, laggle royal sounds awesome.


    Seriously LO, the lack of proper maintenance the game had over years caused APB to have BIG issues and it really doesn't needs any focus or work on new game modes. Population is anyways way too small to spread them out even more.


    Fix the server performance, which hopefully will be mostly related to the new engine. 

    Take care of cheaters much better.


    and then your 2 most problems are solved.


    Then a better new player experience would be great as well, because dethreating to stomp newbies is pretty bad for the game as well.


    And THEN you can care about new features.

    • Thanks 2

  8. On 2/28/2019 at 2:28 PM, SunnyMonroe said:

    Alig would be close

    And love gun skin looks good on it;-)


    the Name SWARM just goes ebtter with the birds and bees, but honetsly it's horizontal recoils is pretty meh.

  9. It doesn't matter how many cheaters there are what matters is how oftn they affect your game, and on obeya being gold gives you easily a chance to have your match affected by a cheater at around 40%.

    Also the low pop lets us not switch to another district anymore as we could in th past. So you have only the option to continue playing against cheaters or quitting the game for that time,  And looking at the player numbrs we know what most decided to do. Of all the people I have played with the majority doesn't play APB anymore because of cheaters, the second most reason si the games (servers) performance. It's not the lack of new content.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 12 minutes ago, Mitne said:

    I propose SHAW and name "ShawCOPTER" 😛


    How is this valentines related?


    Also, how is "chopper" and "Big chopper" valentines related.


    I guess as a non english native I just don't get these ones, but even googling doesn't properly give me a hint.

    Maybe "max chopper" as an upgrade from the tommy to an LMG would work too.



  11. Just now, Lign said:

    XP gain is affected by the type of mission. If you got mission with 255r who’s a team leader, you have a chance that the mission is given by a high tier contact means harder mission means more money and XP


    you know newbies are usually in lower rank districts and usually don't get ranked with the high ranks. And if they get they usually don't see much to fight since the high ranks who know the game farm the stuff away. Don't forget we talk about real newbies not rerolls who know how the game works. 

  12. I don' know if that is a good decision. Isn't FC the better way for newbies to lern a gun because breaktimes between seath is much shorter. This feels like a bad step backwards in regards to help new players.


    Just give us beacon back which is a fast FC and the best one for newbies. When I started the game, going FC was one of the first things I did because you get more guntime than on Action districts.



    + all he reroll hackers are now hanging around in districts as well.


    4 hours ago, Loom said:

    A minimum of 15750 standing is required for R30, with a 2250 average standing per mission this would be about 7 missions + some overhead. I would estimate this is achievable within 1 1/2 to 2 hours. That is quite short. But while i wouldnt say that its enough time to gather experience for new players, i recently saw some people repeatedly joining with fresh characters after (i assume) they were banned by a gm in asylum. So the R30 condition would definitely help out with that issue.


    If you plan to raise the rank requirement, please keep in mind that fight club is needed to complete the tutorial and thats ideally what new players should do.


    have you tried this with a low rank character? you know rank ewards differ with the character tier. and your results will hardly reflect a newbies gameplay, so here we got th typical "elitist" (really not meant negatively) view on things which turn out extremely different for a real newbie.

  13. 15 minutes ago, WorldDominator said:

    I guess that sums up my other post and For all those who wanted proofs about false bans you can check this post aswell.

    oh and "i humbly accept your surrender"@CookiePuss

    was that even a "false ban" for hacking based on the anti cheat tools or just a false for some ToS violation or some weird manual reports other players have sent?

  14. Oh my i remember when I had to do nightmare Athel Yenlui alone as my friend died. it was really weird running in circles for ages and tapping on the ring turning. 


    Vermintide is definately a great fun. But so damn unforgiving and needs so much dedication.

  15. 15 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Same... But then again I like getting at least one mission per hour. 


    ha, this reminds me when we had no district spin up and you had (or were automatically) put into a bronze district when you were gold, you could easily wait 30+ minutes and not get any opposition. Wow, was that horrible.

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