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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 2 hours ago, PgawExSquad said:

    What is stadia? I agree to anything before lo keep doing changes to my loved game, im suffering.


    It's like leasing a computer, but instead of having that computer at home it stands somewhere else like the APB servers. So you will just connect to that computer form home. That computer then will run APB and you only send your input commands like mouse and keyboard actions to that Computer.  And that computer will send the screen information to your PC at home which then just shows the picture.



    But hey this idea is soo old it was an idea even for office task handling in bigger companies, but never managed to spread properly, because it works shitty.

  2. On ‎8‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 8:59 PM, Microtea said:

    If a cheat is private, how do you know what features were added and even prove who is using it? It was either public/paycheat or you are lying.

    Steam group - 20 members.
    Twitch - 74 followers.
    Twitter - 16 followers.
    YouTube - 123 subscribers.
    Wow, you are such a skilled, trustworthy and experienced GM bro!!1


      Reveal hidden contents

    In the mid-2000s I used to be a GM on ~30K unique players/day private MMO server and I still would not call myself experienced and stroke ego as much as you. LO def does not need your "help" and it is for good.




    I am not going to side with anyone here because I know none good enough, but wow, at which point was followers on social medias some sort of criteria for defining skill and trustworthyness? This discussion involves some really awkward ways of argumentations.

    • Like 5

  3. 19 hours ago, toodamnmuch said:



    the fuck is wrong with you and wanting people to be able to steal other people's god damned names? NO MEANS NO YOU smart, we've talked about this too many times already, stop asking.

    steal names no one uses anymore? no one owns those names, LO owns everything in the game. And we need it because people run out of proper namespace mostly because apb has a poopy Oldschool namespace not even allowing simple names with space so people can give their chars forenames and surenames. The 90's are over.

  4. 22 hours ago, Solamente said:

    triggerbotting is hacking, regardless of whether you're reading the game memory or analyzing screen elements


    you're right that streaming the game would likely prevent any dll injection (limiting cheats) but to say that it will eliminate cheating altogether is obviously wrong

    cheating =/= hacking.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Glaciers said:

    no one is going to thank you for this dumbass suggestion lol, i doubt google would even want apb on stadia - due to how the it works and how many eyes are on it there's no way google is going to allow any games with such subpar performance as apb on the service


    it also seems to require significant dev time (something apb can't afford) just to integrate games with stadia





    looking at the numbers there are huge portions of the world that can't hit these speeds, and even if they can might not be able to use gigs and gigs of data just to stream apb


    looking at an actual demo the performance is atrocious (altho not far off from apb performance :^)), i doubt anyone wants to play a competitive shooter in these conditions


    an actual test seems to confirm these numbers




    this also won't prevent hacking, as the same colorbots can be used whether apb is client-based or streamed


    stadia seems to be a subscription service (so apb will no longer be f2p) and there's no way of knowing how google will handle microtransactions


    basically this just all around seems like a very poorly thought out idea you "brainstormed" after seeing the stadia "livestream" yesterday


    it won't prevent triggerbotting, but will prevent hacking. no wallhacks anymore, no aimbots anymore. Anything that actually requires hacking into the runtime files of APB would be gone.

  6. yes and no.


    yes it would solve hacking (except triggerbots) because those people do not access those PC's and cannot apply hacks.


    But it would not work well, depending on the latency such a gameplay experience with APB's short ttk's would simply not work.




    Game Server sends situation to you, --> your reaction is send to the Server, things happen on game server --> result of things happen return to you.


    Cloud gaming:


    Game Server sends situation to Cloud Computer, --> Cloud Computer sends Screen to you (which involves encoding and decoding)  --> your reaction is send to Cloud Computer --> Cloud Computer sends your reaction to Game Server --> things happen on game server and result is send to Cloud Computer, ---> result of things on Cloud Computer return to you.


    Sooo many additional time consuming steps, this will break APB. Imagine you have a one way delay of 50ms. no en and decoding and no human reaction time. So Latency if connections are proper just double due to the "cloud in the middle"


    When someone gets ambushed form behind, shoots at another character at time  0 because he can see that, then it takes 50ms to cloud CPU,  50ms to Server, 50ms to the others cloud CPU, 50ms to that players home, then this player reacts, and it takes again 50ms of the reaction to reach cloud PC, then 50ms from cloud PC to the game server.

    So on an event that happens there are already 300ms gone before any reaction of that event can happen. now look at those min TTK some CQC weapons have, GL being half dead before your character can even react.


    So no, on fast paced games cloud computing is a broken solution unless all the Cloud CPU's are also where the games server is located to make the extra delay between cloud CPU and Game server like 1-3ms.

    • Like 4

  7. On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 8:04 PM, Alani said:



    but do ghost shots fix hitreg issues?

    No, because that is some sort of client server issue.


    I don't know, but what we always described as "ghost shots" are shots that the client executes but the server never registers (or get sorted out by how the framerates work). Op's ghost shots seem to talk about input issues that the game doesn't register, so his ghost shots aren't what we usually consider as ghost shots.

  8. On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 1:29 AM, GhosT said:


    Or you could just.. you know.. go through years of apb history (which they did), or check the current outrage against that gun, and balance it with feedback in mind.


    Almost everyone that complained about it adressed its accuracy and range. Even LO/Matt acknowledged that it has too much range.

    Now what do they do? Increase bursts to kill and give it a massive range buff, which absolutely no one asked for. Oh, and they've chosen such a huge buff that it actually has more range than the OBIR, too.

    Like, what?



    On the topic of public testing with such a small playerbase, that simply doesn't work if you don't reward the players in one way or another, and actually force them to play the new guns. If you give players a free choice of weapons, they'll make sure to meta loadout the hell out of everyone, completely negating the actual purpose of the district. Has happened in every single prototype district under G1 and LO now.


    //Edit: Oh, and as others have said - these RFP changes in particular don't need to be tested. You can already see it's a horrible change just by reading what they've done to it. You don't always need to test something to see the obvious issue.


    yay pocket OBIR?


    meanwhile ACT 44 trying to hit stuff at 70m

  9. @MattScott


    The question is, what amount of money needs APB to make to be a proper product, and what can we do to make people spent it on to compensate the lack of JMB's.


    JMB's cater to whales, and whales usually run the most part of the income.

    Not surer how much of a company secret you want to make out of it, but would you tell us how mich % of income come from whales spending big money and what comes from regular players, spendign small amounts and what comes from premium.


    Also, what encouragements could we make to have people go premium and keep premium?

    For creators it's pretty important, and for those just doing their character once it is a one time short investment.


    Maybe something like Witchqueen said but not making the Legendaries be a Permadrop. Instead Legendaries could be like 14 day weapons as possible contact drop. or better, grant a chance for another currency to drop if someone has premium (like golden Joker tickets) and then Legendaries can be bought with only these. This prevents frustrating other random things to happen. 



    Further, we should anways talk about the ingame economy.  With player 2 player trade and lease weapons being available with JT money sink, or the lack of it could become issues. 

  10. I agree with Flaws, it is time to wipe names of those not using them anymore, even WOW already did that and that was a pay 2 play game.


    Bets tactic would be:


    make EU

    make new contacts

    write everyone that wasn't logged since a specific date being deleted if they do not login with the next month.


    This could help to bring a few old people back after Engine upgrade and who doesn't even come back then, they are no loss, not for the company not for that player.


    I find it anyways a bit saddening that we cannot have proper and longer names containing some blanks as well. Other games are pretty ahead of that when it comes to allowed namespaces.

  11. how exactly are 2 grenades that cannot even kill a person critical? yolos are way more worse when it comes to balance or gameplay issues, but even them wouldn't be rated as "critical".


    3 hours ago, Cutey said:

    NERF OBEYA CR762 Fast as possible.


    With macro rapid fire that weapon kills instantly from any distance.  Bayland  is full of them.


    with rapid fire it blooms to a high inaccuracy.

  12. 11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Leaning shifts the hitbox slightly towards the leaning direction. It doesn't alter it however, it's still a solid rectangle. This is why leaning is almost useless, because anyone who understands the underlying mechanic knows that that "air" beneath your exposed head/arms is also targetable.


    this is untrue, it's pretty useful because corner leaning and corner popping affects the movement related accuracy on many guns different.

  13. 18 hours ago, ZoriaDunne said:

    Get an anti vehicle user, everytime my enemies try to do that We stop them with Alig or similar, if you manage to dodge the osmaw you can blow up their car in 4 secs.


    pretty sure you won't if they have an alig too, you won't unless they are scrubs, and once they enter highway in financial you won't catch them anymore. because you won't be able to intercept them.

  14. 19 hours ago, Lato said:

    yeah lets make LO waste more time for something 10 players are gonna play, sounds good


    because reimplementing beacon will be THAT much effort. thats better than emptysylum or or waiting for no game to happen on baylan.


    12 hours ago, Crusadeer said:

    beacon is suck and just full of shotgun/smg players camping the stairs anyway


    plenty of ways to get the staircampers.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Takotak said:

    That works in the case where you can full time apb, which isn't everyone's case 

    I didn't full time APB when I was new and back then FC's needed a lot more time to furfill their tasks.


    The only bad move G1 did was reducing FC JT's when they made contact JT's. This is bad for new players because they cannot access the Contacts dailies before maxing the contacts.

    So in the end all LO would need to do is up JT's again a bit from the FC's or add beacon back as  a third one and there is one more way to get JT's. but even the current situation makes it well possible to get the guns in a reasonable time.


    • Thanks 1

  16. On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 9:32 AM, Lato said:

    No, nobody cares and its gonna have 10 players on it

    It's pretty well playable with 10 players, so thats not even bad at all.

  17. people still grind a lot, probably even more if I look at all those Asia grinders that exist now compared to the mid 00's

    And 5-6 weeks for a permagun is not that much at all, thats like 10 guns a year, it helps newer players a lot if they can afford the basic to go guns like N-tec and H-NVR in like half a year without having to rerelease them.

  18. On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 6:00 AM, illgot said:

    it's funny watching people trying to constantly shoot my taller characters and missing because they see half their head above cover 🙂

    sounds like a lie, because the tallest character afaik does not exceed the hitbox (unless wearing a crown, but then they shoot your hat)


    On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 3:51 PM, CookiePuss said:

    What is the effect on legit players?

    I wrote that further above.

  19. On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 4:27 PM, UnawarePolarBear said:

    Bring the NA population back so we can play Beacon!

    cmon 4 people is enough and its small enough to even meet those other 2 opponents regulary enough, NA ca not be THAT badly populated 😛


    I never had issues with the spawns, yes you could spawn badly in front of someone, but asylum does that too, yet in beacon your were pretty much back in action instantly instead of having a walking simulator.

    Beacon actually felt like a fight club, quick action for the sake of action, surely not for the k/d ego's due do spawn chaos. And I did like the verticality, because it added something unique.  For a more standard APB gameplay fight club you just have baylan. But Asylum, it is a badly oversized map where it sometimes only offers you spawns with long ways to get back to action.  Asylum can be fun if the spanws happen in the right locations, but it often is also just boring.

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