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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. @MattScott  it's a nice car. however we really should have a look at the car balance in this game as well, as it is REALLY broken. major impact ere had the car spawner being a vital piece in missions now which requires a durable car, as it otherwise is too easily destroyed.



  2. Okay I am not allowed to talk about the content of the ticket I made, but we can talk about the result.

    Because the "investigation" raised a lot of general questions.


    Your support staff could not restore the clanname "QQ More Please" due to it not fitting the "rules".

    Specifically the rule of "does not contain antiscial words" because all other ruls are correctly met.


    Now after a few tests of other clannames it surely is the "QQ" triggering that condition.

    Now why is that such an 'antisocial' term? and when did that happen to be?


    also, "Cry More Please" is having the same meaning. It just sounds boring.


    "Q Q More Please" works

    "QQMorePlease" works too.


    so it's a pointless restriction.


    But much further and truly the core of the topic is


    Will you ever reconsider the word filter on clannames because it is a REAL mess.


    Here is why


    There are a lot of words that clans have contain words not allowed. (when you make a clan it says "that clan name is already in use" While making another clanname includings dome of the words does trigger the antisocial condition.  So the tighting of those "antisocial" conditions weren't even retroacive. So lots of clans out there with "antisocial" namings.

    I could list you a lot of quite common offensive "antisocial" words and other body parts that clannames are allowed to include in the current system because they do not trigger that conditions, yet they are surely far worse than a "QQ".  But that would trigger serveral forum rules and mods. So we do not do that, let your mind fly free here 😛


    I do not understand, why the clan name rules are so tight, yet so badly tight to allow many of those other words making me come up with far harder antisocial names. It's just a mess of inconsistency and due to an error we now lost our beloved clannaewe had since 2012. Further. The game is pretty much 18+, (or rated adult which varies in countries) and even the NPC's have pretty strong language since the nature of the setup is a rather hostile San paro. It should allow us a pretty wide range of things except some very few words that are really far beyond the line.


    Thx again to Krider handling the ticket.


    • Like 1

  3. 3 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    How about getting a firearm to defend your family you soyboy cuck. Or does your wife's bull do that for you instead. Cause lord knows you're not masculine enough to swing anything with some force.



    but that is way too mainstream. Being in the news by having killed someone with your superexpensive notebook sounds so much better, don't you think?


    Think about that cool news.


    Nerd kills home invader with $2,000 Laptop for interrupting his LOL session at 3.am


    Nerd explains in the interview: it was 3 am in the morning and those F*cking noobs were too Stupid doing their damn jobs so i had to carry them and jet we got totally roasted.  At that point that guy with the knife broke in to the living room through the window and my personal Ulti called nerdrage was so ready I just throw my laptop at his general direction.


    The police later explained the invader was killed by a cracked skull caused by the sheer force of the laptop that hit him.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Vincci said:

    lol 2019 and people even get hurt with jokes, auch.

    i dont think the ddosers that apb has are paying for the bots. but what a waste of money

    well, the great thing about capitalism in a world with many stable first world countries is  you don't need to worry about inventing a suitable product, you just need to find some idiots wasting money on something rather useless.

  5. No idea how the launcher works and if it uses a browser or cache that could be cleared to solve that issue.


    but then it's wednesday, maybe it has to do with maintenance/patching?

  6. 8 minutes ago, neophobia said:

    at any pricerange though


    i mostly meant uh... well "hardware tier" - not even talking about actual price. a desktop 8th gen i7 is still superior to a notebook 8th gen i7, as well as the graphic chips being cut down. the 10-series didnt have the m suffix for notebook gpus anymore but still werent as performant. (applies to the max q version too)

    i think they started putting in the normal chips now? not sure - buf:

    notebook gpus and cpus were and are always inferior, especially taking cooling into account. there are some that use desktop hardware but obviously you couldn't fit a 240+ rad or dual tower in there lmao, so you could never oc to get the maximum performance. (if it isn't for throtteling even)


    but hell, even alienwares desktoppcs (top of the line, area51) aren't more performant than a build you did yourself with equal components, considering they use rather simple blower gpus and a single, what, 90mm rad for the cpu? they might not normally throttle but you can forget about high ocs there.


    the point of alienware pc's is to provide gamers with high performance PC's that don't want or can build own pc or wanna care about having to investigate if stuff is compatible + learning how to overclock correctly and getting rid of all that extra heat.  It's for the lazy wealthy gamers.  But surely if you can do all that on your own you can get higher performance for the same price.

    • Like 1

  7. It's quite nice, in the end it is a starter car with a simple but cooler design than the starter Calabria, so it is Greta for people starting that have yet no access to customization or simply not the skills at that point. or the ingame money to buy  customized one.


    If it is a "skin" for the starter car I am pretty sure it just got the car spawner? would be cool if these people could also get a nitro in that Calabria.  Nitro Calabria is amazing xD

    The calabria is not that bad as a car, steers and rives pretty nice, and you can d evil things to other cars if you know how to handle it. it only lacks proper top speed.

    We better should better talk about that unlocked tutorial car which truly is crappy.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Clandestine said:

    True. I had to play with full 180+ degrees snaps, autofire and triggerbot for weeks and ask everyone to report me in oder to get banned (oh and wait for Tiggs to have holiday break to log in and ban manually XD). Playing with closet settings and going full rage only few times resulted with no ban at all.

    FF would be good for APB if it was implemented properly.

    Idk how hard can it be to detect someone snapping 180 degrees every single mission and not missing a single shot.

    thats exactly the kind of situations FF was supposed to hook onto, inhuman behavior and when it happens quite often compared to what a random lucky 180 spin can do. But it surely was poorly utilised at some degrees. Yet it did flag a lot people correctly because we had a lot people on the FF banlist and most of them were pretty obvious cheaters or the typically closet that just made a few mistakes here and there handling his little cheat wrong. So FF worked pretty wll at some point and made those pople appear on the banlist quicker than PB did.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Rebelliousness said:

    I honestly didn't know that either Russian or Brazilian were races.  Those are ethnicities, not races and both are quite beautiful.  But when a server is dominated by one "brotherhood" it becomes unwelcoming to every other.  Can you please point out the toxicity towards another ethnic group other than to point out they have greater percentage population wise on a server and more likelihood of cheaters?

    Oh wait... it's RACIST and TOXIC to say Russians cheat on Cheatadel.  FFS what was I thinking.  Just an aside... LOL Trivirium every single gun you have on your sig is a bought legendary... AIMIRITE?  And perchance are you a Brazilian Brother who plays on Jericho?  HAHAHAHA  yeah.


    iff russians weren't a race wouldn't that mean we couldn't be racuicts even if we woudl say "russians suck" because it would in worst case be ethnicistic 😛


    seriosuly it's stupud language stuff complaining about that marginally small wordings. And russians surely do not cheta more than germans or guys form the usa. .  

  10. 8 minutes ago, Rebelliousness said:

    Since not anywhere in any post of mine did I say the solution was to remove them or prevent countries from playing.  I said it was a PROBLEM when a singular country by sheer numbers took over the server and created a hostile playing environment for those not from that same country... and who also dominate the server with cheater clans.  You're just creating a straw man fake argument you can shoot down, but having no honesty or integrity in discussing the actual issues stated.  Just like your ludicrous "xenophobia" comment... when if there's any, it's Russians on Citadel who really don't like non-Russians at all.


    I do not think it's the russians themselves I played on all servers and tbh it's rather selective perception.


    In the old days when you had 10 maddies on the server and 4 were russians you just had 40% russians trashtalking and 6 others.

    Now you have 8 of 10 maddies being russians because there are less of the regular maddies, and so its 80% russian doing the trash talk.


    But that's not because the russians took over the server it's just because the others left the game already now, making it look like there are more russians but in reality it's not it' just less russians that left.

    There were lots of russians back when obeya had even 2.5k people online in the evenings, in the end the russians were enough so that G1 decided that an own russian server would do it. and this conclusion came by the russian pop on the old servers, So the russians were always there just in relation to the others were less visible within the mass.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Rebelliousness said:

    Because back in G1 days, the SPCT was sitting in social talking nonsense and logging into districts to play the role of tutor.  In any event it was my MISUNDERSTANDING that you acted as the eyes and ears of the company with regard to the playerbase.


    are you messign up SPCM with SPCT, because SPCT's were never labelled on the servers, nor have I seen them doing that.

  12. 2 minutes ago, NotTheEnforcer said:

    Oh hey look at that, the SPCT idiot is avoiding the question. How about you answer it, where are your stats saying that those specific countries are keeping those servers alive?


    gj jumping to insults thats really contributing to the discussion.


    4 minutes ago, Rebelliousness said:

    The thing is I never said remove them.  I said find out why THEY have become the exclusive players... and if among THEIR population are cheater clans... remove those clans so OTHERS can come back to the game and the population isn't dead. Also, most Russians do speak a bit of English as do Brazilians.  But it's EVIDENCE they don't want non Russian or non-Brazilians in their conversation when the entire district becomes Russian, for example... and Russian isn't the International Language that English is. A solely Russian language server is no longer an International EU server... it's just a Russian server.


    Removing those clans is not more or less easy than the entire "catch a cheater" discussion we already have.

    And I am still for a divide the chats so these people have less issues over these things idea.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Clandestine said:

    Do you really believe that G1 (which is still mostly same old devs that gave us all cancer) can implement anything properly?


    a lot f the old staff is gone already I think. over the years a lot of the original RTW's devs that stayed are gone now.


    So as Cookie said, a list would be pretty interesting.

  14. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Oh yeah... That's a good point. 

    Imagine trying to hit that one pixel of exposed hitbox over the mobile shield without the red crosshair. 

    Imagine how female models suddenly become more Op due to less visible pixels, and everyone running around nude to show less pixels xD

    The greatest feature of APB is simply it's customisation and how it does not impact hitboxes so customisaton has no impact on the gameplay. Such a change would heavily break with that mechanic.

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