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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. On 10/28/2018 at 6:38 AM, SuperToaster said:

    Personally like Halloween events that start around the beginning of October and finish at the end of the month or a bit after it. Like if you're going to have a Halloween event why run it when Halloween is pretty much over?

    are you starting to open your christmas gifts at the beginning of december? or Birthday weeks earlier?

    event's shouldn' start weeks before the actual events.

  2. 13 hours ago, Kewlin said:


    I'm purely talking about multiplying the entire recoil pattern instead of just vertical or horizontal, so it wouldn't dramatically increase horizontal recoil on guns without much, such as the OBIR, N-TEC, or CR762. If you were using it on an AMG or something, sure, it'd be an issue, but I can't say I think it shouldn't be.




    High initial bloom that decreases over time would be a mechanic to encourage full-auto, which is the exact opposite of what we want for any of this TBH, especially on the N-TEC. At that point IMO you might as well just delete the N-TEC (Also, going from linear bloom, to increasing bloom, to decreasing bloom on the N-TEC is a bit ridiculous IMO.)


    It could be a cool feature on an LMG or SMG I guess, but nothing else IMO.


    Well the n-tec is a full auto gun by design the game mechanics just don't support this role and every decent user uses the n-tec like a semi automatic. I sometimes just think the N-tec as what it is would make mroe sense when being a bit like the aces rifle: a gun you fire in some autobursts with the option to go full auto on closer ranges. But with a niche longer than the Aces rifle. Because honestly, the n-tec plays very much like the obeya on range but enjoys quite a lot advantages. This is why the Obeya is so underused in comparison as the obeya has a smaller niche but a lot more downsides outside it's niche.

  3. The cross district MM idea is quite old, and yes it is the only optimised solution we can get when it comes to the possible pool of players to choose from.

    It also automatically solves solutions of people dethreating and stomping lowies on districts they shouldn't be, As soon as they threta up again they get mached with proper opponenets again.


    One thing we still need to talk about is how threat is defined. This one seems to still leave a lot of inaccuracy making a lot people being labelled wrong. Yet this is also affected by bad matchups and dethreaters. So maybe this is worth a look after the district crossing MM is done and stuff has settled for like 1 or 2 month to see how threat definition is working when better and proper matchups happen.


    But please, even with shifting DO NOT remove instance choice, people should still manually be able to choose and meet in the same district, thats vital for non Mission gameplay related Events like racing, meeting, fooling around, etc.

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  4. On 10/17/2018 at 9:05 AM, Seedy said:

    dont worry about the haters.. they will try to bring down anything that is doing well enough. I think your doing well.


    Why isn't Little Orbit listen to me? / Why is Little Orbit listening to people that don't know what they are talking about?

    Most people have no clue how to make games. They complain about physics, matchmaking and so on yet they have never debugged a single line of code or actually considered the maths behind such systems. Until they even have the simplest understanding of these things they need to just keep out of it. Their opinions just bread hatred for the people making the games from more people who have no clue. Everyone is a critic yet 99.99999% of people are faceless blowhards with no clue. Please critic, take your self out of your mothers basement and look up at the sky. There is someone out their who maybe will even like you. You dont have to be critical of every single thing. Little Orbit are doing well. I have faith in them.


    it is fine when people critisize things they have no idea about becaue they don't like how it feels. Thats point of feedback. What really hurts if those people come with a kind of indepth analysis and solution but they don't understand entirely how mechanics work. The IR thra dis a good example that shows again how many people, wbven old veterans have issues understanding what bloom is and how it works.  because they deliver solutions which within themselves sounds logically. But anyone who knows how the mechanics work, also knows that this is a false logic.


    But how would Lo even sort this stuff out? They would need a kind of inner circle of people with knowledge who give feedback on possible fixes. Sadly, often enough these kind of people still follow an own agenda instead of working for the greater good of APB.


    On 10/19/2018 at 8:47 PM, February said:

    N-TEC was never op just people were mad they couldn't beat it so they begged and begged BOO HOO, HVR was never op just learn to counter it. Ir3 changes were never needed just a bunch of players want something to complain about. Next thing people are gonna say "NERF CJ3" I can't out shoot a ntec with cj3 huhhh

    yeah 95% of the goldies just used n-tec and N-HVR because they like how they look like. really keep telling you this., you might one day truly believe it. they were far superior, which is what makes them OP.

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  5. Well, I don't know why people rushed back just because Lo took over. When they took over no engine overhaul would magically pop out of nowhere. But it might still be a good sign, because it shows hw many people still have interest in APB yet just wait for "better times" which emans, engine overhaul, stable servers, stable client performance, and some other issues the game has. If thats done the game can get and hold a lot moe players again. APB's loss of players was the lack of proper maintenance to stay on a healthy working level. People still love APB, but it i in a tehcnically bad state atm, and people hope it will get better so theay can return and be happy again.

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    12 hours ago, Kewlin said:

    I'm going to retract my previous statements about recoil being a bad downside for IR3, I believe that a multiplier to the gun's recoil (the same multiplier for both horizontal and vertical) would be a good downside for the mod, perhaps better than bloom per shot.


    horizontal recoil would make the mod mostly useless, no one who wants to aim on range with a higher ROF wepaon like N-tec or Obeya would ever equip soemthign to add horizontal recoil. On the OBIR and snipers it might be not so hurting since the fire intervalls are big enough to correct it.  And pure vertical recoil, I don't I never had issues wiht vertical recoil, becuase you get sued to it. Even on the tommy afetr some practice the massive recoil wasn't much of a problem. MAYBE, if we get horizontal recoil that doesn't randomly goes left and right, and instead only in one direction (like vertical recoil). people wouldn't hate horizontal recoil as much. But then it might be something you can get used to as much as you get used to the vertical one.


    I sometimes wonder if balancing n-tec could be done differently. One feature that makes the n-tec so strong is the massive debloom with a high accuracy making it extremely well at aiming on range.  We had a few wepaons with a ramp up ability, like, the longer you shoot the less extreme does feature X get.

    It would be interesting if the n-tec could have a higher initial bloom, which then after a few shots gets less bloom per shot. It would increase the ttk of the N-tec on longer ranges as it starts to get inaccurate after only 1 or2 shots. While on medium ranges 30-40 this might still not be too inaccurate to hit targets. Or maybe IR could have such a feature as well, it would then affect slower shooting guns less than fast shooting ones.  But I think that ramp up feature stuff was tied to fully automatic guns only because the game took the shot sequence from full auto shots and you could break the sequence by tapfiring.  Can anyone remember which gun(s) that was?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    Simple: CJ affected max bloom much more than IR did


    Don't believe me. Go to the old database  (http://apbdb.com), pick a gun that has open slots and put on CJ then IR afterwards

    I never understood this, as it says: "Increases Accuracy Bloom substantially" while the IR says "Increases maximum reticle bloom substantially"


    yet both affects the same value. Feels to me, like CJ once affected the per shot modifier and was changed but the descriptions stayed the same. However, due to the nature of less natural recover inbetween the shots CJ does also increase how quick the crosshair blooms in general. or maybe thats the reason why this different descriptionw as chosen. But technically it didn't affected per shot modifier as the description would suggest.

  8. Not sure when this vid is from, but don't forgte, IR 2 makes a 1.15 multiplier, so 15% more.

    Further you use the marksmane mode which also applies a 0,35multiplier.  That makes the difference really small to see. Even more so by using HS2, which further reduces MM modes crosshair size.



    a better test would have been sprinting and fully shooting (IR3 + HS3) then you could actually see a better difference since multipliers scale those  up much more. But as you see due to all the modifiers and the fact that inbetween the n-tecs shots it even sligly deblooms as recover starts before a second shot is done, the effect of any OR in MM isn't that big compared to fully auto with no IR. And given no one even used it at range at full spray there was literally no impact on ranged combat with a n-tec. Thats why sprinting with n-tec and IR while fully firing was basically one of the only situations IR did made a difference



  9. Dunno, remake from scratch? that would cost multi millions of dollars, doubt they have the financial backup for this. gettign such a game with such customisation in an up to date one would be amazing. But not sure if anyone ever gonna make this. No dev seem to care about this. Sellign crappy preset skins seems to be easier and more profitable for most developers than trying to create such an amazing thing again.

  10. 2 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    @Kempington If I remember correctly, and it was not so long ago when I tested it myself, IR did not affected max bloom, but bloom per shot. Very "gently" I would say.

    Only CJ affects max bloom.


    But u were right that ATAC, and MANIC suffered the most. They jumped on its max bloom in 2 shots.


    no it only affected max bloom, which emans only on weapons you fired to the full crosshairsize ever felt a difference, stuff like tommy back when it was viable, and made you fire in burst shots.


    even the old datafiles say so




    and on the N-tec it only negatively affected CQC abilities when your sprayfired facehuggers, otherwise it never was a downside on obeya or N-tec because you never fired them to reach the non IR max bloom, or ven the max bloom with IR.

  11. On 10/11/2018 at 2:57 PM, GhosT said:

    Tbh pretty much your fault if you let it go that far. Sometimes, tickets get lost at g1.

    If you don't get an answer within a maximum of two weeks, you should create a new ticket (and mention the old one including ticket number so they can close it).


    FTFY because amongst all the tickets amongst all the companies I made it's only at G1/LO (lost orbit?) where this seems to be a thing to take ages.






  12. wallhacks are easy to spot, because many wallhackers lose the "natural" feeling of how APB plays. And while in many situations you can predict the possible ways where one can come from, there are people that always are perfectly situated, never suprised, never even look at the wrong direction. And even if the chance is like 1/3rd that he checks the right corner, he always knows it perfectly. It often takes a few missiosn against the same guy to identify his inhuman accuracy of prediction. And another one is if they leave the objective so far away and come farming you, while this would be way too risky. But they know it's not risky because they perfectly know where you are and that the objective will be safe if they leave it. If you had just spawn the other direction they would have just lost the objective, but how do some make these decisons so accurate all the time? Those are the wallhackers, or at least one in their team.

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    4 hours ago, Fasalina said:

    Pretty much this. But as many have said before the problem lies with the matchmaking and the way the districts are set up. Getting a good matchup especially in silver districts from such a small player pool is pretty much impossible and happens less often then all planets in the solar system aligning (in silver districts that is). 


    You could also turn it arround, when you as a 3 player premade with over 10000 hours of playtime combined encounter a so called 4 silvers and a gold random group, unequip your primary, grab your fbw and some ly's and create a balanced and fun environment that you are probably still gonna win. But hey, atleast you gave them a shot at winning. 


    oh god no, this is jus making things worse.


    When 2 groups encounter the threadsystems sets up an expectation threat ups and downs are realised by how close you meet this expectations. And if you do this, and make it easier for them, you just screw up the threat for both groups, yours and theirs, which makes it even worse for their future setups. Which also is why detheathign si a HUGE issues as it gives threat to people that shouldn't get it.


    I remember that one match where I (gold) and a silver friend were opposed to a greeny and bronze. it was stage 3/5. when we entered their missiosn they were already doing the objectives that gave them score by doing one object eahc and the assist of the other. then it swapped to stage 4/5.

    We arrived when they were doing those objectives. I kileld both of them, and then after this again one of them coming again. the mission then ended on time out at that stage because it was one of the rather short stages and they were obvious noobs not finding the way.

    Now this made up me gold with 300 score but they got more than me, and my buddy just got an low assist score. This because of how short the remaining missions was massively screwed up "expectations" of the Threatsystem and the green went bronze and the bronze silver. 

    So sadly, There was no chance for us to ever meet those expectations since we only got the chance to make those 3 kills and never saw them again, yet the threatsystem was like "wow those newbies scorewise performed better than expected in relation to theother two" and got their threat up.

    And this is very problematic with "going easy" on opponents or dethreathing which shifts threat to people who are overrated and in future (next to anyways screwed up matchups) get even worse matchups which the MM thinks is fine, but aren't due to their overrating.

    Going easy on them might ensure some more fun in this one mission, but might over the whole picture cause more issues and a less good experience for them due to screwed up threat distribution.


    1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Casuals claim they don't care about winning. Yet they constantly complain about losing to "tryhards".



    ... something doesn't add up 





    they complain about getting trashed which happens in many horrible ways and way to often. At leats if you ever got opposed to 2 bronzes and a silver in your 3 goldie group, you know what that means.

    And honestly, there are a lot of non casuals who pretent to be casuals but they just want easy opps to trash so they complain about "unfair" setups  and "tryhards". bt those are usually not the casuals they pretent to be.

  14. On 10/19/2018 at 10:53 PM, Kewlin said:

    Definitely not more recoil, lol, that's not a good downside.


    More bloom per shot I'd try.


    but this would mean the n-tec is fine with it, since it deblooms very well, while it would hurt obir and obeya a lot more as they debloom less well. In the end n-tec needs a max dmg range nerf it ranges just too long in addition with its better mobiliy, high mag and still great accuracy.


  15. On 10/18/2018 at 3:18 AM, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:


    Why are there still non http Forums on the net?

    Why are there still login = user names in many?


    Because there is still amongst companies a huge lack of basic security knowledge or knowledge about what makes sense and what not.


  16. 1 hour ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    People still confusing that this is casuals vs tryhards when it is actually about a mindset of doing your best even when it is casual vs casual. It says a lot.


    A pro doesn't even know anything about how and why casuals play, so the quote doesn't even remotely apply to casuals. Casuals want to run and gun around without deeper tactics or trying to give their best, and ideally they want to meet equal people because then both have fun.  The Mindset you quoted is the most uncasual that can exist and cannot apply to casuals at all. If it would apply they wouldn't be casuals anymore.

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  17. On 8/15/2018 at 5:45 PM, Gizzly said:

    Seems like neither of you understand that some weapons doesn't come with open slots. This includes CSG, TAS20's and Scouts


    might be that they don't come with open slots,  but that doesn't makes the choice to buy them better because you are still stuck with the problem of mods being changed and ending with a crap weapon. Hands off these things at all.

  18. going and having to byu ammo form the vendor machiens was once supposed to be a feature of the living immersive City San Paro was suppsoed to be.
    In GTA I also have t go to the stupid Ammunation. It's not taking that much time to be a reason to cry about.

    4 hours ago, Dopefish said:

    New players won't have a clue about why they're spawning without any ammo, and will only get even more frustrated with how unintuitive the game is.

    if new players would play the Tutorial they would know this, because thats covered in the Tutorial.
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