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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 9 hours ago, Tosei said:

    people quit because no new contents, such as new clothes and events, not really all about gameplay tbh

    No they quit because the game runs bad on client and serverside, cheaters are still an issues (at leats on Citadell). And yes noob protection and matchmaking has its issues especially with dethreathing.

    @Op we had no Threat districts and no one was there anymore playing on them. If you make this the default mode you just lose even more people.

  2. 6 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    ALIG AV is pretty crazy, the fuck you nerds talkin bout? It is even pretty decent at person killing.

    Euryale is a pretty nice all around LMG and in a great spot.

    SHAW is hilarious when set up in the right spots and allowed to cover area.

    LMGs are fine, just gotta play them in their roles.

    their role is so niche and tin that hardly anyone uses them. an Alig at best at times, but thats it, becaue it has a role due to the AV ability.

    Also, what about the swarm's? have they been chaged lately? their weird horizontal recoil was always pretty bad.

  3. 3 hours ago, Tobii said:

    It's sad that a cheater picture like that is part of the first few screenshots of the game. /shrug
    Dunno, google search is highly affected by a persons searching and internet habits I for example do not get that kind of screen, so we might question where you hang around. (but we don't hae to because thats your past chasing you there i guess :P)

    at least googling apb screenshot gives me this


  4. On 9/8/2018 at 12:55 AM, VanilleKeks said:

    why is sandy on acid

    do you think a squirrel thats trained to be capable to travel and live under the water is managing to stay mentally unharmed when livign with those derps? it just was a matter of time to make this happen.

    @OP, now deisgn a boat mobile car. and also a  frenso with a highe spongebob on it.

  5. On 9/12/2018 at 5:50 AM, Kewlin said:

    In a game where you character can be basically half the height of their hitbox, you can't not have the crosshair change color, lol.

    Honestly, if triggerbots are the best cheat people, then I don't really care that much; they're not really that bad. I'd rather have a feature that makes the game more fun for me than worry about a few triggerbotters.

    this would give cheaters with aimbots or hitbox highlights, just even more of an advantage over the regular player. We shouldn't plan game features around cheaters. but the anticheat should be imporved to detect triggerbots.
    • Like 2

  6. dear Matt, since you can merge Servers, Why don't we have a master account server and just get local play servers? This way everyone could play anywhere around the world depending on what time populates which area.  Also you could spread out servers more, because you could make 1 asia FIN/WF, one at the east and westcoast of the US and so on.

    people could at least at their regional main times get a good latency while at offtimes they can find populated servers but may suffer some latency downsides.

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  7. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:
    6 hours ago, TheHidden-Tember said:

    it's harry potter. He's a wizard who lives under the staircase.

    I still think Harry Potter should have ended with the authorities rescuing a near dead Harry from under the stairs, his aunt and uncle arrested for child abuse... the whole Hogwarts thing being a fantasy created to escape reality.
    And up until today, some boy with his weird fantasy still lives under a staircase.

  8. 12 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    the coywolf is a laughable trade of speed, health, and cargo capacity for extra subpar acceleration imo

    honestly have no idea what g1 was thinking 

    iirc the coywolf was made when racing kinda was a thing in the community so they made a bit or a touring car.

  9. 18 hours ago, Keshi said:
    New players will know about the mechanics now and get used to it
    Because they never used the old mechanic which was just point and shoot, jumpshot get a 850, or quickswitch.
    still not logically, nor intiuitive, there needs to be an ingame description to reflect that, especially since this doesn't count for other snipers.
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