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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. Well, thts a bit weird to make such a change to the N.-HVR as it makes undertsanding wepaon emchanics for newbies even more problematic and not really logical.  But lets see how it turns out. Same for the shotguns very strange arcadish concept.


    however this list misses a LOAD of truly problematic weapons that need change.



    Also, bring back beacon in OTW, poeple need a test environment which currently doesn't exists, because missions need to start somehow. or make a special fight club mechanic which is a free for all 24/7 missions. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Snjezana said:


    Haha, I wish your statement was true. I guarantee you, when you farm on a green district these days, plenty of Bronze R255 with OSMAW/Volcano and 4x4 Vegas camp the fences. 

    I should paly solo more often, I am sure after so less APB I can drop silver too in a legit way and then go and experince this wonderland of weirdness.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Snjezana said:


    You never farmed on lower districts, when a standard STAR fires at your damaged car! Works wonders! 😄


    why would anyone competent farm in lower distericts XD

    but yeah there it probably works. In lands where concs are rarely seen and osmaws and Volcanoes are story of myths and only carried by fake bronzes with a golden core 😛


  4. 11 minutes ago, Mitne said:

    I will be honest, i'm not against farming of this role - taking how much it took me to just get to higher levels. People just don't resupply at you, they often go to ammo dispensers around map.


    Vast majority of points to it I got was via car trunk (thank God for that mod). Imagine doing that with ammo boxes and resupplier alone...


    And the lone fact that you need to focus on totally non-essential part of gameplay just to fulfill it would be ultra frustrating.


    the importance of the ammo resupplier heavily decreased.


    Car spawner is now more important. we have another deployable ammo box now. (does that one even count towards the achievement?). and since car spanws can also resupply we indeed have a heavily reduced need for mobile supplies.

  5. I think no.


    First players can trade fully customisd stuff (excluding armas exclusives)

    Second I think the best way to monetize APB is the customisation, if free players get more here, money needs to come from somewher else, which then kinda starts smelling like more gambling or p2w coming to the game.

    Premiums is kinda fair, theres regular free premium with short times (which i hope still happens in the future) and only buying a few days premium is also enough for some intens customisation sessions.


    The only thing I don't like about the current system is armas exclusive items. They need to have premium additionally to be fully customised AND need skill, because one cannot even temporary trade them for customisation to designers. I think thats something that probably can be changed.


    LO could implement that all the Armas items are semitradable, meaning one can put all armas exclusive content into auction, but only those having the items unlocked too can buy them. That would at least allow designers to sell stuff to those not able to design.

    • Like 1

  6. 6 minutes ago, Snjezana said:

    Depends on the purpose. For ramraiding for example I only need 2 slots for Extra Capacity 3 and Steel Plating for bullet protection. Works for me.

    bullet protection makes you slower, whas the sense for this? most people blow you up anyways.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Mitne said:

    Car Thief is half the cake.


    Anyone tried to complete Munitions Specialist? There is easy and hard way.


    Probably gonna create other thread about it.


    wonder how many people farmed this with a second macroed account. I know a buddy made soem other buddies help "farming" on this achievment inbetween missiosn when we at there shooting, one bullet, reloading and repeat xD

  8. 1 hour ago, Kiida said:

    LO will no doubt pay for proper DDoS protection and mitigation unlike G1. They knew what they were buying into.

    gioven that support request went above what they expected and also they were surprised about how toxic the community is, I am not sure if they really knew what they were buying into. Let's just hope they can handle all that properly that comes up. Can't wait to see all the nonsense "I got banned falsely for X" claims comign up and how much endurance their support and GM's will have to go through that all.

    • Like 1

  9. On 6/27/2018 at 8:29 PM, Seedy said:

    I stopped playing APB for around 3 years. Me and a few mates used to play allot and we were really good but I took time out to do other things. Now that I am back I am crap at APB but I am having fun which is why I am playing. I used to be good.. now im crap.


    wow, cna one drop so far, i haven't played much either in 2 yeras and do feel how bad aim and timing goes, but droppng from gold to bronze really must be a huge decline.  Can we see vidoes of your gameplay, seeign bronzes and silver play is a lot more fun than goldies trying hard to be skilled. so many derpy stuff is happening when they play.

  10. Given how the community, and it's bad parts will target these poeple in future as they did in the past, GM's should be kina invisible.


    A System where someone being a GM can kidna reply with an additional command making his writing appear under a GM tagged different username, so that his palyeraccount and GM name stay different. This allows them to stay incognito with their main characters and act as GM's.


    Alos, lets talk abotu Gm stalking, in the past adding a GM into friendlist was possible but removed, if now regular players are GM's will they be stalkable again this way? We really need a 2way frend request system.

  11. well there is no reason not to ahve micro, not to use one of the purple mods, or one of the blue ones.

    unlike wepaon modifications, there are many car mods without a downside.


    only the green ones have some actual downsides. But, red, blue, purple, orange, always go and slightly upgade your car. 




  12. On 6/26/2018 at 11:50 AM, AsgerLund said:

    If half of the missions (50%) have hackers and there are 6 people in each mission (3v3 average mission size, arbitrarily chosen by me for the sake of the argument), then that would mean that 1 in 12 people hack (around 8%).

    I KNOW, this is not a realistic calculation, this is just to explain the principle of the difference between  "50% of my mission have hackers" and "50% of APB hack".

    If you disagree with above principle, you are a confirmed hacker and both BE and FBI are on your tail already.


    when FF was new it was also after some threat cleaning, at this times G1 confirmed there are like 1% hackers they caught initially, also golds were 20% of the popualtion. given the majority of players who cheta IS, gold, thats 1 out of 20 goldies beign a hacker, very much 5% at these times back then. takign itno account a missions most often is 4vs4 you can easily (with those numbers form the past) meet one hacker every 2nd or 3rd missions. and thats quite a lot, given with the old numbers, at the end whenFF hrdly even banned blatants anymore, well it sure was much higher than those 5% the regular goldie had to face. Now with BE, hard to tell, but honestly I haven't had tiem lately to play a lot, and most of my friends still don't play. :/

  13. I am not sure what the category "unpopular" will mean in objects.


    Stuff like ACT 44 GM?

    Stuff like A gun you can get for free, but gets awkward non fitting presets? (because we have those).

    Also, why are they unpopular? maybe because of broken balance? if so,  maybe rebalance them first.


    Would be interetsing if LO first posts us those unpopular armas items and then asks us why we don't buy them.


    Some guns and cars are just unnneded/wanted due to bad balance.

    • Like 1

  14. I think you focussed too much on APB.


    honestly, we had laods of fun when joker existed, and I also ahd with the buddies on Obeya when they still played. But after both fell apart due to the lack of clanmates on and Joker beign relocated and named jericho now, I hardly play the game anymore. if I had spent such amounts  (of money and time)on APB like you, I'd probably had a midgame crisis too :P


    So get some serious Real Life and seek out some gaming for fun, but don't look for meaning in gaming itself.

  15. 8 hours ago, Lixil said:

    Due to the poll that has been added, this topic is now moved to the off topic. 

    how do polls make an off topic? how is a APB related thread even "off" topic? Maybe the off topic should get a different name, like Junktown or such, but making APB related threads "off" topic is actually off.

    • Like 1

  16. On 6/20/2018 at 4:40 PM, Maverick13 said:


    STAR deserves more love. I'm currently using the 2 Slotted version with Mobility Sling and Mag Pull 3. STAR doesn't needs a RED mod.

    N-TEC users in a nutshell: Badmouth our magnum opus and we'll doom you to hell, because our N-TEC is sacred.

    Obeya CR762 Still good, but yeah, they need to bring back her glory.


    I think if the n-tec stops being as strong as it is on range and if N-HVr is properly balanced Obeya will be fine. It just suffers from its upper competitor N.-HVR, and lower competitor, N-tec being too strong.

  17. 12 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    the only solid date i see on the roadmap is for july’s console SDK update, where exactly are you getting weapon balance this month lol

    Hmm, i think i have gotten some of the paragraphs messed up, they shoudl make an empty line betwen the verison numbers. Yet, well, they want to work on unifying the versions 2.2 in july, so that indeed leaves a bit space for the possibel balance patch to come in july, but I am quite sure most of the earlier 1.19. versions would have to be released then already. 1.19.6 is going to be the next patch already. Also, they said they are already half way through (project 1).

  18. and this is why the cheater issue isn't taken seriously if ther eis such exaggeration.


    Its surely far from 90% but also far from only 1%. But I think its realiscally that one out of ten goldies is getting "assisted".

    Lets just hope BE finds them and bans them quick, if it doesn't properly gets rid of them in time, we just still have all those cheaters running around on rerolls which doesn't improve stuff.

    • Like 1

  19. 10 minutes ago, Songbearer said:


    I like how cynical you already are for a company that's just started updating and has already accomplished revitalising the game and adding functional anticheat as well as communicating when they've promised to.


    I mean, feel free to come back in 2019 and see how much the game has changed if you have your doubts, but maybe give them a chance to fail or succeed before you start shitting on them.

    cynuical or  realism? what amkes you think that them beign so new are able to make a proper balance patch after being liek 2 month into the game? seriously, be real about that.


    further, functioning anticheat? they basically just turned BE on recently to also ban, so yeah its as "functional" as the fresh FF was back then. We need to see first how well it does over a course of time.


    you people already celebrate way to high before you see the success yourself. And thats why you might get disappoitned (again).


    Speaking realistically is not "shitting" on someone. Thats your interpretation of those words.

    If thats so precious to you, how about you cehck in 2019 how much of that has changed in a positive way.

  20. 1 hour ago, TheJellyGoo said:


    Handholding ruins this industry (as in general player base) and breeds braindead bots that want everything presented and catered towards them.

    Want to learn sth.? Put in the effort! Read the forums, watch streams/vids or just ask away thats how I learned about new games when I wanted to improve.





    what ruins the industry is the lack of proper tutorials, it is NOT the job of a palyer to trial and error basic functions of games. That was a habit that happened when lazy devs stopped making proper (digital) manuals when games when from regular boxes to the slim retail boxes and later digital distribution.

  21. 19 hours ago, Spherii said:

    I don't think nerfing the low yield grenades solely will lead to much balance. Much of the issue's you mentioned such as spamming grenades can be done with any type of grenade, not just the low-yield. 
    Should the low-yield get nerfed to two, there's little to no point in using low yields over percussions. If you're doing it for the low explosion time, percussions, if you're doing it for the damage. Frags. The low-yield is a good mix of both the aforementioned grenades. If you're complaining about grenade spam being too good with low-yields then you merely have to stop sitting at the same spot for an extended time or throw nades back. People who spam grenades are probably sitting at one spot or close to their ammo box. 

    Personally I think grenades are in a good spot, you've got multiple variations and to each their own. 


    lows strength is throwing them in tight places where people hide without granting them time to escape. Percs can't bounce into corners. (also, do you forget, 2 yolos can kill, 2 percs just do 800 damage. A very significant difference.

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