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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 24 minutes ago, LaQuandra said:


    This was brutal to read but I read it anyway.


    I am very fun at parties. I don't stand against the wall and complain that the girls don't talk to me because other dudes at the party have nicer pants than me and why can't we all just wear the same raggity pants?


    Sorry, I don't consider someone using "hold to crouch" as an enhancement. I don't consider someone who prefers to use "hold to crouch" to be insecure for their reason for doing so. It is very common in many games and was overlooked by the development team of APB.


    The simple fact is there are too many people in APB who are extremely insecure. In my 8 years of playing this game I have been told to kill myself, get cancer, hope my kids die, hope my family dies, hopes I am banned forever and forever, hope my wife gets raped, and whatever other foul comment they can think of. All because they think I use hold to crouch? Why would that make anyone that upset? The insecure players are what makes all gaming communities toxic.


    Honestly though, learn to brush it off rather than putting others down to make yourself feel superior. 


    Last piece of advice for those who receive whispers like the ones I shared....simply reply "k" to everything they say. 


    Of course they do. Dude used caps to make his point man. 



    there are also many games without it, so it really isn't something big. Infact, that i foudn amsuing when someoen said, I want to toggle sprint, but a hold crouch.


    And no, the point made before was not about crouch and stuff it was also about crosshair and such things of which many say its not advantage, which totally is false because some of these things are clear advantages.  And those advantages were the reason why at some point G1 said, "No" so all of them because people started more and more changing stuff to get advantages while claiming it has no advantage.


    And all that flamign, well soem edgy kiddies thinkign they are cool saying these or people without any selfcontrol about their anger. Man if that were the star wars universe we had sith in masses like jedi before the empire and probably just 2 jedi.

    also, if the one side is called the dark side, is the other called the bright side?




    • Thanks 1

  2. 22 minutes ago, LaQuandra said:



    None of those things are the reasons why you lose missions or a gun fight. Seems like many of you simply assume people are "cheating" or using some advantage over you when in reality you're just insecure. Work on making yourself better rather than blaming others for your short comings. This is true in all walks of life....just not video games and APB.  


    ohhh you seem to be fun on parties.


    also, enhancing the game past whats others do is not making you better than them, its the enhancement making you better.


    Also your funny talk about insecure? what would have nsecrity to do with it? I could aks in reverse, are you to insecure to go without these things? If these things aren't the reaosn you wouldn't have a need to use them at all, because you would realise they change nothing. What kind of person does spent time and effort on stuff that would be pointless? Thats just people that are too insecure to admit it enhances them trying to make otjhers thign the enhancement isn't an enhancement to make themselfs feel better about their performance without havign to admit it wasn't them improving their performance.



    • Thanks 1

  3. 4 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Oh I agree with you, I just actually shot coffee through my nose reading LaQuandras post.


    maybe if these people would turn their screens on they didn't need those config changes and sorts of enhancements.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Vanille said:

    ALIG for sure, it's not underrated for vehicle killing but it also slaugthers players. I think it keeps its min ttk up to 75m. You can 5 shot people rather easily if you get used to the spread/recoil.

    min ttk at 75m? no way it spreads way too much to keep min ttk at that range. that woudl need a lot luck with the spread to happen.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Xnetexe said:

    The game needs a money sink.

    If the marketplace tax were removed, a new money sink would have to be added somewhere: either in the form of a percentage pricing fee, or through percentage ammo and car spawn costs.

    How would you feel if instead of losing 20% of the money received from the sale, you'd have to pay 20% of the price you put an item up for, regardless of whether or not it gets sold?

    Or how would you feel if ammo and car spawns costed a percentage of your money, resulting in car spawns costing in the thousands, if not tens of thousands?


    that would be worse because with only 1 day auctions it woudl amssively suck for any item having a premade price.


    the "unfair" part is free2copy vs priced items. cars should probably only have 5% tax while smybols could even have 25%. They are free to copy so they are 100%profit -tax. While every car is always a low profit item.

  6. 2 hours ago, Kewlin said:

    I've kinda' proposed this before, but with beating enforcers to death with melee weapons instead, giving them a quicker respawn time than arrests, but not allowing them to be revived, to add some variety, but I wouldn't mind burning.


    First, they're not police, second, APB is already about killing enforcers by the dozens, and literally encourages killing innocent civilians.

    yeah but like complete nudity there is just that one thing that probably would go to far, and burnign people alive would belong to it, because obviously only mages are allowed to throw fireballs at people.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ScarecrowXIII said:

    Cause, I'd rather stay at the corner and be able to still see you than run and not? Once I move from the corner and you get there before I get to somewhere else, you can just shoot me in the back. It's also likely we're both injured so I could just be trying to get a better position to kill without exposing myself to as much danger... then get perc'd

    you can run away and look backwards if you know how the are you run into looks like, + yes you run away from sonmeone with a pig and perc to stay out opf pig range. and if he has to use the ccg or any other primary stabba there is your superior n-tec to shoot back. So in the end your tactical decisions weren't very good as LTL counter.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Kiida said:




    I mean, it's moreso for the PIG-perc and HVR-perc combos, and dropping one as you die. There's just no escaping that in close range. It's always been a broken mechanic.


    if you hug your opponent too close, yes that happens, but perc radius isn't that great. its even less than those of yolos

  9. 12 minutes ago, ScarecrowXIII said:

    Pfft, someone snuck up on me and hit me, they missed the 2nd one while I was retaliating


    I respect them for not throwing a perc though. He didn't seem like he was trying hard though


    see, missing the second pig shot means you had a window of at least 2.25seconds (that until the second shot goes off) quite long compared to lethal wepons.


    how would I be able to do that without a wallhack? I wouldn't know around which corner you are unless you showed yourself before and retreated and stayed at that same corner I saw you.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Kiida said:

    The main issue really is just perc grenades, not just for LTL but for the HVR or panic spam. Nothing more than a free 40 damage with one click that you can't escape from.


    people forget percs have a 0,7sec throw animation, so theyir 400dmg is slower thansome wepaons ttk, and that doesn't includes flight time and getting the other 600 damage done as well.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Kast2 said:

    A few years ago I worked on two sites (which are currently online) that sell cheats. Out of curiosity given the new acquisition I contacted him to see if they were willing to continue with a future cheat of APB and apparently they are. For this reason the BattlEye should not be underestimated.

    Some paid hundreds and even thousends of $ to play the game and risk it cheating, why would these people not even fund enough for constant cheats even with regular battleeye adjustments?

    The dedication and money some of them put into it is astounishing


  12. 2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    No I get that.

    It just feels wrong to me to have an "APB Tournament" of sorts only to ban a ton of stuff actually found in APB.

    If you dont like a weapon or vehicle or whatever you dont have to use it. But to say others cant, just feels like sour grapes.


    honetsly with the stuff not banned it would be boring and the same crap all time with n-tecs and n-hvr's and vegas/espacio/pioneer in like 90% of the time. Thats really boring.

  13. On 6/2/2018 at 4:14 AM, Vahnilla said:

    Or maybe you've never experienced being tagged by a LTL before

    specially the god sent LTL combo.

    or maybe enough people have chars on both sides to know how crappy LTL in comparison to lethal is and therefore just tell your to git gud, because that is truly the fitting response to people having trouble with LTL. if you can't beat ltl with an n-tec you really just play bad, thats just the painful truth.

    • Like 1

  14. 1 hour ago, Kiida said:

    Most streamers have the game hidden until after they've joined a district anyway. At least that's what I do. It's the only thing I've been able to do to counter streamsnipers in the past (and trust me, I suffered from a lot of it). I don't see the point of having the /who feature anymore either. All of the above just causes more harm than good when it comes to streamers, and if someone like Summit comes back then it's gonna be nothing more than another shit fest for them.


    It's harder for them to take action on people streamsniping than it is to make a few tiny changes like this, and will improve on a lot of the playerbase's toxicity problems.


    maybe an opt out form the feature exists, in the end streamsniping you without these information wouldn't be hard takes at best 10minutes. maybe less - depending on how many districts are up.

  15. 4 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    actually asked this question last night in discord





    i personally feel this information is incorrect, as an old account of mine was unbanned

    this account recieved an email stating that it was ff banned for cheating (idk how orbit feels about old g1 support messages being posted, so ill hold off on that)


    just wondering if theres some internal miscommunication happening at orbit



    maybe, but maybe the old support just told or thought it was for cheating while it actually wasn't. wouldn't make one wonder if that went messy backt hen too.

  16. 1 minute ago, Kiida said:

    As it stands right now, anyone can add you to friends list to see which district you're in and then follow you around. It can also be done through the search function, which honestly needs to be removed anyway.


    If you can't find which district a player is on then it's harder to streamsnipe. Full districts and lack of queue system are the only things helping prevent it right now.


    maybe but still if you watch someones stream you know where he is and  just hopping the districts going to his locations would reveal quickly if hes there. Also the /who or /pop which shows the people on the server would alos have to be gone then. otherwise you just se the district, hop through all financials using the chat command to see if you are on the right one.


    But then, should we really have these features remaovd because of some bad apples?  can we again "not have nice things"?

  17. 2 hours ago, Kiida said:

    APB has long needed something like this or a privacy function when it comes to online status regarding streamsniping or harassment.


    Wouldn't stop people using the /who function while hopping districts but it'd be a great start, especially if we see bigger streamers returning to the game.


    it's not hard to streamsnipe because someone is streaming, so that change to the friend request wouldn't really help preventing it.

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