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Posts posted by LilyV3

  1. 6 minutes ago, ChellyBean said:

    APB forum users are the kinds of people who would ruin our relationship with the new company and then complain about why the company doesnt want to talk to us anymore

    happened in the past, they are doing it again. Poor Lo, poor Tiggs they had and will have to go through thsi again.


    or like revoe once said:


    "And thats why we can't have nice things"


    Somes community members only task is to detsroy anything nice existing. But everyone has to suffer and the company running it too.

  2. 1 hour ago, Sadira said:

    Yes please. I want some actual good hairstyles too, and not 20 different kinds of bald. 


    I swear, there's like... 5 hairstyles that are good, the rest are just bald or meh.

    thats the reaosn why most females have the same, theres really too much different, punk styled ones and only very few others. How many long haired ones are ther even? 4 or 5, with only one open haired one the rest is some sort of pigtails.

  3. good to hear that update, but welcome to the APB forum, you will need a LOOOOOONG time to maybe get the bad behavior off this Forum. Unfortunately this behavior was always like this in a very consistent way. When Tiggs came here, it was even worse. And she got a lot of hate weeding stuff out. maybe you also undertsand why many of us dislike unbannign allc heaters, because that way you flood a LOAD of toxic people into the game. It's sad for the few wrongly banned or truly regretting individuals, but the possible damage they can do, I really hope you thought well through this.


    I really wish all your LO staff the required endurance to go through that process. You will really need it.

  4. RPS? people still read that nonsense page/magazine?


    people still play APB because actually missions are complex enough to not be too repettive, and there is no other proper open World PvP game with this kind of customisation.


    GTA cannot deliver the customisationa dn their PVP is by how wepaons and cars work derp^3 (wat we can't make text up and low anymore?  WhyTheFormattingt new FORUM.

    • Like 1

  5. 14 hours ago, freq said:

    Let's have a queuing system implemented in the first place, haha. It's definitely one of my top most wanted features, though

    this, so far it took a while bot not too logn to enter districts.


    But my fear with the queue is that if there is a financial 40/40 there will eb 80 people in the line to stuff themselves in there instead going to an empty district and populate it.

    So maybe queueing should only happen if you ae grouped up with someoen in that district to make the group be able to gather.


    On the other hand if district crossing matchmaking would become true, all those would be irrelevant.

  6. 12 hours ago, Maverick13 said:

    Thank you for the info and heads up Lixil. :v


    so far these limitations seem to be fine, sometimes I wish we had a GM's online to just stop some people trash talking





    This very special community has shown much dedication by its dark sided members to target every somewhat proper member. So any person being an GM and this being visible would definately target these players with too much hate.

    So if you want this System to work, these people would need to kinda stay incognito. basically like maybe having a seperate chatwindow they enter stuff and when they do appear under an entirely different name.


    The best moderator the Forum probably had was gotitdone, but some people (a lot actually) got pissy, because he DID enforce the rules and then they crouded together made enough trouble to make G1 decide to unmod him. Something similar will mostlikely happen to the GM's ingame as well if they can't stay incognito. Please LO do not underestimate the hate and salt of the dark side of this community. It's very strong.

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  7. 16 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

    Spawning "around" mission objectives doesn't work - both teams would be able to spawn in the same locations then.

    Nevertheless spawns should somewhat be distributed 180° around the objectives for each team.


    Ideally spawns would be manually placed and an algorithm merely figures out which team currently "owns" which spawns.  As elsewhere mentioned in this thread going through the maps manually to select decent spawn locations is a monumental task, but then again there are dozens of players who know the maps inside out and could rapidly provide a list of decent spawns.


    As for the algorithm, I believe it work somewhat like a meta-gamemode, which allows each team to "capture" spawn points by occupying an area and keeping enemies out of it. Generally this is already how the current system works (i.e. spawns become available near teammates and unavailable near enemies), but sometimes the available spawns can not accommodate for all variables and then the system falls apart entirely. Again, hand-crafted spawns and a slightly more "interactive" ruleset might alleviate these issues.


    both teams are already spawning at the same location if spawns grant them randomly the same ones (or if they have a carspawner there) you can see this when you killed someone an died shortly after him and one of your possible spawns turn red shortly before you spawn. that happens because he has a spawn selected before you thats at the enarly same spot making your spawn suddenly unavailable.


    Manually chosen spawns, would be neat, but then we need a better map, like the ones we had for halloween. Also they could still cause the same issues when an someone else chooses it shortly before you.


    @trismatioc, the spawns currently work very randomly and if you are lucky you could still spawn in the flank anyways, So why would it suddenly be rewarding? It's not more or less rewarding than the current dice roll does. But it opens up tactical choices.

  8. On 5/28/2018 at 5:44 PM, SilverCrow said:

    I think many of you are forgetting that with Battleye, they won't be able to really cheat anyway. Wouldn't you rather beat their asses now when they can't cheat anymore, rather than not even having them back at all? 


    I have yet not set any "hope level" on battle eyes performance and will gonna see how well it works 2 month after impelmentation. No expectations means not being disappointed.

  9. 4 hours ago, TheOppositePolarBear said:


    dont forget about fixing the whole matchmaking thing. it doesnt really matters if we have no cheaters, if the day 1 bronzies and silvers gets put against people with 5K hours in the game. they will feel like they are cheaters, and they will leave the game.





    thats going to eb a tough task, especially when cheaters reroll they will first meet exactly those poor bronzes.

  10. 44 minutes ago, xNyuu said:

    I'd say remove 'likes' and 'dislikes', it's narcissistic and ruins every social environment.

    Let the people re-learn to speak up, that stuff limits them to a unknown degree.


    in the past e had this and then small little subcommunties ruined the system by pointlessly like and dislike people by just how they liked a person and not what was posted. This together with alt spam acocounts is what made the old Likes disappear. And I am sure in a not too soon future somethign similar will happen and similar measurements will have to be done.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Thial said:

    Yes I totally agree that there aren't that many neutral players but still there are those few individuals who would not be biased. Those few veterans understand exactly the flaws of the current balance. They know which weapons are overpowered and which require a little bit of a buff to compete with the meta guns. As always most of the community hates any changes if it means losing their op toys and having to learn how to play with normal guns but LO as a parent shouldn't listen to that part of the community who are simply spoiled children in that scenario. What's op should be nerfed, what's underpowered should be buffed. That's all there is to it and I'm afraid that LO won't be able to do that alone without the help of the community. It's like that funny quote from ffbans.org about FairFight "There's nothing Fair about this Fight if a 60y old granny decides if you are cheating or not". Same goes for weapon balance. With all respect to LO, without someone with top skill level and few years of experience it will be hard for them to provide us with proper balance.


    and there comes LO's first problem, how would they properly know who of them is skilled enough and also neutral. that decisions is equally difficult.

  12. Hello Matt,


    nice to hear something specific.


    Would you probably als post something about what the plans are for imporving server performance?


    in the past G1 changed to those softlayer servers which were supposed to be soooo much better, but they never were any better at all.


    heres the old blog and pics about performance stuff



  13. On 5/26/2018 at 7:50 PM, orangesherbet said:

    In a perfect world, yes.  But having volunteer programs like this can't hurt, even if redundant. Some people simply want to be involved in helping the community, just my take. 


    DUnno, I never felt the need for such a label to help, reading chat and answering others question is often fine enough.


    WHAT the game definately needs is some seperated global Help chatroom where people can ask questions and helpful people can keep a filtered eye on. Would make a lot things a lot better

  14. 6 minutes ago, Thial said:

    That's why only the top players should be recruited, not yukon gamers or hvr mains or overall any people of that sort. Only legitimately skilled people who are neutral and care about the balance, not releasing more broken weapons which they can abuse. With all respect I think that releasing more weapon types which later could get reskins would be a nice idea. I can't say how many times I was sad that I only have either an OCA or PMG to choose from when I want to play smg, or pretty much only ntec or star when I wanna play AR. There should be more free weapon types which could get reskins in the future. The game is very stale at this point because we have been using the same stuff all these years.


    Hardly anyone acts neutral in this game, especially those in the top skills, most top skilled gamers are evry competitive and have their very own agendas.


    Also, for SPCT, a large portion was Test if basic things work, like can you steal a car and turn it in properly as a cop, elase guns, destroyable objects still destroyable, do cars properly slow down with mission task items etc. . That was the build verification test. For those you really don't need skilled players. But most top palyers are way too busy addicting the game for competitive reasons to participate in those trivial tasks.

    • Like 1

  15. what exact email are you looking for?


    how do you lose the email you registered to?


    have you ever bought any stuff for your APB Account wiht soem non prepaid methods? if yo you could write support with the informations about the characters you have and your payment information and they could possibly change the email associated with yoru account.


    You people REALLY should be more carefully with handling your email adresses.



    MAYBE, you could also ask Steam support about how the accounts are linked. But i am not sure if they store the G1's Acoounts email.

  16. 45 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    yes he is


    support clearly gave him the option to pay the balance on the boxes he exploited in return for his account being unbanned, except now there’s a new support team and new rules and new owners and it’s unclear whether these new people will honor the old supports side of the agreement


    did you even read the op?

    the Op doesn't mention anythign about JMB's and stuff, probably becasue stuff was removed.

    but OP information give a vague info about whats happening.



    6 hours ago, OpTicElement said:

    I write this because quite personally I'm A little upset and mislead by G1 Support.


    For a little context, after the acquisition of G1 by LO I sent in a ticket about a potential ban lift from my account. I was replied to by Tiggs from the "IP Block support" Saying



    So I make an account and buy the stuff and NEW support gives out what seems to be an automated cookie cutter response to everyone asking about bans saying that if I was banned my the anticheat that I'd be unbanned by the time the new system rolls around.


    I was NOT banned by that therefore this is different. I was told one thing and so I did it now I'm essentially overlooked AFTER I've already spent my money for this reason. 


    Isn't this against the law to do that kinda stuff?


    I've sent a third ticket in hopes that things will be set straight as promised before the support switch.


    Post problem edit: It was resolved within the half hour of this thread. Thanks support. 😛


  17. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    everyone deserves a second chance




    The issue is, there are too many past their second one, some even above 5 or 10.



    just stay clean OP, not everyone is cheating and ever was, even if you meet a lot of them, but never let yourself get dragged to their levels.

  18. On 5/29/2018 at 8:05 AM, Tsumori said:

    I'm pretty sure that some ppl gonna hide under a new names or aren't even online on the first week.

    100% confirmed

    definately this, thats always what the not noob cheaters did, they never after such a new system or bigger update play on their real accounts, they try and test under alts. We have seen this in the past when suspicious good people strangely always were absent like 1-2 weeks whenever PB got some update. (which was rare but did happen). And honestly APB always felt entirely differently during these days. And that probably was the true APB experience we would had form a near cheater free environment. if BE can make such a thin happen, that would be great.

    • Like 2

  19. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    i mean that’s not really the issue here tbh


    he was told to pay x amount to have his account unbanned and he paid x amount, but now his account may or may not be unbanned, depending on how orbit handles promises made by the previous company

    ??? isn't he talking about  the JMB exploit? because thats what he says in later posts.



  20. 5 hours ago, OpTicElement said:

    It was over the JMB exploit. I regret what I did and it sucks that I was banned but again, I wasn't hacking or aimbotting of the sort. I was a fully legit player who thought at the time it'd be smart to do that exploit. 


    so what their mail states you get unbanned when banned for cheating, you broke the other kind of TOS of which they said, people will stay banned, Not sure what you expect as response. Poor LO they probably get flooded with this kind of thing.

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