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About Crusadeer

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    "your not really BitFenix tho"

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  1. They kept the rights to APB Reloaded and can do whatever they want with it, they just can't make new stuff under the APB brand. Did you even read the post?
  2. this game never had that tho, you're looking at a $100+ million game
  3. ehh what most of them are borderline railshooters like cod lol
  4. i kill all noob i dont care
  5. are you insinuating that you knew about this bug/exploit but chose not to report it?? hallo admin?? unprofesionale spct mambe here
  6. apb is about as competitive as combat sports without weight classes sry
  7. hahahaha typical silver mentality pls stop embarassing yourself with your ignorance
  8. LOL the system was made to help teams getting smashed and never worked as intended
  9. hahahaha how many accounts did you have again?
  10. forums were only fun when u could talk shit on the server forums sry jotunblut banning people was peak forum era
  11. honestly the tanky vehicle patch was one of the worst development decisions in this game. i can't remember which patch it was and its a pain in the patootie to find the old patch notes now but it was like in 2013/2014 IIRC.
  12. have you tried stacking 2 or 3 hvrs against them instead of just 1?
  13. Better to have all weapons be shit and rng than buff them to be on par with eachother. Wouldnt be apb otherwise ))
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