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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. BlatMan

    LTL Problems

    There was a LTL activity last time I played Baylon Fightclub.
  2. One of my old group members had something happen with their account. I don't know if it was accessed by another person or if the server merge missed a ton of items. Most of their vehicles were missing. Another friend didn't sign in for 6 months or so. I saw them online but it wasn't them. The user on that account replied in Portuguese and was grouped with Brazilian players. Confirmed it wasn't them. In both cases, the incident and time reported were too far apart. No logs were available. Useless system if it can't hold login details for at least a year. At work we hold authentication logs for at least 5 years, depending on the data being accessed. Storage is cheaper than losing a lawsuit
  3. More words. That will solve the problem! Modified files aren't allowed, but most twitch streamers play with modified files. Adding more words to the EULA isn't going to do anything.
  4. I don't know if that works with songs. It works with death themes and graffiti. Regardless, needing to constantly add and remove people from your ignore list to mute songs sounds like a chore. If OP could read they'd probably like my suggestion of adding an option to turn off other players' music.
  5. I think it was an unreal engine feature, unrelated to the anti-cheat. G1's APB complained about some files being modified. Every anti-cheat is useless once bypassed. APB's Battleye was too easy. Just run APB in a virtual machine and done. APB's EAC doesn't allow APB to run in a Windows virtual machine, but it's still easy to bypass due to having less restrictions compared to other games. It does mean more people can play APB, but expect a higher percentage of cheats that can't be detected client sided. What we need is server sided cheat detection. Matt mentioned FairFight, but he's been MIA. Windows 12 will be EOL by the time that happens.
  6. G1 clearly did the meth when adding the previous contacts, so much so they increased the starting rank for Trainees. Wonder how LO will handle that.
  7. Make ramming plate a literal plate. For lower cars angle the plate so it fits the hood and functions like a ramp. Shove it on an IO Growl and present it to Nasa.
  8. For Rust, I can launch the game using command line arguments, or use the client.cfg file. The APB Advanced Launcher is basically doing that, editing config files that are designed to be user edited, and then launches the game with a few arguments. If there's certain settings the devs feel should not be disabled, they can have that setting ignore the config files, like G1 did with grenade vfx. What you often see on Twitch are players using modified .upk files. That needs to be stopped. Those files are not meant to be modified by the end user. It's easy to do too. Innova, the Russian version, checked for modified files when you logged in. If files didn't match you would get kicked in a few minutes for "client/server mismatch." If APB tracked afk demerits, you will be #1 in Jericho.
  9. Your suggestion doesn't make sense, since players will be able to turn it on, defeating the purpose. If you don't want to hear other player's music, then there should be an option to disable it on your end. I would add a setting called "Play music broadcasted by other players". You cannot hear other player's music. You can only hear the default music library, and music you imported. If you imported copyrighted music, reset your music library to remove all imported music. If you need music muted, you can create a blank music library by editing the file: "...\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Content\Audio\DefaultMusicLibrary\defaultmusiclibrary.xml" Remove everything between <Library></Library> so it looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MusicPlayer Version="1"> <Library> </Library> <Config> <CurrentPlaybackInformation CurrentPlayingPlaylistID="-1" CurrentPlayingPlaylistTrackIndex="-1" CurrentPlayingTrackID="-1" PlaybackPosition="0" StorePlaybackSettings="true" Volume="1.000000" Random="true" Loop="Playlist" PlaybackOnFoot="false" BroadcastFromVehicle="true" EnvironmentFilter="true" AutoResume="true" /> <GeneralSettings ShowEULA="true" PermaDeleteOnRemove="false" DisplayPlayerHud="true" /> </Config> </MusicPlayer> After editing, launch APB using the APB.exe, then reset your music library in the media player. This should clear all the default songs.
  10. Actual on topic discussion about EAC. I just got this message launching APB. Was EAC just updated?
  11. I doubt LO had any input on the recent bans. I know someone who bought an APB account. First logging in they were not trade locked. They were able to trade all the weapons and mods to their main account. The purchased account got banned a few days later, but the other accounts they have did not get banned. Same PCs, no VPN. If LO went by IP or HWIDs, you'd think all accounts would have been banned.
  12. You can check all of the latest changes on https://apbdb.com/changelog Here's the latest from Little Orbit. First number is old value. Second number is new value. > Tuesday, May 9, 2023 AmbientUtility_4DoorRally fMaxCargoTorqueReduction 0.8 0.94 EnforcerCompact f5thGearSpeed 1700 2200 > Tuesday, Apr 18, 2023 CriminalCompact fMaxReverseSpeed 13 15 CriminalCompact fMaxSpeed 19.5 20.5 EnforcerCompact fMaxSpeed 19.5 20.5 > Saturday, Mar 25, 2023 AmbientUtility_ClassicMuscle fSuspensionDamping 1.5 2.45 AmbientUtility_ClassicMuscle fSuspensionStiffness 60 92 > Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 AmbientUtility_2DoorCabriolet nMainCargoPipCapacity 4 5 AmbientUtility_2DoorHatchbackVan nMaxHealth 900 950 AmbientUtility_4DoorRally nMainCargoPipCapacity 2 5 AmbientUtility_ClassicMuscle nMaxHealth 1350 1300 Armas_AmbientUtility_ClassicMuscle1 nMaxHealth 1350 1150 CriminalCarrying nMaxHealth 1600 1350 CriminalCompact nMainCargoPipCapacity 4 5 CriminalCompact nMaxHealth 900 950 CriminalPerformance nMaxHealth 900 1150 EnforcerCarrying nMaxHealth 1600 1350 EnforcerCompact nMainCargoPipCapacity 4 5 EnforcerPerformance nMaxHealth 1100 1150 ExoticMuscle nMaxHealth 950 1150 Rally_2DoorHatchbackVan nMainCargoPipCapacity 4 5 Rally_2DoorHatchbackVan nMaxHealth 900 950
  13. The bee guy ban is what made me question these bans. I wasn't sure if it was a rumor at first. I doubt it was the VPN software. There would be many players getting banned. I would have been banned since I was trying multiple VPNs, but I haven't tried a "gaming" VPN like ExitLag or WTFast. EAC screwing up the identity of players makes sense, or maybe there's a bug with specific hardware/software configs.
  14. I've been switching between VPNs trying to see if I can get around APB's terrible routing and can still sign in. Only issue I had was I couldn't connect to districts using Cloudflare WARP or tethering with my phone over Sprint's network.
  15. Looks like they listened and decided to make EU just as much of a charlie foxtrot as US.
  16. 5 shot kill FBW. Instant shoot OSMAW. Spam resupply button while next to vending machine to shoot obir faster than SHAW.
  17. The GMs are just other players with GM titles. Then there's the gm in training title, that also has whispers blocked. What's the point of having them if they can't do GM stuff?
  18. Sets macro to shoot slower so weapon blooms less
  19. I'm more of a High Mag + Muzzle Break pre recoil curve M-1922 type. Feels good to use my whole desk.
  20. - FairFight Banned - FairFight Banned again - VAC Banned - EAC Banned? The chances of a legit player getting multiple bans, by multiple anit-cheats, at different time periods, is high unlikely. That said, it doesn't mean they were cheating this time, and it doesn't mean that other sus players are not cheating.
  21. More like hearing a screech and looking at the new addition to the pile. For example, everyone was getting massive lag today. The stupid part is I had good hitreg while teleporting.
  22. He doesn't even like money. I don't get it.
  23. BlatMan

    The grenade smoke is suppose to disrupt your view. They need to tweak it so it has less impact on performance. Same with vehicle explosions. You shouldn't need a current day flagship GPU on a 10+ year old game just to get normal fps. Ignoring a player needs to remove all their symbols. Only the base colors should be rendered for clothing and cars. Since you're talking about settings. They need to remove the administrator account requirement to launch the game. Move all the temporary game data, like the asset cache and logs, to the Windows %temp% folder. Move "Config" folders to the user's %appdata% folder. Doing so will mean Windows will automatically clear out old APB logs, and players who share a PC can have separate graphics options. Players won't have to put their system at risk by running discord or other apps as an admin when they want push to talk to work in game.
  24. What's sad is I think that was a real attempt, going by their other questionable balance decisions.
  25. I'd have to read through all the contact emails and descriptions, but from what I remember, Birth seems to be the only criminal contact that has a reason to be there. The missions assigned to contacts hurts the lore. Antisocial Networking seems fitting to Birth, considering his hate towards the CSA, but Creme De La Crime makes no god damn sense being assigned to him. It reads like Violet and Lilith got into a petty argument and sent a squad of their fresh recruits to fight their bs. "An economic downturn means our revenue is dropping. We had to slash the prices of all our goods and now we need more. Burgle these buildings and grab some new stock." Did Lilith discover ChatGPT? Cant' get anymore generic sounding.
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