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Everything posted by Fur

  1. it's not like nerfing this will affect much anyway, an HVR will still be easily able to tag you before you can retaliate regardless of what kind of effect you put on crouching. this is going to end up being the same thing as sprint shooting, everyone went RA BARABABRA NERF THIS SHIT ITS OP FOFIJEOIFJE IM GETTING OWNED BY CARBINERS I CANT HIT CUZ MY TRACKING BAD then they nerfed sprint shooting and nothing changed. The same people who got owned by carbine players and oscar players STILL get owned by carbine and oscar. It made animations smoother, I guess? but otherwise did nothing. I feel like this will be the same thing. Theres two types of crouch spam, one involving cover, like a wall, and one not involving cover, like oca battles. Involving a wall, with cover it allows you to be able to make sure you actually can have the upper hand even against something like the hvr. Think about it, if an ntec/obeya can no longer crouch spam behind a wall to fight an HVR, that makes the HVR even just that much better. The only way to really fight one is from corner hugging or crouch spamming a wall (or you know, using tactics as well, such as flanking, but we will pretend no one knows about that) Sure it can be kind of busted for say, an HVR to crouch spam. But are you really going to be able to fight that hvr while hes behind a wall either way? Only really good players are going to be able to ttk in the time that it'd take for an HVR shot to go if you add any kind of delay without breaking the game. So thinking of the general populous, why even bother fixing it if you can't without ruining the whole point of it? Involving open battles, basically you'd just be getting rid of a dynamic that makes battles interesting rather than just boring running around fests. Crouch spamming mid battle doesnt do much as long as you aim below torso, which you should be doing if you know your opponent is into doing that. However, throwing a sneaky crouch or two mid fight really can offset peoples aim, and give you the upper hand allowing you to win. I think thats a really nice dynamic, and if your opponent is good enough on reactions (or aiming down) they might negate that crouch. Personally after having that quick crouching ability in the game for so long, it's almost too integral with the way guns work. I feel like changing the way crouching works would result in needs for massive change in a lot of areas. Mainly HVR would probably be more broken, and OCA would be more broken, for their certain battles respectively (ntec/star can more easily battle an OCA using well placed crouches, especially ones behind an object)
  2. Woops lol forgot the people on the forums don't have brains. My bad. I guess you prove your own point of 'people never change'. Ironic
  3. Get real guys, no one is being toxic. Just because people are saying what you don't want to hear doesn't mean you're being flamed. Most peoples responses have actually been really tame. I'm surprised this thread hasn't turned into a shit show yet. Saying that you're best bet is to learn English isn't toxic, nor is anything else anyone has said. Saying something like 'you guys are all terrible people for being spanish speakers go away' would be toxic, but again, that's not what is being said here at all as far as I can see. Also Matt's reply is pretty much what I expected. 'We really want to but we kinda can't so expect it at some point but certainly not anytime soon'
  4. Did I say I supported them? Nope, lol. I just said on their current account, I DO NOT know if they are cheating or not because I have no solid proof for the account theyre CURRENTLY on. Each acc is a refresh and again, unless theyre blatant, the fact that theyre been banned before doesn't really matter. I completely understand what I wrote here and if it doesn't make that much sense to you then you're probably the problem because people do eventually change.
  5. Damn you beat me to it! tldr of what I was saying I suppose haha
  6. To be fair, Spanish is only a highly learned language because most of the time Spanish speaking people don't want to spend the time (or don't have the time or capabilities, to give some the benefit of the doubt) to learn English. Mandarin, the language with the most native speaking people, is not a highly learned language because when people who speak Mandarin move, they often time either: already know english somewhat, or learn it quickly. Not hating on people who speak Spanish, but complaining about people complaining that you guys should just learn some English is dumb. English is a completely versatile language, while Spanish is not. The general populous of the world is very unlikely going to need Spanish unless it travels to a country where Spanish is the main language, or they travel to America and try to converse with people who haven't bothered or got good enough at English yet. While English is used in almost every country where people travel to a lot. Practically every EU country is slowly becoming a need-to-know English basis, just because of how many people from many different countries visit.. It's fine if people don't want to learn English, just don't expect to get much sympathy from people. Also, putting time towards changing ads, hiring someone specifically for Spanish speakers (which isn't the ONLY language that would need special support, which becomes a slippery slope on who do we hire. There's a pretty decent Japanese community, but I don't see any complain. Infact, most get on with learning English and do just fine lol) and the massive amount of effort it would take to translate the game would be worthless atm. This isn't because a certain community of language speakers isn't important (I actually do think that 'language' communities are dumb, but again, thats not the reason), but more rather it's because it detracts time from things that might actually bring players back. The Engine Upgrade, Battleye, better servers, these are things that bring players back. Not the ability to read an ad, or send a ticket to support without having to use google translate. As cool as it would be to have everyone be able to understand everything, now is not the time to attempt to get this to happen, wait till LO gets the game truly revived and gets somewhere, that is when you as a community should come out and go hey btw can we get the game translated. Because then it would be worth it. For now, Google Translate is your friend. (Salvick too, who iirc, translated the whole Q&A, good job my dude)
  7. this is actually kind of genuine lol surprising
  8. because 54mph would be acceptable, thats not cheating duh you should know shawcoptering at 54mph or under is ok
  9. Unless they're completely blatant, aka shawcoptering or speedhacking, I could care less what my op has to say about a player. Previously banned? again, I could care less. Unless theyre blatantly cheating I will continue to play or group with people. If someone closets, and fools you the whole time while you're friends and grouped with them, and you defend them, when they get banned do you think you should also be penalized? You grouped with them and defended them despite not ever knowing or thinking they cheated, is that fair? The issue is a slippery slope. Are people who intentionally group with blatants terrible people? Sure. But the moment you start punishing people for doing so you have to draw the line on what is 'blatant' and what is not. And a lot of people have very different lines. For me, someone has to do something so inhumanly possible so many times in a row, or has to be breaking the games code. I don't consider a really fishy multi banned player to be 'blatant' if theyre owning me, because blatant is something that truly means /obvious/. And despite you THINKING its obvious, when you take the time to look at it, it really isnt that obvious. Benefit of the doubt.
  10. I didnt mean to put ISSR in terrible spot, editing atm. I dont like any of the variants. Feels like a weaker CR726. Just an IMO on that one, which is why I put it in 'okay' rather than 'awful' like i think it is.
  11. Joker, Nekrova, and Obeya are the only choices for guns that actually are the best. Joker has Carbine, easily one of the best all-rounders, insane gun. Nekrova has HVR and Ntec, Ntec is also best all-rounder, if not THE BEST all-rounder. HVR is, well, broken. Obeya has so many. Oscar, CR726, FBW and OBIR are all great weapons, OSMAW and OPGL are explosives so obviously they have use, and the OCA is, well, broken too. Obviously the choice is Obeya, since it has the most great guns. None of them are 'weak'. Jokers RFP and JG are okay, beaten by two or more guns in their category. Nekrova has the scout, which is a downgrade atm from the HVR. ISSR is okay, while the NFA, NFAS, and Anubis are all pretty terrible guns. I went with Obeya also cause OSCAR and CR726 are some of my favorite weapons. Carbine is my most fav but Joker just doesn't have the firepower the other two have. Oh well.
  12. idk hvr looks balanced to me guys video proof i have no idea how to embed videos on this new forums so just click this for now
  13. i could honestly believe that knowing u and different
  14. A good idea would be to make legendary weapons straight up buyable rather than a gamble, and keep them tradable. Sure it might make the economy stale, but then itll at least still have the option of trades, buying and selling, and other things you said in your post.
  15. I'm kind of hoping they do a general sale to celebrate LO acquiring the game But I doubt they will since they want to rework the prices anyway, so they might think people will be upset if prices get changed after sales n whatnot.
  16. really hoping 50/50 comes back waiting long times for op and getting same people over and over again anyway gets kind of dull
  17. oof hopefully they still allow it, it really makes the game much easier to play with everything being potato and chars being max
  18. It should automatically give you the BOGO rewards in your mailbox That or maybe try your reward code section?
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