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Everything posted by R3ACT3M

  1. I feel this pain, My main is in NA right? and i have 3 characters in NA so I can just gift myself the supplies I need in order to succeed. Well then I have 2 EU characters. And let me tell you, not having clotting agent puts you at such a disadvantage. So you have to rely on the good of peoples hearts to either gift you it or only charge you how much clotting agent costs. Once you have clotting agent it's all practice from there. You will get the hang of when to go in, when to kill, when not too. I myself am not perfect but comparing to when I first started 2 years ago I have learned a lot. Another thing you can do is in district select go to the advanced tab so you can select a district more suited to yourself. Bronze district is a lot more casual than Silver and is as good as it will get when it comes to a place to start. You can also try buddying up with the higher ranks, see if you can't get 1 to tell you some must needed tips to new players. Also, don't be afraid to buy yourself a permanent weapon, while the defaults are good getting something for yourself that wont cost you x amount every week will make you feel better. Plus having at least 1 permanent weapon will teach you the importance of what mods you choose to put on said gun. The game is not pay to win, my friend who has only been playing for a month has shit stomped golds using armas guns XD. But referring back to the "I keep getting matchs with lvl 50000 enemies and getting destroyed" Just have fun, you're going to die a lot and it's not worth getting frustrated over. We all have those moments where we loose all the time for a week straight. So, just be patient try and watch your enemy, don't be afraid to do stuff that is unorthodox. Try and get tips and perhaps gear from fellow players. Make sure to finish the tutorial for free goodies. And just have fun with this game.
  2. R3ACT3M

    Med spray.

    resident evil med spray
  3. R3ACT3M

    Med spray.

    eh, they can make for interesting gameplay. They just need to be more interesting as they are kinda basic.
  4. Ive been grieved in eu way more than na
  5. Incase you didn't know, Golds can't join bronze unless we dethreat. And I'm not about to succumb
  6. isn't that just an everyone who plays chart? I mean NA vs EU is pretty big XD. So if you look at steam charts for EU servers, yea it won't be off my much. But you won't know anything if you play NA like myself.
  7. I mean if the game can bother to look nice that's fine and dandy. If it performs well, that's fine and dandy as well. I just want LO to make the game more fun than it already is. APB has it's moments, that's why everyone who still plays still plays. LO have already done amazing things when it comes to monetization of the game. I spent enough over the course of 2 years and finally got the AMG loyalty reward. (Might not be comparable to others but it's a lot to me XD) I want to believe that 2.1 is like APB's fresh start. Wipe away all the wrongs that G1 did and build upon what RTW hoped to achieve. I feel like part of that duty falls to us, the people who still play the game. To try and be supportive towards the company that is trying to save this dyeing cow. I absolutely hate it when people just say the game should die already. Those are the people that should stop playing this game. Because if you believe that a game shouldn't be enjoyed by anyone, simply means you're not having fun and you should move on. As many have, which is truly unfortunate, but completely fair. Yes, Temper your expectations. APB 2.1 is a stepping stone not the holy grail. APB 2.1 is going to be the start of making APB into something worth while and not another GTA clone. I have my frustrations with LO, but lets be patient and have some faith. When the game dies the game dies. When we all stand around Double-B's spawn watching the counter tick down to it's final moment, those who have wished it can say hurrah. But until, if and when that day comes. Please show this game some love and support. P.s. If it wasn't already clear this is not pointed directly at who I'm quoting.
  8. R3ACT3M

    Med spray.

    just remove clotting agent honestly, you are at a disadvantage if you don't use it.
  9. Well if I had to make a conspiracy. Maybe they don't want players to see the low pop. Kinda like, "oh there's no one on guess I wont get on either". specifically for NA
  10. I do know that, I mean if LO were to block the site somehow, it is keeping me away rather than making me want to log on and see what the pop is
  11. https://will.io/apb/ I've been checking every day now and it still hasn't shown me the populations. Just curious if it's just me or if anyone can shed light on why it might be down.
  12. Nah. that's just your character hesitating killing a fellow human being.
  13. Do it for the achievements if anything. Plus you can contribute negative reviews
  14. id say do a 4 strikes you're out Strike 1: maybe a 2 day suspension (this way you can get in contact with support and hopefully resolve the issue) Strike 2: A month Strike 3: Account ban Strike 4: IP ban I guess the hope is that Strike 4, would once and for all remove the cheater on the 4th strike. Because otherwise they would have to use a VPN (i think) in order to bypass the ban which could potentially make people see it as not worth it to cheat at that point. I personally don't see a lot of cheaters, and like to believe it's just weapon balance that makes it seem like others are cheating. Again (im not point at who im quoting XD) if you think you see a cheater, just report them. Hackusating won't fix the problem.
  15. Some textures ive noticed did have more detail
  16. Prob just a simple addon. Prob no point in the long run but maybe could help people locate each other outside of missions for trading.
  17. I use the amg and tommy and can say that both feel different. If you want to counter the tommy play the oca or pmg or you can try the joker carbine.
  18. After the last balance patch the game has been very enjoyable for me and my friend (who has started playing on his own will) so feel free to play with us some more. If you get frusterated just re-uninstall and hope that another update will catch your interest
  19. A simple lol would suffice I mean you right, but at least it will die in HD
  20. Well 20 days ago when I posted this I wanted my main to be on EU so I could hit max faster but since then I already hit max. So I bought a new female criminal for EU. So i now have 5 characters
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