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  1. When will we get the update that directly link our Paypal to our account when selling themes to other players
  2. So you want threat "locked" districts, but severely punish missions rewards for joining lower level threat districts? One issue with that, and was quickly found out, is that R255 players don't really give a shit about mission rewards. They have pretty much everything they want. If you want to try to pose in-game nerfs such as lower HP pools or whatever, then they just won't bother trying to populate those districts; might as well be threat locked. Problem with threat locking was apparent ages ago and we can see it today; the game struggles to even fill a single universal silver district with players. Segregate the already low playerbase, then you are just making the player pools even lower. And then we come back to longer queue times. The main problem is, nobody plays the game and there is really no way to gather the interest of outside gamers to come give it a real shot. Even in a hypothetical that they managed to setup the game with a real matchmaking system, and had some CRAZY advertising campaign to bring players in. How many do you think would really stay? Nobody gives a shit about the gameplay APB has to offer.
  3. I legit refused to play in 4s cause my groups would legit never get opp. Even playing in 3s takes forever to get opp. Playing with other high level Golds is basically only enjoyable in duos and that's what I still have seen the few times I've played since coming back after years. Don't think it has anything to do with "abusing the system" more-so than just happenstance that 5-6 split players happen to be K'd up at the same time waiting for opp. And is it a farfetched idea that maybe people just want to play in a full group with friends? It's not like they are out to destroy your in-game experience. Lmao
  4. How would adding missions or modify them affect matchmaking? Only thing I could see it fixing is people constantly spamming /ab to get defense. How would adding events affect matchmaking? Removing "treats" from servers? Honestly have no idea what you mean. I assume something with threat levels..? Dude typed up a novel just to give no real solutions to something he is complaining about. Lmao What I said still stands. Matchmaking is dependent on the current player pool. If there is only 50 people to match against, the system is basically going to throw you in with whoever is available to join the mission, unless you want to wait an hour to get semi similar skilled opp that you will continue to rematch until someone ragequits. It's not a hard concept to grasp really. **Even if they include phasing, the pool is still too low to get proper matchmaking, because not that many people play the game in total. It would help sure, but it wouldn't be where everyone wants it to be. And yes I agree the mission system is garbage and one-sided. I don't think anyone would argue against that. That is a completely separate topic from matchmaking though.
  5. How many times has it been explained and people still don't understand why matchmaking is the way it is and can't be fixed? Even if they do implement phasing, the player pool is still so low that it won't help much at all since the game is dead. Lmao
  6. Overhaul missions. Getting defense just automatically puts you at the advantage. Attackers having to reach the final stage to win, but defenders could potential win at any stage. Not to mention just some of the completely one sided defending missions. Yeah there is a couple of plant and defend type missions, but the overwhelming majority of missions are straight defend or attack.
  7. If only you could fight the group comps that used to exist. Or even just the public social battering. You got it easy my guy.
  8. I've always been convinced that Silvers have to have been lobotomized to be so bad at the game. I've made alts and legit try to throw games and still end up as gold somehow. You legit have to have no spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination to end up as silver. Gold is literally the standard of APB. Sorry but it's the truth.
  9. Oh lmao LO gave up Who didn't see that coming
  10. I'm honestly surprised more people aren't holding on. Decided to play a couple of days and it seems like most of the people who dedicated their lives to the game have moved on after all this time. It ain't happening bro and no matter what they did to improve this game, I think the majority of vets wouldn't give a shit to come back. A new audience is honestly out of the question with the current gaming market. Nobody would like this game. Give it up man.
  11. Low Yields No seriously. I steadily lost interest in the game when gunplay got overshadowed by throwing grenades before every single encounter with another player. Everyone is so scared to play the game now before getting in free chip damage with the hard to avoid low yields.
  12. Or rewards players for using a gun at a range they shouldn't be. Overall just makes the game more frustrating to play for everyone when base accuracy gets nerfed instead of drop-off when a gun is deemed too effective at longer ranges.
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