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  1. In first one, there has to be a game mode, where the players are free to kill each other around with random main objetives like vip or holds and when completed being majorly rewarded with level to a random contact or stuff, and secondary objetives like investigate or steal this rewarded with stuff and low level on a contact without having to wait for the mission, have more ideas for this game mode, but first it would be a good start with that. This request is due to the dead play in the districts and the boring repetitive missión's. there has to be a free mode or sandbox mode where it allows the player to do whatever it thinks and gain something. In second one, is to join all servers into one master server or to have the capacity to transfer between them, this because it is to have more player's and not have dead districts in the game, plus the suggestion before it would have a benefit, most people found boring the game because of this.
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