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Everything posted by fragmeister

  1. @MattScott This seems unreal TBH. Wont this put a BIG dent in the business ? Considering the fact we can earn all armas weapons from JT store ? But from a customer standpoint, we really appreciate this move. GG !!!!
  2. You know there is a trading system implemented by LO right ? Its 100% safe and easy.
  3. I would never gamble... Its just me. I see getting Legendaries from market as unlocks and progression and i don't sell them ! Trade for a something new or add them into my collection haha.
  4. Reason why i get premium, 1. Get more $$ to buy stuff of community marketplace. I make 600k a week while finishing my FC activities for those sweet JTs. I spend around 6-12 hours a week. 2. Lower cool down on mods 3. Support the devs I have never opened a joker box. Earned around 10 lengendaries through APB $$ and bit of trading .,
  5. Jersey is kinda under rated. It is a good finisher weapon but the accuracy or stk can be slightly better.
  6. I feel some weapons in this game has no point since they are tooo weak and unbalanced.
  7. both has its own strength... But ntec 5 is a bit more versatile since you can slap in IR3 and Mobility sling at the same time... That one extra open slot makes it a better choice.
  8. Thank you ! I will try this on my 120hz display
  9. How is this guy running the game above the 120fps cap ? Mine doesn't go above 120 ! Before experts come with getgut GPU, i have a RTX 2070 and i7 9700k @ 5 ghz.
  10. Now that FFA 3 slot will sell like cookies ! For a lower price i mean...
  11. But why ? You are god damn OP already !
  12. @MattScott Please do something to encourage new and low skilled players to join clans, make teams and have some social aspect so they will get less STOMPED and not quit the game forever. May be some JTs or rewards for people who play together ? APB is all about communication and then comes skills. Also even if they loose as a team, they feel less bad lol and continue to have fun around ! I ve been there
  13. This should have been as an option in-game but for now this works and i'm happy !
  14. man i totally agree with Carbine macros... 2019 and still they haven't done anything about it ! UNBELIEVABLE sad shit.....
  15. Replacing game files is not something advisable or a good workaround ! There should be a simple toggle switch in-game for players who wish not to hear them considering we have bunch of retards running around with ear tearing annoying death themes ! and the graph shows the pop decline over the period of time. A,B and C is the release of steam DLC.
  16. If you are playing with under 30ms latency, the driving in this game is hands down the most satisfying shit out there... Love the vehicle mass and physx !
  17. www.apb.com Quality Website ! Looks super legit and hopeful ! xD xD
  18. Why do i see try hards with macros on Oscar , Joker carbine and some pistols moving like crazy ?
  19. Coming straight to the point, 1. Clean HUD option ? (with only player names and objectives toggle-able) 2. Fix Sprint Shooting ? (I know we cannot do anything about macros but there must be a way to add delay in movement when you rapid fire with shitty mouse software) 3. Better matchmaking ? 4. Able to turn off death theme sounds ? 5. Do something about weapons which people don't use because they are way out of balance ? (Bull shark , Far , Cobra etc ?) Analyse the players data on why they use only limited number of weapons !!! 6. Remove the shitty consumables out of the game ? Especially the Mobile cover ? This game ain't no Fortnite damn it 7. Listen to basic stuff on what the community wants ? There is a reason why sooo many true fans of APB haven't abandoned this game yet ! * Create an open poll ! *Start running AB tests ! *Stop shady practices of releasing a BUFFED weapon and then nerfing it when sales goes down... Was RIOT necessary ? Why are we trying to get on the bandwagon ? There is a reason why this game is unique... Just let it be and fix the exiting issue and concentrate on the Engine Upgrade ! I know changes are necessary for any service/product ! But you terribly failed to analyse what the community wants ! Soo much waste of resource on shitty RIOT. Get your shit together Mr. Matt . No joke
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