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If youre stuck in a rut, read this. It helps me out alot when Im feeling down.

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Change is one of the most difficult things we face but change is inevitable. One reason we don't like change is because we comfortable where We Are we get used to our friends are jobs the place we live and even if it's not perfect we accept it because it's familiar. What happens because we're not willing to change is that we get stuck. 


  Just because we're blessed where we are doesn't mean you can just sit back and settle there; you have to say open to what's happening now. What worked 5 years ago may not work today. If you're going to be successful you have to be willing to change.  Every blessing is not supposed to be permanent; every provision is not supposed to last forever. 


      We should constantly evaluate our friendships; who's speaking into your life, who are you depending on. Make sure they're not dragging you down, letting you from blossoming. Everybody is not supposed to be in our life forever. If you don't get rid of the wrong friends you won't find you will never meet the right friends. 

I know I shitpost alot but if youre feeling like trash, like I normally do, or lifes just being rough, feel free to hit me up.   Life isnt easy and Ive seen my share of being in a crap spot.  

Just remember that youre never truly alone my dudes.

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OP, interesting post. Thanks for sharing.


I'm going to share something which might be useful to anyone who is unhappy with their life situation but it might be a concept difficult to grasp.


A lot of unhappiness in this world is created because people refuse to accept the now and live in the present moment. I.e. Present moment denial.


They do two things; 


- constantly think about the past, comparing it to their present situation and finding fault.

- compare their present situation to some false made up sense of the future where things are better.


If you are always doing that, you are never living in the present and will always be unhappy regardless of your current situation, good or bad.


So if you are unhappy the first step is to live in the present moment by fully accepting it for what it is. Only then will you be able to move forward because you have freed you mind from the internal prison you have created for it, a prison in which you will never be happy.



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From my perspective, happiness is not a state of being. You won't always be happy, but rather happiness will just go up and down like lines in a graph, the peaks being your "happy moments" and the dips being the "less-happy moments". There's no perpetual and total happiness, same thing applies to sadness.


Happiness is not something to be pursued, but rather something that might (but not explicitely will) be achieved through other actions and achievements:


Instead of focusing on achieving complete happiness work on bigger and more concrete objectives, work on yourself daily. Most of the time, while working on your goals and feeling that you're moving forward, you'll end up feeling happy.


Depression can be a step towards happiness, but don't allow it to hinder your self growth.


That's pretty much it. Don't get obsessed with your goals, and if you work too hard on them at least remember to live the present. A person won't bring you happiness (two might, but i haven't tried yet), but it will make you grow as a person, making you happy in the end. Same with objects. 


We'll all die anyways sooner or later, so just exist and keep busy while life lasts.

Edited by _chain

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when i'm stuck in a rut i just keep playing APB and eventually my KDR gets better. also, keep yourself busy if you're depressed. anxiety can be overcome.

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  On 1/20/2019 at 8:47 PM, ch4ncer said:

Correct ! And Im caked up ! 

who said anything about cake 

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Life and human existence in particular is all about brain activity and chemicals in your blood.


Find out how to influence those.

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  On 1/20/2019 at 11:03 PM, Eisena said:

Life and human existence in particular is all about brain activity and chemicals in your blood.


Find out how to influence those.


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Invest in Bad Dragon Market if you are in rut ;^)

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I thought your waifu's in pillow or plastic help you when you are down?



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  On 1/22/2019 at 4:22 PM, LoveForMatt said:

This thread was too postive for you right?

Back to your endingyourself thoughts you go.

Na. Just gotta call out hypocrites when I see them.

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  On 1/22/2019 at 11:47 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

Na. Just gotta call out hypocrites when I see them.

That's a big word. I think he is just trying to help himself and others with this post

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  On 1/20/2019 at 4:46 AM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

If only you lived by your own words, huh.

In your favor, everyone should try to follow their own advice. It's surprisingly effective!

Edited by _chain

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