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Nerf the Vegas

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Nerf all types of Vegas

 These cars are primarily used by hackers/Trolls to troll missions, 

or people waiting in cue. 

 We need Vehicle Balancing.

Vegas should be nerfed to half the power and weight it has.

All vehicle spawn tax should be based on its Troll power. 

So it should be 2000. game dollars to spawn a vegas, 

1500 for a pioneer, 1000 for the mini van, 800 for the veo and jeep, 

500 for fresno and so on. 

Based on its crash damage and ability to flip other cars. 

Double the Armas price of Vegas type cars.

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Increasing the spawn price sounds reasonable, everything else does not

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Problem isn't vegas being so good, it's the other cars being utterly shite. Drive moirai nose-first into a downhill and try to reverse - oh it won't, better just blow the fucking thing up and die in the blast as situation is already escalated beyond control. Then there are what i'd like to call tank-cars, that can take a lot of beating, but they're as fast as tanks when everyone else is driving supercars. The silly limits (engine?) to top speed makes most of the cars crap, you want good acceleration, good bullet resistance and decent amount of cargo space on most missions, sadly vegas is the only one that has proper acceleration and good bullet resistance, and it's not like the bit slower and bit weaker cars have tons more cargo space either... And with mission types getting more and more narrowed down, soon nobody will need any cargo space during missions anyway...

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Troll power? The starter car will be the most expensive vehicle to spawn. That thing fits everywhere.

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Hey Mack I think you need to take a break from the game. Youve really been going into left field and this is the furthest yet. No the vegas doesnt need a nerf, other cars need a buff. You know as well as anyone that trolling has been a part of the game since the beginning and that wont change.

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How about no. Vegas is the only fun to drive car in this game and re-spawning it already is pretty expensive.

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19 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

Nerf all types of Vegas

 These cars are primarily used by hackers/Trolls to troll missions, 

or people waiting in cue. 

 We need Vehicle Balancing.

So because a hacker or a troll uses this type of vehicle, I should punished by they should nerf that specific vehicle?

What about removing the real problem, the cheaters instead? 🙂 

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11 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said:

You know as well as anyone that trolling has been a part of the game since the beginning and that wont change


2 hours ago, Heal said:

So because a hacker or a troll uses this type of vehicle, I should punished by they should nerf that specific vehicle?

What about removing the real problem, the cheaters instead

Well that seems to be the direction the 'Community' wants to go, a hacker kills with a 45 so we punish the gun.

 I own a few vegas' my self, they were all nerfed due to trolls already. They took out the wheelies.

But it wasn't nerfed enough, they still use it to troll missions. 

 Whether the troll is working directly for the opp or just being a troll the effect is the same. 

car spawn blocking and continuous ramming of multiple cars on the team. Not just my car. 

Specifically to stop the team from getting to the point before the opp teleports there. 

Report we know won't do a thing, so only thing left is to nerf the tools the cheaters use. 

Nerf the Vegas, the 45, they using veo's and micro's too. nerf em all. 

 I really dont care, I got one more level to go for my 4th main. thats 60 levels I had to put up with 

trolls n hax and that despicable water front. Just be better if just leave the game after that level. 

It's all rigged, no anti cheat cuz they want the hackers. guess they somehow come up with money. 

 Then once I leave the hackers wont have a job, they only here to stop the legit from leveling. 

I'm not buying into the scam story anymore. Lo coddles hackers and trolls that become cheaters when 

they troll missions or people waiting for a mission.  And LO Alllows it to go down. 

They aren't watching these people, or maybe they are n getting their giggles watching em troll me. 

 The game is no longer worth my time. 

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2 hours ago, Heal said:

What about removing the real problem, the cheaters instead? 🙂

Problem is how are we suppose to do that 

Wait unless there is some sort of shit that makes that makes them feel vulnerable like making them feel weak while everyone slaps them left and right 

Because Banning them just makes them do that shit again and again while they go buy everything 



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40 minutes ago, Bruhd101 said:

Because Banning them just makes them do that shit again and again while they go buy everything 

You don't think the solution to get rid of cheaters is, to ban them? 




I suggest IP ban or hardware specific

Edited by Heal
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57 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:


Well that seems to be the direction the 'Community' wants to go, a hacker kills with a 45 so we punish the gun.

 I own a few vegas' my self, they were all nerfed due to trolls already. They took out the wheelies.

But it wasn't nerfed enough, they still use it to troll missions. 

 Whether the troll is working directly for the opp or just being a troll the effect is the same. 

car spawn blocking and continuous ramming of multiple cars on the team. Not just my car. 

Specifically to stop the team from getting to the point before the opp teleports there. 

Report we know won't do a thing, so only thing left is to nerf the tools the cheaters use. 

Nerf the Vegas, the 45, they using veo's and micro's too. nerf em all. 

 I really dont care, I got one more level to go for my 4th main. thats 60 levels I had to put up with 

trolls n hax and that despicable water front. Just be better if just leave the game after that level. 

It's all rigged, no anti cheat cuz they want the hackers. guess they somehow come up with money. 

 Then once I leave the hackers wont have a job, they only here to stop the legit from leveling. 

I'm not buying into the scam story anymore. Lo coddles hackers and trolls that become cheaters when 

they troll missions or people waiting for a mission.  And LO Alllows it to go down. 

They aren't watching these people, or maybe they are n getting their giggles watching em troll me. 

 The game is no longer worth my time. 

I can't remember any month or week without a thread about nerf/buff guns, vehicles etc.


Instead of nerfing here and there all the time, they could start make it right in the first place. If they need to change weapons all the time because of people complaining in a forum thread, they should have 1 person 24/7 looking into this.


I get destroyed all the time against N-tec people, but I don't believe they need to do anything with the gun. I need to get better myself and when I think of how many years been around here, I guess that won't change that fast either. 😉 

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6 minutes ago, Heal said:

You don't think the solution to get rid of cheaters is, to ban them? 




I suggest IP ban or hardware specific

you know what lets try that it worked with TF2, but at time Valve did it like prime Zidane, and somehow barely any false bans

if they still find a workaround then my idea 

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2 minutes ago, Bruhd101 said:

false bans

LO claimed all the unbanned were from eac, which I believe is hog wash, because we never saw anyone disappear except 

for one known legit they banned for out of bounds. All these people that they brought back in were from FF times. 

or possibly the Battle Eye era. So I think its all a bunch of lies. 

 So if anyone were Flagged by the current AC they would ignore it or possibly give them a 3 day ban at best. 

The company has moved towards marketing toward the hacker generation.

Opening up new contacts just after unleashing thousands of hacks so we had to fight those hacks to relevel. 

They lied and said they would keep an eye on them, they didn't. 

So Lo has failed to provide a legit gaming experience. For several years.

No I think the best thing I can do to get revenge is to leave the game. 

Hackers then will have no motivation or employment to hack out legits. 

And have noone in chat to bash but each other, n that would be excellent to see them bash each other. 

but I won't be here. I'll be flying

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4 hours ago, Bruhd101 said:

Problem is how are we suppose to do that 

Wait unless there is some sort of shit that makes that makes them feel vulnerable like making them feel weak while everyone slaps them left and right 

Because Banning them just makes them do that shit again and again while they go buy everything 



We do that my pressuring LO to stop tolerating hackers and adopt a 0 tolerance policy. Oh and get GMs who actually care about the game.

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12 hours ago, Bruhd101 said:

you know what lets try that it worked with TF2, but at time Valve did it like prime Zidane, and somehow barely any false bans

if they still find a workaround then my idea 

TF2 is a terrible example. It's flooded with bots.


Technically, LO do issue HWID and IP bans. The way they get a unique ID is useless for ban purposes, it only screws over legit players. IP bans don't work, because it's too easy to get a new IP address.


Trade lock uses HWID and IP addresses. So far, I have been trade locked when the following occurred:

- Swap RAM.

- Add or remove internal storage.

- Add or remove external USB storage.

- Windows Update.

- Receive a new public IP address from my ISP.


None of those things should trigger a trade ban on their own, but they do. There's still enough information to identify you, but LO can't seem to do that.


Most home users can get a new IP by restarting their router, or worst case, play with a VPN. Due to the poor service the APB servers rely on, a VPN is often needed to get the best routing to the servers. If you ban a VPN IP address, you've just banned everyone who uses that service and happens to get that shared IP. Same with people who share internet service through their school, landlord, or other type of multifamily housing. What if you get a banned IP address out of pure luck? It's happened to me on community hosted servers with their own private IP ban list.

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5 minutes ago, BlatMan said:

It's flooded with bots.

Yeah bots and also shit ton of cheaters too

Before valve did what they did 

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Did you just suggest that I need to dock 800 APB$ for spawning a HAN VEO of all things?
I literally use that (honestly very basic and lackluster) car to have some DECENT performances without denting income during missions. (and carefree respawning for minor moments like cover for 2 seconds is nice.)


Also, Sungnyemun Moirai (NOT the Mirage) is a very basic car with similar performances to Han Veo (imo, but there are differences) and it is my absolute FAVOURITE car but costs 50 to spawn ;_;

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4 hours ago, koenyboy500 said:

Did you just suggest that I need to dock 800 APB$

Well Matt wants to play the DMV game and charge player who have purchased cars thru armas, 

spawn fee's. 

 The Staff Hate legits playing n let the Sanctioned players flip cars owned by the only legit. 

So if we are trying to remove legit players by charging spawn fee's.

Hiring trolls to flip players cars so they cannot make it to the mission and score any xp 

before their friends teleport there and sauce the point.

 So only the legit players would have to pay, the trolls LO sends into district 

to make the grind even longer, should not pay for any car spawns. 

These people are not banned instantly when doing the deed so LO is allowing it. 

 I mean lets be real here, Matt purposely sent thousands of known hackers in just 

before adding new contacts. He did this to make the grind almost impossible for legits. 

So it's quit obvious the trolls and hackers are under his direction. 

 So Matts Goal being to imitate the California Government and Tax the Poor 

out of having cars, so they end up homeless. 

So if we want a Fun and Legit game we don't tax anyone for anything once purchased. 

But thats not what LO wants, they want bottom feeding Hag Fish Hackers to stay on 

Station in district to prevent actual players/Legits from playing thru.

It would be financially better for LO to fired the trolls and just charge legits an 

exorbitant amount of game cash to spawn a car. 

But I'm gonna save Him the trouble and just Quit.

 Now all of the Hackers are out a Job. 

 The Last Legit has Left the Building. 

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8 hours ago, LilyRain said:

Nerfing Vegas will only increase the percentage of Nulander Pioneers.

The Pioneer was put 6 feet under when they nerfed the armor on it. Yea its big but other cars can actually take more now then what was suppsoed to be the beefiest car in the game. That was its calling card, slow but armored. Now its just slow and in a game of who gets there first has advantage the slowness of the Pioneer is a big detriment. I understand the changes to reduce car gameplay but the speed was never increased to make up for the armor loss. Its just a giant target that can easily be shredded.

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On 9/30/2024 at 3:30 PM, Bruhd101 said:

you know what lets try that it worked with TF2, but at time Valve did it like prime Zidane, and somehow barely any false bans

if they still find a workaround then my idea 

Ah yeah I remember I bought that game way before it went free to play. However, cheaters always find a workaround from the anti-cheat system. That sadly how it is, but not banning them would be such an mistake. In my honest opinion, when I read they gave them "second chances" I really thought about quit the game, as I find it critical to change the point of view from justice to gain a bigger player base. The police wont really call me and say, look you drove through 2 red lights but here is your driver license again as we believe in second chances. Done is done, illegal actions gives you the final result of these actions.


I prefer see these hackers burn in public rather than give this game more players just to keep it alive, knowing all these money spent in here will be lost. 

Edited by Heal
potato tapping

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2 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said:

The Pioneer was put 6 feet under when they nerfed the armor on it. Yea its big but other cars can actually take more now then what was suppsoed to be the beefiest car in the game. That was its calling card, slow but armored. Now its just slow and in a game of who gets there first has advantage the slowness of the Pioneer is a big detriment. I understand the changes to reduce car gameplay but the speed was never increased to make up for the armor loss. Its just a giant target that can easily be shredded.

It rocks a juicy 1350 points of health. Its slowness can be negated by Nitrous 3. It rams harder than 4x4, supports up to 4 passengers and has no trunk storage problems.

Nulander Pioneer is still a Pioneer. Players just got used to taking their time pressing F while letting High Burn Fuel do all the magic.

High Burn Fuel should have never existed.

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On 10/1/2024 at 12:48 PM, LilyRain said:

It rocks a juicy 1350 points of health. Its slowness can be negated by Nitrous 3. It rams harder than 4x4, supports up to 4 passengers and has no trunk storage problems.

Nulander Pioneer is still a Pioneer. Players just got used to taking their time pressing F while letting High Burn Fuel do all the magic.

High Burn Fuel should have never existed.

Ive had quite afew times where my Jericho has tanked more then my Pioneer since the car rework. Nitro is timed and all cars have it (if equipped but 99.99% of us equip it by default) so thats negated, fast cars still get to destination first so the slower team is automatically at a disadvantage. You can equip steel plating and there you go you have more speed then a pio and the armor. There are plenty of cars out there that can seat 4 and have more speed then the pio. Car armor dont mean much nowadays since not as many ppl run as there used to be. Biggest reason for car armor is halloween and even then the faster cars do alot better at surviving cause they can run fast and menuver better. If car surfing was a thing during the event like back when the event was at its prime ok pio. But thats not the case anymore.

As for cargo space you dont put all you eggs in one basket. The mission where you have to pick up 50 objects isnt that common so storage space isnt a top priority. And even so a cargo van or pickup yields some good cargo space and speed. Armor is on the lower side but if you can hightail it before the other team can get their cars youve gotten the obj done. Speed is the #1 thing in a car and after that you can pick and choose what you want more. With this new car being buffed it now rivals the 4x4 and can seat 4. The only thing faster is the non 4x4 vegas so the pio while once a top choice isnt so high on the order anymore.

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